How to Become a Java Developer for Free? A Training Program From Scratch

If you type “how to become a java developer” into the search bar, you can find a thousand courses in this area. The problem is that all courses are paid and, as a rule, cost several tens, if not hundreds of thousands of rubles.

To dilute the dominance of paid courses, Java developer Ivan Shikhaldin and I have prepared for you a training program “Java developer from scratch”, which consists only of free materials.


A Java developer is a specialist who develops software in the Java programming language. Java developers can work in various fields: web development, mobile development, game development, etc.

In this program we consider the connection with Spring.

Stage 1. Acquaintance

We don't know anything about the profession yet, so we watch introductory videos on YouTube: Profession Java Developer, One day in the life of a Java developer And All about Java. After this, to consolidate, we read the article What does a Java developer do and how to become one.

Step 2. Studying the base

Before we start learning a programming language and other related technologies, we need to study the basics. We know that you want to jump right into the fray, but this stage is fundamental. Be patient and take the following courses: Basics of Computer Science And CS50 in Russian.

Step 3: Explore the Main Stack

We already have an idea of ​​how computers work. This is great, but to develop something ourselves, we need to learn the core stack:

Unfortunately, free courses are rarely updated, so sometimes errors occur due to version mismatches. In case of such problems, contact the thematic chat, which is indicated at the end of the article.

Step 4: Study of related technologies

We are not afraid of the programming language and libraries, because we have been studying hard for several months. To mature to the junior level, we need to delve into related technologies:

In addition to the links provided, try to find information on these technologies yourself and study them more thoroughly.

Reading and communication

To constantly broaden our horizons, we read professional channels Java Library And Java: fill the gaps. If something is unclear, ask questions in the chat

In conclusion, we would like to note that the program is enough for 8-10 months of study. If you have completed the entire list, you can look for your first job and prepare for interviews on this repository.

We wish you success!

P.S. If you liked the program, we invite you to the channel Mom, I'm a white guyThere you can find free training programs in the following areas: frontend development, backend development, mobile development, testing, business and systems analysis, project and product management, ui/ux design and much more.

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