how the market is developing in Russia, who is the leader and how helps

The advertising market is growing, new technologies and channels of communication with clients are emerging. Marketing departments are receiving more and more tasks. In order to perform the entire volume of work in a timely manner, tools are needed that automate routine, help analyze advertising and simplify communications. Therefore, dozens of services are appearing on the market, in which it is easy to get confused.

In the article experts will analyze:

  • How businesses in Russia spend money on advertising;

  • Why do marketers need automation tools;

  • who has a leading position in this niche in Russia;

  • How to make working with marketing services easier.

The state of the Internet advertising market in Russia according to the ARIR report

The Russian Internet advertising market is growing rapidly. Association for the Development of Interactive Advertising (ARID) compared volumes in 2022 and 2023 and received the following data: the market reached a historical maximum of 807 billion rubles and grew by 55%.

Market growth from 2022 to 2023

Market growth from 2022 to 2023

The study included both innovative and traditional channels (performance and branding). For example, promotion through influencers, work with classifieds, audio advertising, advertising in messengers, etc. The market of innovative channels grew by 93% and reached 379.6 billion rubles.

Growth of the market and its individual components

Growth of the market and its components

Internet advertising has managed to recover from the 2022 crisis and is showing record results in history. Competition between companies is intensifying, which leads to an increase in the share of new channels of communication with the audience.

The more channels, the more work: new routine tasks arise and more analytics are required. For marketing to remain effective, it is important for managers to reduce the amount of manual work. For example, you can automate the collection of semantics, obtaining information about clients, recording sales from various sources and other tasks.

For this purpose, more and more tools appear on the market that help increase the efficiency of advertising and the productivity of specialists. Most of them work on the SaaS model: users pay for a subscription to a cloud service, and its support is provided by the owner company. This is how Callibri, amoCRM and other services work.

How much money does a business spend on analytics and promotion?

In the period from 2022 to 2024, Mindbox, Calltouch, Coffee Analytics and Matemarketing studied the marketto find out how much companies from Russia and the CIS spend on analytics and marketing. 150 companies from different niches participated in the surveys.

Here are the main findings.

  • Companies spend about 15% of their turnover on marketing. 45% of it goes to online promotion. The higher the company's turnover, the less it invests in advertising: the share decreases from 20% to 12% for the largest players.

  • Companies in the CIS invest twice as much in analytics as in the US. If in the CIS 13% of the marketing budget goes to analytical services, then in the US it is only 6-7%.

  • Over the next three years, most companies plan to increase their analytics spending to 19% of their total marketing budget.

  • The more a company invests in marketing, the more it feels the benefit of analytics. Those who invest 20% of their turnover in promotion value the importance of analytics the most. Significant growth in efficiency from analytics begins after investing more than 10% of their turnover in marketing.

  • End-to-end analytics is a new trend. Companies strive to obtain maximum data on user experience. These solutions are already used by 46% of large companies, 29% of medium and 16% of small ones.

What does the structure of marketing and analytics expenses look like?

Marketing and Analytics Cost Structure

The bulk of analytics costs are paid for by specialized services that provide marketers with the maximum amount of data for decision making.

Prospects for Marketing Services

Data Bridge Market Research Agency studied the global market for marketing services and presented a forecast based on data. By the end of 2023, the market for specialized tools was worth more than $10.1 billion, and is expected to grow to $17.9 billion by 2031. The market should grow at a rate of 12.1% between 2024 and 2031. Key drivers:

  • increasing demand for mobile marketing automation;

  • focus on improving efficiency and productivity;

  • increasing interest in business analytics and data processing.

The situation on the Russian market is similar to the global one — demand for services is increasing. Due to limited access to foreign tools, new Russian services have appeared that are not very well known yet, but are already attracting attention.

The state of the marketing tools market in Russia

By data CNews, the SaaS solutions market in Russia is growing twice as fast as the IT industry as a whole. Despite the departure of many companies from the market, the sphere is developing. New solutions are appearing. Marketers actively use the following tools in their work:

  • CMS for website creation;

  • SEO and contextual advertising semantic core collectors;

  • platforms for mobile and web analytics;

  • CRM for setting up advertising and managing the client base;

  • call tracking for analytics and call tracking;

  • solutions for collecting visitor data and analyzing this information;

  • email marketing platforms;

  • chats, online consultants, software for creating bots;

  • planners and task managers;

  • solutions for specific niches (for example, MyWarehouse for the commodity business or YCLIENTS for HoReCa);

  • auto-posting services in social networks.

The choice of tools is huge, and for effective marketing, a business requires a set of solutions that work simultaneously.

Market leaders in marketing tools in Russia

CEO of the MySklad service Askar Rakhimberdiev regularly prepares rating SaaS solutions based on open revenue information. It compares it year-on-year, calculates profitability and business growth, shows profit. The company with the highest revenue for the year is in first place.

Here's what the rankings look like in some categories.



Revenue 2022

Revenue 2023

Revenue growth %

Profitability %

Profit 2023


2700 million

4019 million



1228 million


1046 million

1448 million



767 million


378 million

413 million



8 million

Business automation


Revenue 2022

Revenue 2023

Revenue growth %

Profitability %

Profit 2023


1685 million

2558 million



161 million


983 million

1321 million



285 million

Smart Logistics

215 million

330 million



143 million

Marketing and Analytics


Revenue 2022

Revenue 2023

Revenue growth %

Profitability %

Profit 2023


1385 million

2078 million



2 million


937 million

1946 million



393 million


833 million

1096 million



214 million

Industry services


Revenue 2022

Revenue 2023

Revenue growth %

Profitability %

Profit 2023

Travelline (travel)

2853 million

3833 million



1586 million

YClients (online booking)

823 million

1154 million



99 million

Bnovo (hotels)

208 million

358 million



211 million

Sales and analytics on marketplaces


Revenue 2022

Revenue 2023

Revenue growth %

Profitability %

Profit 2023


744 million

1532 million



684 million


358 million

683 million



98 million


159 million

533 million



48 million

What problems do marketers face when using services?

Services make marketers' work easier, but advertising is becoming more and more complex, and there are more and more services. The choice of tools is huge. Askar Rakhimberdiev's rating alone features more than 50 companies, and these are only the leaders.

Marketers typically face two challenges.

  1. It is difficult to choose the optimal solution. It is quite difficult to understand the variety, compare and choose the right service. Marketers often do not have enough time, so the implementation of new tools is postponed for later.

  2. It is difficult to work with reports and payments. Each service requires its own account and a separate invoice, while payment deadlines and VAT requirements are different for everyone. Tracking payments becomes a problem. In order not to lose any service, you have to keep track in the calendar and create a list of payment methods and accounts.

However, it is not necessary to solve problems on your own. You can use a centralized platform – a marketplace

What is the services marketplace and how does it help marketers

Marketplace — a platform with popular services for automation and growth of marketing efficiency. For example, most of the tools from Askar Rakhimberdiev's rating are presented here. experts have collected some of the highest quality and most popular solutions on the market in the marketplace.

Service Marketplace Interface

Service Marketplace Interface

All users who advertise in the ecosystem click.ruthere is access to the marketplace and other benefits.

Large selection of services

There are more than 70 tools available in the marketplace. Among them:

  • CMS (Flexbe, Tilda, InSales);

  • CRM (amoCRM, MoySklad, Bitrix 24);

  • call tracking (CoMagic, Callibri, MANGO OFFICE);

  • chats and online consultants (TextBack, Jivo, Salebot);

  • sales management on marketplaces (MarketGURU, MPSTATS);

  • query selectors (Labrika,, Topvisor);

  • auto-posting in social networks (LiveDune, PostMyPost, Cerebro);

  • domain registrars and hosting (Timeweb,;

  • analytics (Andata, Roistat, TGStat).

There are also voice bots, services for designers, email marketers, discounts on courses in online schools.

Payment in one window

No need to pay for tools on different sites – everything can be done in your account click.ruThis way you can save time on working with finances and spend it on improving your marketing.

In the ecosystem, you can also perform other operations: top up balances of advertising accounts (in Direct, MyTarget, VK Ads, Avito, etc.), control expenses, payment terms, etc. There is no need to draw up contracts, organize document exchange and settlements with dozens of counterparties. Everything can be done from one window.

Ability to use tools for free

Users click.ruregistered in the affiliate program, can receive a reward of up to 18% depending on the amount of promotion expenses.

The charges have two parts:

  • the first is credited to the bonus account – funds can be withdrawn to a bank account, spent on advertising or purchasing marketing tools;

  • the second is credited to the marketplace bonus account – the money can be used to pay for services.

You can work for free with the necessary tools simply by advertising in the ecosystem.

Set of foreign tools

Using the marketplace you can pay for services that left Russia. For example, Chatra, WordPress, ChatGPT, VistaCreate, Elfsight, MidJourney, Shutterstock. The list is regularly updated.

On average, users work with 4 tools from the marketplace at the same time. A business with a high advertising budget buys 12 services on average. This way, it can cover all relevant tasks.


The advertising market is growing, and so are investments in marketing tools. There are more and more of them, and businesses need optimization of optimization services. Marketplace not only helps to organize your work with tools, but also provides free access to them.

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