How modern technologies expose us to the risk of wiretapping

Modern technologies are not only convenience and comfort, but also a potential threat to privacy. Smartphones, smart speakers and apps collect information about us, including data obtained through wiretapping.

What is this article about?

In this article, Nadezhda Zharinova will tell you how wiretapping occurs, what the consequences may be, how advertising is targeted based on the information received, and how to protect yourself from unwanted attention.

Let's agree on what we mean by “wiretapping.”

This is the unauthorized collection and transmission of information generated and transmitted by electronic devices without the knowledge of their owners. Wiretapping can be carried out using various methods, including intercepting audio and video signals and exploiting vulnerabilities in software.

Why is wiretapping a problem?

Firstly, every year technologies become more and more advanced, which allows companies and attackers to gain access to more information about users. The number of devices connected to the Internet is growing, which creates more opportunities for wiretapping.

Secondly, cybercrime is becoming an increasingly serious problem, and wiretapping may be one of the methods used to obtain confidential information. Companies use data obtained through wiretapping to create personalized advertising that can influence user decisions.

Thirdly, the algorithms that control smart devices remain a “black box” for users. We share a lot of personal information with devices, but we cannot predict how these devices will behave in the future, which creates a sense of mistrust and fear of the unknown.

Listening can include conversations, correspondence, social contacts, financial data, habits, hobbies and much more. This is a violation of personal space that can lead to psychological discomfort, fear and uncertainty. This information can also be used for unscrupulous purposes for profiling, manipulation or blackmail.

Listening can be used to track users' activities, political views, social contacts and other aspects of life. This can lead to censorship, discrimination and violation of freedoms. Additionally, users may experience anxiety and mistrust of their devices. Smart devices can create a feeling of dependence and loss of control over one's life.

Who knows who this man is in the photo and why he was included in this article?

Ernest Hemingway suffered from depression and paranoia related to persecution. He was convinced that the intelligence services were watching him, that his phone was being tapped, his mail was being opened, and his bank account was being monitored. It seemed to him that he saw secret agents in random passers-by. Those close to him did not believe in surveillance and considered his suspicions groundless.

Hemingway was treated in a psychiatric hospital and claimed that he was being monitored there too. He ended up committing suicide. Many years after the writer’s death, FBI documents were declassified, which confirmed the fact of surveillance. These documents also revealed medical records from the very psychiatric hospital where Hemingway was treated.

Ways to listen.

Let's discuss how we can be eavesdropped, if, of course, this happens. Smart speakers and smartphones are perhaps the most obvious sources of wiretapping. With applications, things are not so clear.

In addition, there are many applications and services for recording personal telephone conversations, which are becoming increasingly popular. Cellular operators are required by law to keep recordings of your calls.

Service industry enterprises also carry out video surveillance with audio recording. And, of course, law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies are involved in this.

What could be the consequences of wiretapping?
For example, ad targeting is becoming more precise and personalized through the use of overheard data. Wiretap data is also used to improve the quality of services, including training artificial intelligence algorithms and assessing customer satisfaction.

However, wiretapping can also lead to negative consequences: the disclosure of confidential data about our plans, relationships and financial situation. Wiretapping can also be used to spy on politicians, activists and journalists.

In addition, wiretapping has a great emotional impact. A person may experience a constant feeling of anxiety and worry when they think they are being watched or eavesdropped. This can lead to sleep disturbances, decreased concentration and other problems.

One of the most noticeable effects of listening is targeted advertising. How does it work?

First, data is collected about you, such as gender, age, location, hobbies, interests, behavior, income level, and so on.
Then a user profile is created, based on which relevant advertising is selected. For example, advertisements for beauty salons are shown to women, and advertisements for barbershops are shown to men. Offers advertisements for products and services that you have recently searched for or discussed.

The disadvantages of targeted advertising include intrusiveness and irrelevance.
Unfortunately, advertising cannot be permanently disabled, and not all blockers are up to the task. Targeting may be based on unreliable profile data, for example, a false gender may be specified. Advertising quickly loses its relevance, and it is not always clear how to explain to it that you have already bought running sneakers.

What other problems should we expect from smart devices?

Cybercriminals can access your devices and use them for their own purposes, such as fraud or DDoS attacks. You may have read in the news that many Russian banks have recently suffered DDoS attacks.

For such attacks, a botnet is used – these are networks consisting of devices that have been captured by attackers. As part of this network, that is, a bot, you can reach any device that has an Internet connection. These are traditional computers, desktop PCs and laptops, smartphones, tablets, network infrastructure elements, such as routers or web servers.
There are many smart home devices, security cameras, TVs, speakers, in-car entertainment systems, wearables, smartwatches, fitness trackers, and more. All of these devices can be hacked and become part of a large-scale botnet.

But it's not all bad! There are simple ruleswhich will help you maintain confidentiality and protect against unauthorized access.

The most important thing is settings and permissions. Review the list of requested permissions carefully and deny those that are not required to perform essential functions. Prohibit access to the camera and sensitive data. For example, a fitness tracker hardly needs a microphone, and a player hardly needs access to a phone book.

Use special software. There are apps that deactivate the microphone or block access to it for certain apps. Physical protection is also important: you can tape the laptop camera, for example.

Turn off Bluetooth and geolocation, and deactivate voice assistants if you don't use them.

Make sure your devices have strong passwords and strong authentication enabled. Use antivirus programsthey will help detect and remove malware. Minimize your use of public open Wi-Fi networks.

Remember that your privacy is primarily your responsibility. Be attentive and careful, use the tools available to protect yourself from unwanted attention from smart devices.

Choose devices and apps wisely. Study the privacy policy, choose an application with a minimum number of permissions, disable unnecessary features and delete unused applications. If you have a lot of questions about a device or app, stop using it.

Remember that complete anonymity is not possible in the digital world, but by taking certain precautions you can strike a balance between security and convenience. Don't focus on your fears. If you constantly think about wiretapping, it can cause stress and negatively affect your health. Try to shift your attention to more positive thoughts. Enjoy the benefits: Smart devices can make life easier, but don't forget about the positive aspects of the technology you use.

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