How modern solutions in the IT industry can accelerate the development of the space industry

For over five years I have been involved in innovation, development of energy systems and automation systems for use in autonomous systems. And in recent years, the application of these technologies for the space industry has become increasingly relevant. After participating in various events and sessions dedicated to commercial space, I decided to conduct a study of the development potential of the space industry, based on modern technical solutions.

The active growth in the number of projects and services using BigData technologies, neural networks and AI, predictive analytics, as well as the increase in the number of small satellites and their constellations, leads to the fact that this can create a new direction in the IT industry – SpaceIT.

SpaceIT will rely on the most promising technologies:

  1. Serial production of satellites and spacecraft for various purposes, equipped with sufficient computing power. Digital design, modeling and calculation of components and systems (one of the striking examples is the company – SpaceX).

  2. Regular launches of rockets of varying power, which significantly reduces the cost of launching into orbit and facilitates access to space for commercial companies and individuals.

  3. Laser communication and navigation systems for long-distance communications.

  4. Autonomous spacecraft (e.g. space tugs) and rovers.

  5. Optimized computing models and algorithms, distributed computing technologies for work on satellites and spacecraft.

  6. New materials for various systems (protective, heat-dissipating, etc.).

  7. Electronic component base (including radiation-resistant), increasing the productivity and operating time of equipment in space. Inexpensive and simple sensors.

  8. New neural network and AI algorithms trained to work with distributed logistics systems (controlling a swarm of drones over a large area).

  9. Autonomous production technologies (robotics, additive technologies, new materials processing technologies, etc.).

Based on this, we derive the main technical solutions of SpaceIT, which will lead to a breakthrough in the exploration of near-Earth space and the Solar System in the next ten years.

  1. Multifunctional autonomous heavy platforms with a constant power supply of 50 kW, equipped with protected modules with server equipment, as well as with universal (standardized) connectors and data exchange protocols. General standards for all spacecraft systems for compatibility of various units and designs. The modular system will allow regular server updates for repairs and modernization.

  2. Communication, navigation and space traffic control network based on AI. Creation of a unified space traffic dispatching system in the Earth-Moon space with the integration of all participants in space exploration programs. Creation of automated transport networks. Laser communication systems and high-precision positioning systems. Stations for determining the position in space using a three-dimensional coordinate system (space and lunar navigation). Remote control of drone satellites and rovers by operators from Earth to perform complex tasks.

  3. Network for collecting, storing and transmitting data in space. Extraterritorial principle of access to information, acceleration of data processing for use in space. Verified settlement system using blockchain technologies. Orbital data centers, data centers on the Moon and space stations. Radiation-resistant electronic components. Development of the photonic processors direction.

  4. Creation of automated production in space under AI control. Biotechnology, new pharmaceuticals, printing of biomaterials, superconductivity, magnetic levitation, automated factories and robotic systems for mining, robotic shipyards using additive technologies (3D printing of structures and potentially the construction of spaceships in microgravity conditions), autonomous rovers and combines.

All modern progress in the space industry is based on digital technologies. They have made it possible to speed up calculations and test hypotheses many times over. New products based on AI and BigData will allow us to go above low orbits and explore the entire Solar System. And, in my opinion, Industry 6.0 will appear in space.

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