How to conduct a code review?

At work, they offered to read a report on the topic of development. Voila! Next I will tell you:

  • What is a code review?

  • Why is it needed?

  • What are we checking?

  • Common Problems & Solutions

  • BONUS!!! View Poll Results: How do you code review?

Presentation available link.

What is a code review?

Codereview is, all of a sudden, a code review. Developers write the code, then make an MR (merge request), others check it, fix the comments and upload the code to develop. You can, in principle, immediately upload it to develop, but it’s better for someone to look at your work before that.

Why do you need a code review?

Basic things that developers usually mention:

  • improve code quality (style, understandability, maintainability)

  • find errors

  • transfer knowledge

  • increase mutual responsibility

  • offer the best solution

  • check for compliance with guidelines

From the available statistics, I googled the report “The State of Code Review 2017» (link under VPN):

What do we check for code review?

There are a million articles for “code review checklist”: 1 2 3 4.

The main criterion: the code should be understandable to you. “Write code as if it will be supported by violent psychopathwho knows where you live.

First of all, pay attention: small methods with simple code; removal of constants, formatting (line length, names), comments, release of resources (using, unsubscribe), access modifiers, design guidelines.

It’s great if you know the code and can suggest how to improve it. For example, a person wrote a method, but you know similar code in another class and it is better to move the common functionality into a base class or utility.

There are checklists for different languages, for example, link for python.

Common Problems & Solutions

1. Smelly code

6. SOLID, DRY, KISS, YAGNI, BDUF, APO, Occam’s Razor

2. Scented design

7. Vulnerabilities in the code

3. Refactoring

8. Code rot

4. Antipatterns

9. Dark patterns

5. Design patterns (templates)

10. Static code analysis

Below, we will briefly review each section without detailed comments. See the links at the beginning of the section for more details.

Smell Code

Code duplication

lazy class

Long Method

Theoretical generality

big class

Temporary field

Long list of parameters

Call chain

Divergent modifications


Shotgun shooting

Misplaced proximity

Envy functions

Alternative classes with different interfaces

Data groups

Library class incompleteness

Obsession with elementary types

Data classes

switch statements

Renunciation of an inheritance

Parallel inheritance hierarchies


2. Scented design

Lack of abstraction

Broken modularization

Multifaceted abstraction

Lack of modularity

Duplicate abstraction

circular dependency

Insufficient Encapsulation

Non-factorized hierarchy

Unused Encapsulation

Broken hierarchy

3. Refactoring

Change the signature of a method

Parameter introduction

Field Encapsulation

Lift method

Class selection

Descent method

Interface selection

Renaming a Method

Allocation of a local variable

Move method

Extraction method

Replacing the conditional operator with polymorphism

Type generalization

Replacing Inheritance with Delegation


Replacing type code with subclasses

Factory Introduction

4. Antipatterns

development (in OOP, when writing code, methodological, configuration management, miscellaneous)

when reusing code


in human-computer interaction


service-oriented architecture


for intelligent information system

information security

My favorite anti-patterns:

  • God object: The concentration of too many functions in one part of the system (class).

  • Unnecessary Complexity[en] (Accidental complexity): Adding unnecessary complexity to a solution.

  • Premature optimization: An optimization at the design stage of a segment of code that makes it more complex or corrupted.

  • The sin of premature optimization. boat anchor[en] (Boat anchor)[13]: Save a part of the system that is no longer used.

  • Magic numbers: Using numeric constants without explaining their meaning.

  • Copy and paste programming[13]: Copying (and lightly modifying) existing code instead of creating generic solutions.

  • Reinventing the wheel/bicycle[13]): Building from scratch instead of using a good off-the-shelf solution.

  • Big ball of mud: A system with an unrecognizable structure.

  • Analysis paralysis[13]: unreasonably high costs for analysis and design. Often leads to the closure of the project before its implementation begins.

  • Creeping featurism: Adding new features at the expense of the overall quality of the system.

  • Boiled Frog Syndrome – gradual negative changes are noticed when it’s too late.

5. Design patterns (templates)


Flexible Object Programming


Task execution

Generative *

System architectures

Structural *


Behavioral *

Stream Processing Design


Distributed systems design

Parallel programming


Object generation

The three patterns with an asterisk are the first group of pattern designs from the Gang of Four book. And then the rest came up. At a minimum, it is useful to know them, because. unknowingly, developers use them in their code. Or offer to remake the code to match the pattern. It would be nice to know these templates (useful for interviews): Singleton, Observer, Template method, Prototype, Adapter.

6. Principles of SOLID, DRY, KISS, YAGNI, BDUF, APO, Occam’s Razor

Excellent article on Habré about the principles and on the wiki about the principle Peter (the project is too complex to understand even for its developers).

YAGNI: You Aren’t Gonna Need It


DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself

S) Single-responsibility principle

KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid

O) Open–closed principle

BDUF: Big Design Up Front

L) Liskov substitution principle

APO: Avoid Premature Optimization

I) Interface segregation principle

Occam’s razor: do not multiply things unnecessarily

D) Dependency inversion principle

7. Vulnerabilities in the code

An equally excellent article about vulnerabilities on Habré and a basic article on wiki.

Usually, security audits are done by pros of the finished product, including the source code. But even with code review, you should be wary if the value of the text field is passed from the page, SQL is glued from it and a query is directly executed in the database, and not a parameterized query is used.

SQL injection

Sanitizing dangerous code in HTML

Passwords in plain text

Bookmarks in code

Data insecurity (html code, cookies, API)

No or weak encryption

Authorization and authentication

Log manipulations

XSS injection of malicious code
(Javascript, cmd, SQL)

Insecure Cookies

Information leak

8. Code rot: causes

Environmental change

Rarely updated code


Internet connection

Unused code

9. Dark patterns

This applies more to UX / UI design (you can’t deceive the user and give one for the other). But if you notice this in the code, you should pay attention.

trick questions

Hidden payments

Goods toss

Swap bait


Emphasis on guilt

Stuckerberging personal data

Disguised banners

Techniques that do not adequately compare prices

Forcing a subscription


Spam friends

10. Static code analysis

There are many tools for code analysis: [фронт]but for [C#]. As standard: Linter for Javascript/Typescript; SonarQube, ReSharper, Visual Studio for C#.

BONUS!!! View Poll Results: How do you code review?

Survey available link.

1 of 7: Top 5 Benefits of Code Review?

5 of 7: How do you code review (how do you find out, do it right away or put it off for the evening, how do you interact with the committer, your life hacks and approaches).

2 of 7: What do you check in the code review process?

6 of 7: What are your suggestions for improving the code review?

3 out of 7: How much MR do you average per day?

7 of 7: Leave any information (your name, contacts, etc.) – HIDDEN

4 out of 7: How much time do you spend on code review per day on average?

Screenshots with survey results

Presentation available link. Thank you for your attention!

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