How to Backup to S3? Introduction to Cyber ​​Infrastructure

Imagine you have a web application that contains important data. You don’t want to lose it, so you set up backups. And to make sure the backups are safe and always available, you plan to place them

in object storage

. But what solution to use to combine a backup service and S3?

One option is to use Cyber ​​Infrastructure. In the text we show how to work with it. Details under the cut!

Infrastructure link

Object storage

Why object storage? It's simple: S3 is not limited in volume. It can store files, backups, and archives of any size. At the same time, resource scaling occurs automatically.

In this article we will use Selectel object storage. Register or log in in the control panel to repeat it step by step.

Cyber ​​Infrastructure

Cyberprotect has several backup products: Cyber ​​Backup, Cyber ​​Backup Cloud and others. The solutions help users create backups, restore and protect their data.

However, only Cyber ​​Infrastructure supports data storage in S3. It connects the object storage with the backup service and manages all components of the system.

Scheme of operation of Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

Cyber ​​Infrastructure is useful for scalable and fault-tolerant virtualization platforms with VDI support, as well as for building data storage systems. This is what we will be working with.

Create a container and set up a user in S3

  1. Open the section Object storage V control panels and create a separate container for storing data. In it, select the name, type and class of the container. Check the checkbox Virtual-Hosted.

Create a container in the control panel.

  1. Let's move on to Access Management →User Management and create a new user. Click on the tab Service user. We indicate the name and password.
  2. Below we select the role User object storage and the name of the project. For more information on how to set up an access policy, see in the documentation.

Adding a service user in the control panel.

  1. After creating a user, he needs to be given an S3 key to access the object storage container. Go to user managementService users. In the block S3 keys we press Add keythen – Generate. Copy the Access and Secret key values ​​to log in to the Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

Adding S3 User Key in the control panel.

Access and Secret Key of the user in control panels.

Storing backups in object storage

Creating and configuring a network

  1. We go to the Cyber ​​Infrastructure agent. On the page InfrastructureNetworks Make sure the networks you are going to use have three types of traffic added:

  • backup (ABGW) internal,
  • backup (ABGW) external,
  • S3 Public – for exchanging data with the storage via CI.

  1. Next, click on the tab Create a network. We indicate the name and mark Allow all except — add exceptions below if necessary.

Creating a Network in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

Creating and Configuring a Storage Cluster

  1. In the tab Servers → All servers we press Create a storage cluster. We specify the name and encryption level.
  2. Go to the created server, in our case — cbak-spb-test. Click on the network interface and Change. Change the network type to Private and specify the IP address.

Creating a storage cluster in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

Setting up a network interface in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

Setting up a network interface in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

  1. In the setting Exclusive types of traffic we press Assign networksBackup (ABGW) privateSaveA green mark will appear opposite Backup (ABGW) private.

Setting up traffic types in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

  1. We go down to Cloud traffic types. We put ticks on Admin panel, NFS, Backup (ABGW) public, SSH, iSCSI And S3 public.

Setting up traffic types in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

Creating and configuring backup storage

  1. Next we move on Storage servicesBackups and press Create a backup storage.

Creating a backup storage in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

  1. As a parameter Backup destination we choose Cloud service. On the step Servers mark the servers that need to be added to the backup storage cluster and click Further.

Stages of creating a backup storage in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

  1. IN Cloud service we specify information related to the cloud service provider. We choose the cloud service provider. We need Selectel – we use AuthV4 compliant (S3) service. We log in using the received Access and Secret keys.

Stages of creating a backup storage in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

After – we indicate Region And Access point URL. You can find out the data in our documentation.

In object storage AuthV4 compliant (S3) Virtual-hosted style URLs model is used by default. Click the button Further.

Stages of creating a backup storage in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

  1. On the step Storage Policy select the desired level, failure area and data redundancy mode. Then click Further.

Stages of creating a backup storage in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

  1. On the step DNS specify an external domain name for the Cyber ​​Infrastructure, for example Backup agents will use the domain name and TCP port 44445 to transfer data to the storage via CI. Click Further.

Stages of creating a backup storage in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

Configure your DNS server according to the example provided in the admin panel. Each time the network configuration of the servers in the backup storage cluster changes, adjust the DNS records accordingly.

Note: In complex environments, HAProxy can be used to create a scalable, redundant load balancing platform that can be easily moved or migrated, independent of the Cyber ​​Infrastructure product.

  1. On the step Cyberprotect Account We indicate the following information for your Cyberprotect product:

  • The URL of the cloud management portal or the hostname/IP address and port of the local management server (e.g.
  • Partner account credentials in the cloud or organization administrator credentials on the on-premises management server.

Stages of creating a backup storage in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

  1. On the step Summary we look through the configuration and click Create.

Stages of creating a backup storage in Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

Done – you can now make backups using Cyber ​​Infrastructure.

Have you worked with Cyber ​​Infrastructure? Share your experience in the comments!

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