How modern technologies are drawing people into alcoholism

But it happens that some “goodies” have a very negative effect on people's psyche and lifestyle. For example, excessive passion for online games often leads to gambling addiction. Constant “hanging out” on social networks can cause depression. And such seemingly nonsense as filters can provoke dysmorphophobia, when a person does not accept his own body, gets fixated on appearance and constantly strives to correct imaginary flaws.

The list of various disorders, one way or another connected with the Internet and gadgets, is quite extensive. But the most alarming point in this sad list should be considered alcoholism. Because it is not just a disorder, but a chronic disease, very difficult to treat.

But how do modern technologies draw their adherents into alcoholism? And who is most at risk?

I have not come across any major studies on this topic, – admits psychiatrist-narcologist, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Alexander Belikov. – I have not come across statistics on how many people suffering from addiction became addicted to alcohol in this way – sitting at a computer or looking at a smartphone. But the problem exists. Medical practice on such cases is extensive. Therefore, certain conclusions can be drawn and recommendations for addiction prevention can be given.

Drink to work more

Modern technologies increase labor productivity. This axiom applies to a huge number of professions. A specialist in a particular field, thanks to useful programs, applications, etc., is able to do more work in less time than, for example, his colleague from the past. What does this lead to? To more time left for rest? Not at all. Most often, it turns out that a person, instead of resting, takes on even more work. Some know when to stop, and some do not. As a result, we have a constantly replenished army of workaholics.

Workaholism is also a painful condition, explains Alexander Belikov. It manifests itself as irritability, sleep disturbances and… decreased performance. And in order to increase performance, workaholics try to stimulate themselves with something. The primary stimulation is alcohol. Energy drinks containing alcohol. Beer. Wine. I will note that strong alcoholic drinks do not really stimulate. But light ones do. But the more often you drink them, the more difficult it is to achieve the desired effect. Therefore, the dose is constantly increasing. In the end, some even resort to “invigorating” drugs. A person who begins to drink more (or use drugs) in order to work more loses the sense of time, the sense of occasion, the sense of sleep (he does not understand when he should sleep to restore his strength). A reasonable combination of work and rest is simply no longer considered. He is constantly at work, at work, at work… It is no coincidence that when the technology boom began in Japan, offices organized the opportunity to sleep during the working day. In many companies, from 2 to 4 p.m., employees went to special rooms and slept. They had mini-apartments for rest right in office centers. We don’t practice this. And in vain! Because due to the rapid development of technologies, the number of workaholics is growing, who sooner or later become alcoholics.

What should you do to avoid becoming one and becoming dependent?

Instead of alcohol, it is better to take nootropics, – the doctor believes. – These are drugs that optimize neural connections. That is, nootropic therapy also stimulates. There are also stimulating antidepressants. Of course, only a specialist should recommend certain drugs. You should not prescribe anything to yourself. You can do the following yourself… First, observe occupational hygiene. Namely, combine work with rest. Second, you need to find a second job. Yes, for workaholics this is an option! Moreover, a second job can be considered not only something that is valued materially, but various hobbies: sports, hobbies, walks, tourism. Anything that switches off, brings spiritual and psycho-emotional satisfaction.

Loneliness on the net

In order to become an alcoholic, you don’t have to be a workaholic and work without brakes. On the contrary, you can constantly relax and have fun. There are special services created online for this purpose. For example, virtual bars. They were invented back in the blessed times of the pandemic and self-isolation. The system is simple: there is a certain encrypted site where you can get in by paying for an entrance ticket. And there, using Zoom, you can walk through the halls of different themes. Each one has some kind of performance: in one, a violinist plays, in another, they show dances, in a third, DJs entertain the audience. This is all in real time. You can chat with other visitors. Or sit in one hall, then in another, in proud solitude. At the same time, the site owners recommend dressing up smartly and preparing alcoholic cocktails. Because everyone will see you, as in a regular Zoom conference.

If you don't want to be seen, there's a “drinking simulator” at your service. An online game where you can drink in the company of friends from other cities. Or even take virtual characters as drinking buddies. And while drinking, talk about anything: politics, exchange rates, or Immanuel Kant's doctrine of transcendental idealism. If there's a sudden pause in communication, the game will suggest new topics for conversation. And it will also throw in toasts and jokes. Convenient!

In principle, you can drink online with anyone without virtual bars and stimulants. It is enough to agree with someone about online get-togethers on Zoom, Telegram or Skype. In general, all conditions are provided for drinking at any time and without leaving home.

Unfortunately, there are people who become alcoholics thanks to such services, – says Alexander Belikov. – They generally lead a virtual life: they have virtual interlocutors, virtual partners in hobbies, virtual lovers from dating sites and virtual drinking buddies. As a rule, these are people prone to loneliness. There is such a concept – “schizotypal personalities”. Not to be confused with schizophrenic patients! We are talking about people with schizotypal character traits. These are dreamers who feel great only in an illusory world. They are withdrawn, uncommunicative, touchy, vulnerable. And, unfortunately, very cold in communication. Therefore, they substitute virtual communication for the deficit of real communication. This type of personality most often becomes dependent on online services, sites, applications that offer some kind of surrogate social interactions. And at the same time, they also get an alcohol addiction. Because they communicate virtually, but drink for real. And, unlike workaholics, it is difficult to advise them on anything specific so that they can avoid alcohol addiction. What can you advise if a person has a certain character? I have talked to such people. They say: “What do you want? This is my life!” And I understand them.

Remote work is harmful. But not for everyone

The most favorite format of work for many is from home. And the most dangerous. Because with weakened self-control and almost complete lack of external control, it is very easy to slide into alcohol addiction. No one sees in what state you work. And when you started drinking. You can even “hit” in the middle of the day. Who will forbid it?

The spread of this particular format of work was greatly facilitated, as we remember, by the same pandemic. Then, not only specialists from industries long adapted for this, in particular IT, but also those specialists who previously worked mainly offline began to perform their duties from home or from a bungalow on the ocean shore. Including even psychologists and doctors, who “before” rarely agreed to consult remotely. And now it is the order of the day.

The selection of professions whose representatives can work remotely is now very large, – says Alexander Belikov. – Accordingly, the number of those who can become addicted due to the favorable conditions of remote work has also increased. But! If a person is family or in a relationship, then he is protected to some extent. It is not for nothing that they say that family people live longer. They drink less! And they become alcoholics less often. Mostly single people abuse.

Alarm signal from the alarm system

With all the variety of opportunities that we receive thanks to modern technologies, part of our own cognitive potential is greatly reduced. Which also leads to alcoholism. Alexander Belikov explained how this happens:

Without the Internet and gadgets, people read from morning till night. Most of them filled all their time with reading. They read for relaxation, read to gain knowledge, read literature for work… Now there are very few people who read a lot. Other technological moments have appeared, when a person simply VIEWS some information: posts on social networks, short news. Maybe this is a new norm. But in this case, the second signal system does not work. Namely, the second signal system allows a person to develop intellectually. If it is turned off, then a person looks at the recording without saying the words to himself, without building images. And this is very bad. The brain works mechanically. And memory also begins to suffer. Especially short-term memory: we looked at something on the Internet, and what we looked at – we immediately forgot. Information related to work or education is mainly retained in our memory. Because there is a specific plan, certain stages. Everything connected with tragedies and incidents is also remembered, since emotional memory is involved here. But all this is not enough for full intellectual development. It cannot be said that people degrade. But the mechanical work of the brain leads to the robotization of consciousness. A person becomes like a robot with all these technologies. And he instinctively tries to add some zest to his life. That is, some stimulants. And, as I said above, the primary stimulant is alcohol. To which the body quickly gets used, becomes dependent.

What to do?

It is very important for a person to come to an understanding of their problem. But, alas, most addicts are sure that they are not dependent on anything. No, they say, they have no alcoholism. So what if they drink systematically? “I’m not lying under a fence,” “who doesn’t drink,” “there’s nothing wrong with that,” and so on…

Indeed, almost everyone loses critical judgment of their condition, confirms Dr. Belikov. That is why family and close people should intervene. This is very important. It is especially important that those relatives who are most significant for a specific person with addiction, who are an ideal for him, an example to follow, have their say. They should identify the problem and push him to start treatment.

How to push?

With the help of confidential conversations. With the help of literature that talks about the problem. With the help of films that show everything clearly. Relatives can choose both literature and films at their own discretion, guided by reviews on the Internet. Or consult a doctor in advance. And do not underestimate these methods of encouraging an addicted person to recognize the problem and begin treatment. It works great.

Let's say a person has realized everything and has come to the right decision… But he didn't earn alcoholism just anyhow, but because of high technology! Is the treatment protocol different from the usual one in this case?

No, it is not different at all, – says our expert narcologist. – The principle of “salvation” is absolutely the same. The approach is comprehensive. And it includes, firstly, psychotherapeutic tools of influence. This is a combination of psychological, personality-oriented and cognitive methods. The cognitive (cognitive) strategy is based on the assumption that the problem arose due to errors in thinking. Together with the doctor, the illogical and inappropriate beliefs of the patient are identified. Which are eventually corrected to logical and correct ones. Secondly, drug correction is carried out. There are a number of drugs with proven effectiveness in the fight against addictions. Thirdly, hardware therapy shows excellent results. This is primarily high-frequency stimulation of those parts of the brain that are responsible for pleasure. In this way, these pleasure centers are reprogrammed, as biochemical processes are rebuilt.

There is also a fourth method – physical activity. Many people underestimate this. But if a person starts to intensively engage in some kind of sport – swimming, football, etc., then this, in combination with other methods, helps a lot to switch from self-destruction to self-improvement.

It should be noted that many people who have realized their addiction are now seeking salvation in expensive rehabilitation centers and rehabs. There, complete isolation from all temptations is practiced.

I can give a very simple example in this regard, – says Alexander Alexandrovich. – There is a drug addict who uses drugs himself and was caught distributing drugs. He was sentenced to seven years. He served those seven years. That is, he was isolated from drugs. He returned to freedom. And he started using again. The same thing with these rehabs. Alcoholics and drug addicts spend some time there, often for a lot of money. But as soon as they return “to freedom”, everything returns to normal. It is useless to isolate a person with an addiction anywhere. There is no need to do this! He just needs to be treated with the methods I described. Moreover, you can get treatment on an outpatient basis. That is, voluntarily, of your own free will, visiting a doctor and all the procedures prescribed by him, taking the recommended drugs. This is the only way to cope with addiction, no matter what it is caused by, even high technology.

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