How much does karma weigh in Terabytes?

Some people believe that the heavenly office is only busy with calculating people's choices and assigning them karma for their deeds. After all, making choices is the main property of our soul.

But what volume of information storage is needed to store the karma of the population of the Globe?

Let's try to estimate it roughly.

Let's say a person makes 10 karma-significant choices per hour. In sleep, a person rests from work, which means we have 16 hours per day. This is 160 choices per day or 58,400 per year.

Taking the average human life as 50 years, we get that the dossier on each of us takes up 2,920,000 elections.

For each choice, it is enough to store approximately 1 kilobyte of information – a brief description of the situation and classification fields for counting the number of good and bad choices.

It turns out that one human life is described for karma by 2.785 gigabytes of information.

There are currently 6 billion people living on Earth. Therefore, to store information about the entire current population of our world, we need 6,000,000,000 * 2.78 = 16,289,062 Tb ≈ 16 million Tb.

According to scientists' calculations, Throughout the history of humankind, approximately 117 billion people have lived on Earthi.e. * 2.78 = 317.636.719 TB ≈ 317 million TB.

It doesn't matter whether there is a transmigration of souls or not. If there isn't, each file is stored separately; if there is, new incarnations are filed in the general soul folder.

To get an idea of ​​this volume, you can compare the data to the approximate size of YouTube, which, according to some estimates, takes up at least one Exabyte (1,000,000 TB) of storage in its data centers.

As you can see, for the heavenly office of the current population of the Earth, only 16 Youtube companies are needed, and for the entire population throughout the history of mankind, 317 such companies are needed.

At the same time, the workers of the karmic data center must be saints, so that karma is not accrued to them in turn. Or robots. Karma robot? Sounds good! Maybe angels do this.

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