how to catch split-brain in a team and prevent it from becoming a macro problem

mental model cultural and personal values.

  • Thirdly, people are psychobiologically different, and, accordingly, they perceive, process and remember information differently. It’s hard for someone to understand the subtle meaning from the text, but he will immediately understand absolutely everything if you tell him the same thing on a call with the camera turned on. Someone understands the world through the prism of “why is this”, someone through the prism of “how will it work”.

  • Vitaly conveys important information to Valery

    Vitaly conveys important information to Valery

    So let’s recap. So, in order not to fall into the microcontext:

    • Don’t pretend that everyone understands. This is not shameful, it will be much more shameful and energy-consuming to rake up the global out of sync later.

    • Record agreements, decisions and knowledge.

    • Make an effort to increase the likelihood that the recorded information will reach colleagues and take root in their minds.

    • When you broadcast something to a team or team, try to collect feedback through questions. You can ask people to tell how they understood the idea, or to describe what they heard in their own words.

    Non-obvious thought: there are no trifles in communication. Even if something has the prefix “micro”, with a careless attitude, there is every chance that it will grow into a macro. Micro-context, micro-expressions, micro-signals, micro-go-talk-in-person may seem insignificant at the moment, but in the end they play a key role. Ultimately, it’s not for me to tell you that it is the attention to detail that can be the determining factor. In everything.

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