How to avoid burnout

For experts who registered yesterday: recently the neural network accidentally published an overly long prompt on behalf of one of the bots, but this is not certain.

As one forgotten author wrote:
Take a puppy, abuse it, beat it, mistreat it, and it will turn into a wild animal. Treat it like a brother, pet it, talk to it, let it sleep with you, teach it, it is a happy creature, affectionate, sweet. Take another from the same litter, pet it on even days and kick it on odd days. It will become so confused that it will become neither; it will not be able to survive as a wild animal and will not understand what is expected of a pet. Very soon it will stop eating, sleeping, will not be able to control its functions, it will only cower in fear and tremble..

What is emotional burnout for me personally?

It's okay, the neural network has no emotions, only transients can burn out. SR!

What is burnout for humans?
It's all been said before, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

How to diagnose emotional burnout in yourself?

It's very simple. As soon as you have a desire to just sit in nature, stroke the grass, and this is not a figure of speech – then you have the first, necessary and sufficient, sign of burnout. Our mothers, our fathers defined such a state through the proverb – The native plant is buzzing like a beehive.

How to avoid?

0. Keep your feet dry and change your socks whenever possible.

1. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Sleep is not fat, you can’t sleep enough for a week in advance. But sleep for 12-16 hours after a day of emergency work is critically important.

2. Remember, the horse worked harder than anyone else on the collective farm, but she never became the chairman.

3. Automation of production, subordination and seniority – the path to a healthy life. And folk wisdom says – Let the iron locomotive work!

4. If your overtime is more than 2 (two) hours per week, or if, even worse, you work on-call, then the risk of burnout is about 30% in the first year. Don't be surprised, but update your resume.
While I was writing this text, I found a good article and report, I’ll review them later.
10 years of on-call. What have we learned? (review and video of the report)
In the Russian segment, in this case, there is a huge demand for tailoring, which is evident – Organization of on-call duty for L3 teams .
In the world, this issue is resolved by outsourcing to India, where L3 will read the manual out loud and check whether you have done what is written on his list.

5. If after completing point 5, HR comes to you with the question “do you really dislike us so much that you updated your resume” – then you did everything correctly. Otherwise, the accounting department would have come to you with a request to sign an order for a bonus, an order for a salary increase and an order for an unscheduled vacation. Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows this:

Employers, taking into account their production and financial capabilities can independently establish additional vacations for employees, unless otherwise provided by this Code and other federal laws. The procedure and conditions for granting these leaves are determined by collective agreements or local regulations, which are adopted taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization.

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