how knowledge is transformed into products

“Hey, Dolgoprudny is behind us, it’s still the center of the world,” the Soviet-Russian rock band “Dune” sings cockily. There is a deep hidden meaning in this phrase: it is in this town near Moscow that the Physics and Technology Lyceum named after P. L. Kapitsa, the leading specialized school in the Moscow region and one of the top ones in the country, is located. Schoolchildren from all over Russia, as well as countries near and far abroad, are fighting for the right to study here, but success awaits only the most motivated and talented. And it’s not for nothing that the lyceum is called an “innovator”: here they keep their finger on the pulse of advanced scientific trends.

Moscow was not built right away

All-Russian Natural Science School Cluster (VENSHK) of the Physics and Technology Lyceum named after. P.L. Kapitsa is the largest school complex in the country, aimed at training future technology leaders. The Technopark, the core of this complex, is a unique VENSHK facility, a key platform for replicating the legendary Phystech system at the school education level. It was built just a year ago, in September 2023, but in 57 laboratories and workshops of six tracks, equipped with the most modern equipment, more than ten thousand students and teachers from different regions of our country will practice annually.

– The country’s largest school Technopark was built with the support of President V.V. Putin and Governor of the Moscow Region A.Yu. Vorobyov. Basically, the focus is on engineering research activities, but, given the specifics of the lyceum, the natural science component is strong, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science and biology, – said Andrey Dmitrievich Bogdanov, executive director of the Physics and Technology Schools Development Fund. – The laboratories closely cooperate with the real sector of the economy; the companies Sber, Yandex, Tinkoff, and leading specialized universities – Bauman MSTU and MIPT are present as partners at our sites. Students of the engineering classes of our lyceum must be comprehensively educated and not only “cram math”, but also understand humanitarian technologies and the field of creative industries: we have many clubs in design, architecture, a large music studio and a cinema and concert venue.

On the third floor of the Technopark there is a MechTech cluster. To put it simply, it includes robotics, classical engineering, space technology and unmanned aircraft technology. The latter is now a popular topic in the scientific community. The physical and technical lyceum has three engineering classes: eighth, ninth and tenth. The eighth focuses on 3D printing and materials science technologies, the ninth – on technologies related to machine vision and the basics of robotics under the guidance of teachers from MIPT, the tenth – robotics with prototyping and unmanned aircraft.

– At an engineering workshop, tenth-graders turn knowledge into products. We are currently implementing a project codenamed “Mars Rover”, – shared by Vyacheslav Gennadievich Obukhan, deputy head of the MechTech direction of the Phystech-Lyceum Technopark. – This is a four-wheeled mini-vehicle capable of moving off-road. The first step towards creating a large product was its reduced prototype. We looked at the motion kinematics, we liked it, and after that we made a larger prototype. A full-fledged all-terrain vehicle will be ready by the end of the year.

If you really want, you can fly into space

The “Mars rover” is equipped with a copter: with its help, the creators, in addition to shooting from the camera on the car, will have a top view and will be able to see what is around them. The copter can be manned or used to move autonomously. The engineering class is divided into three teams: the first is engaged in 3D modeling and digital manufacturing, the second is in electronics, driver controllers for controlling the rover, and the third is in programming and artificial intelligence issues. The idea of ​​a “Mars rover” was proposed by the children when taking the entrance exams to the lyceum and took root, since it integrated virtually all areas existing in the Technopark.

– We are working on the electronics of the Mars rover, that is, we start its movement, in fact, we breathe life into the machine. We have learned how to assemble sensors, now we are reading information from them and are beginning to understand how to optimize the rotary system and make it more compact, – tenth-grader Evgeniy told reporters.

– I'm doing the copter part, – Zhenya’s classmate Andrei added. – Now my task is to make the copter fly over the handgun. This mark has a direction and helps to fix the position of the aircraft in space. It is also worth working on the issue of creating interference: for example, if there are a lot of mobile devices in the audience, their magnetic fields can knock the copter off the intended course. We hope to work out all the details before January and present the “Mars rover” to teachers for the New Year.

What about universities?

The P. L. Kapitsa Physics and Technology Lyceum has long been friends with the Russian New University. The scientific director of the latter was the son of Pyotr Leonidovich, Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa, from 1991 to 2012. As the rector of RosNOU Vladimir Alekseevich Zernov has repeatedly emphasized, throughout his life Kapitsa Jr. had a huge influence on the minds of several generations, personifying the obvious and the incredible. “As the scientific director of RosNOU, he did not bring much everyday life into the life of the university – obvious, but he determined our direction of development – incredible,” Zernov argued.

It is not at all surprising that at the Russian New University they are also working on unmanned robotics – and just as recently as at the Physics and Technology Lyceum, but at a more adult level – student level. Starting this year, the university is implementing a program “Unmanned robotics and ergonomics”. Students study and practice advanced technologies in the field of robotics and unmanned systems development, and gain in-depth knowledge in the field of applied computer science, especially in the context of robotics and process automation. Children explore the fundamentals of robotics, including designing and programming robots, as well as developing algorithms and control systems, learn about different types of unmanned systems and technologies, such as drones, autonomous cars and robots, and learn how to use them in various fields, including industry, medicine and transport. .

Continuing the traditions of the Physics and Technology Lyceum, aimed at the harmonious development of the individual, the program teachers focus the attention of students; the program focuses on ergonomics and human-machine interaction. Students learn the principles of user interface and system design and help ensure effective and safe interaction between humans and robots. Children will learn about the physiological and psychological aspects of working with technology, as well as methods for collecting and analyzing data to optimize systems, become familiar with the basics of artificial intelligence and machine learning, study algorithms and methods of data processing, and apply them to develop intelligent robots and systems. At the end of the program, students will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in practice through participation in projects and research in the field of unmanned robotics and ergonomics. They will also be able to choose a specialization based on their interests and career goals, such as autonomous vehicles, industrial automation or medical robotics.

– The new program has a whole range of advantages. Firstly, immersion in the profession is carried out from the first year, – said Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of RosNOU Grigory Aleksandrovich Shabanov. – Secondly, all professional disciplines are studied at the basic department, in fact at the enterprise without interruption from production. Thirdly, students undergo practical placement for several months in their free time from studying. Fourthly, in parallel they receive a working specialty – “CNC (computer numerical control) machine operator.” Finally, fifthly, the defense of the research and development work takes place in the form of a project, which, in the future, can become a ready-made solution to the problem of a customer from the real sector of the economy. So, students of the Physics and Technology Lyceum can make a harmonious and virtually seamless transition to a new level of interaction with UAV systems when entering RosNOU.

Students are a treacherous people. It's no secret that a person enters a university for subsequent employment in an interesting and highly paid job and to be a sought-after specialist in the market. At the Russian New University, this aspect has already been safely taken into account and carefully worked out at the level of top officials.

– UAVs have long been used in a number of countries, in particular, for conducting bird’s-eye video recordings, monitoring crop areas, forests, reservoirs, searching for people, etc. The broadest prospects are also opening up in terms of the use of drones for transporting useful cargo – mail, spare parts, fuel, products and much more, – Rector of RosNOU Vladimir Alekseevich Zernov lifted the veil of secrecy. – Taking this into account, the state has made a number of very serious decisions aimed at developing the UAS industry. And we are ready to allocate considerable funds for this. And if there is a large government order, it means there is a demand for specialized specialists – and everything is in order with jobs too!

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