How to conduct 150 interviews a month and not get burned out. HR work system at the new location

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Do you like phone calls?

Daria Ovchinnikova, head of the HR department at Decart IT, is in touch.
In the first month of working in a new place, my key task was to form 2 teams in 2 different departments and not forget about the current tasks of the outstaff company. Today I want to tell you how I managed to save my work processes and myself! An article about working as an HR manager without embellishment.

Let's go in order:

  1. It is important to clearly formulate a list of priority tasks for HR as a business partner and agree with managers to postpone current operational tasks with the “will do later” status. It is imperative that everyone understands that postponing an operational task will not affect the strategic goals here and now. Further, this will be a good help for strategic HR management.

  1. Record the vacancy from the customer in as much detail as possible in order to understand the candidate’s profile more clearly and “more comprehensively”. There is no time to build up, here you need to “hit the target clearly.” Therefore, HR organizes and controls recruitment at all stages of recruitment, but it is important to understand that responsibility for filling the vacancy lies with all participants in the selection process.

Here are a number of questions that first need to be clarified from the customer:

	 1) Какие цели компании решит/решает эта вакансия?
	 2) Какие задачи должен будет решать сотрудник?
	 3) Какие функции он должен будет выполнять?
	 4) Что будет являться или что является результатом работы?
	 5) Каковы критерии качества выполняемой работы?
	 6) Как вы поймёте, что сотрудник работает хорошо?
	 7) С кем необходимо будет взаимодействовать сотруднику при решении задач?
	 8) Кто и в какой форме будете ставить задачи?
	 9) Кто проверяет и оценивает результат?
	 10) Из каких компаний\отраслей интересны кандидаты на данную вакансию?
	 11)  Какие знания и опыт обязательны для кандидата, а что будет являться преимуществом?
	 12) Есть ли у данной вакантной позиции карьерный трек, если да – то какой?
	 13) Желательный возраст кандидата, его локация, и какой формат работы предполагается для вакантной должности (удаленный, офис, гибрид). 
	 14) Какими личностными и психологическими качествами должен обладать кандидат? Здесь важно понять какие личностные качества непосредственный руководитель компании выносит для себя на первый план, и какая в целом команда, чтобы подобрать единомышленника. 
	 15) Какие личностные и психологические качества коренным образом могут мешать выполнению поставленных задач? я бы убрала вообще этот вопрос
	 16) Выяснить количество этапов и участников отбора, наличие какого - либо тестового задания, а также договориться о сроке закрытия вакансии, и о сроках предоставления обратной связи. |
  1. Agree with the customer on the format for presenting the candidate – what questions you answer to the customer about the candidate with your cover letter. From this, 2 different processes will be “born”:
    – you, as a recruiter, will draw up your checklist of questions and answers,
    – the customer will understand exactly what skills and facts he will check during his interview.
    HR conducts personnel assessments based on data from the customer, and this greatly simplifies the task for all parties. For convenience, in the comments I will post 50+ options for questions for different positions (from workers to management positions).

  2. Make a “road map” of your funnel, where you will go first. This applies to both search sources and donor companies. An established HR work system will help scale the work in the direction.

  3. Make a list of templates that will always be at hand at one or another stage of selection, so as not to waste time on the same answers to candidates. HR processes in a company are easier to build using ready-made templates and checklists.
    It’s also a big plus if your HR process provides for interaction with candidates in different instant messengers, but in a “single window” mode. Then all information on a specific candidate is stored on the HR platform and notes can be made for each stage if necessary.

  4. Time management, structure and systematic approach.
    At a minimum, organize folders with candidates in instant messengers. Build a selection funnel in your work system. Define key HR metrics.
    Also, clearly limit the time that will be occupied in your calendar on 2 fronts at once – conducting an interview + assessing the candidate (time for a cover letter, introducing the candidate, making a decision on it).
    It is also convenient when you can see all appointments in the calendar to achieve maximum efficiency in HR processes.

  5. Assign points based on the results of your meetings, so you will have a Top Chart of finalists, and you will be able to prioritize who to go to with an offer first.

In your free time from the marathon of interviews, look around and talk to your colleagues about work. And not only! A change of picture, a change of activity – whatever you want to call it, has a positive effect on unloading and switching attention.
Don’t set high expectations, and don’t replay your “success” in your head (especially after an excellent interview with a strong candidate) – in our world, everything can suddenly go wrong. Therefore, if something does not happen, this is also an experience from which you can take away valuable knowledge and move on. And the main thing is to see the results of your work! It's very motivating.

It is also extremely important to see the positive aspects.
When your day is like a squirrel wheel of calls and chats, it’s difficult to raise your head and see that there are people next to you, the sky and the sun in the window.
But it's important to do it!
Even after the most dull interview, you can find positive things. For example, that it ended)

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