How Knowledge Grows. Philosophy

How Knowledge grows I learned in my senior years at the university, it infuriated me: why is it that at school, after school, everywhere they talk not about simple and clear things, but it’s so complicated and even with fog ?!

Specifically, I was shocked by the acquaintance with the first volume of the famous course “Theoretical Physics” (Landau, 10 volumes). The first volume is “Mechanics”. Which is taught at school, even after school in the course of general physics – they teach like in a madhouse (I felt this for a long time – I turned out to be right – Landau also said so))

In addition to this “philosophical” publication, I am going to write “How Knowledge Grows. An Example” and show there how people should be taught – there will be Landau’s “Mechanics”, I will just rearrange the words and accents a little. Those. there will be everything on the shelves. And here everything will be in annoyance for those who would like to read easy and understandable words – feel free to skip this publication right here !!!

So how Knowledge grows.

To begin with, it does not hurt to note that Knowledge is not created by a Human, it is produced by a Social Organism – Swarm. Humans – they are like bees, ants – it also seems that those animals exist separately, in fact they are not, and although people do not die so quickly outside the Swarm, this does not change the essence of the matter – everything on this planet that people are proud of Roy did (including the man himself). And what about Newton? “I stood on the shoulders of giants.” And Einstein? The formulas of the special theory of relativity were previously written by Lorentz, and by the general Poincaré. A swarm lives much longer than a person, a swarm has a much larger memory, a swarm is a chain of neurons, which is always higher, more powerful than any individual of them.

In zero, everything begins in earthly reality, the infinitely diverse world around is structured into Phenomena, they are divided into Phenomena Areas – for example, Mechanical movements of bodies in space, the Mechanics area.

Firstly, then everything begins to leave the earthly reality in order to somehow fit into the final brains of people. Let’s consider a separate Region. Let us imagine that separate Phenomena are pins-twigs-leaves up. A lot of them. It will not fit into the telencephalon. The only option is to somehow connect these pins-twigs-leaves. Surprisingly, this Universe is arranged in such a way that the human brain in it can really do this: tie many leaves into a few branches – something like how stars break into constellations – something like archiving when there is less information, but there are no losses.

Secondly, the first reflection of earthly reality is then subjected to further binding, and so on ad infinitum. Most of all, it looks like a tree that grows upside down – from leaves, crown into successive narrowings – in an effort to reach a single trunk.

To make it clearer, let’s put it in other words. Here is a drawing with many strokes, different, any, everything is messy. But the brain has an amazing property: it takes this chaos and says to itself: so, but these strokes are a bunny, let’s write it down, note! but those touches are a plate, we also note … The number of bunnies, plates, etc. already less than the number of strokes. Then the brain will think further, how else to reduce all this (only not a bunny on a plate = dinner!!! damn it, how bloodthirsty it got me…).

I hope you get what I mean. All these invented “branches”, “bunnies” … are called models, laws of nature – their essence is that they can be unarchived and reality can be obtained. I also hope you understand that there are many ways to “archive” – ​​and all of them are correct – i.e. it’s actually incorrect to say that Newton’s laws really exist, all sorts of photons, electrons … these are all notions to connect the leaves (and the selection of these very leaves is also ambiguous) – i.e. if there are other minds (why not), then we can naturally be in different universes – even on our own planet we can live in different worlds (as it is a little). Or maybe there is the best archiving, the only one for the Universe – who knows why guess so far – it is much more interesting to learn about the minds of aquatic creatures, suddenly everything is not there as we think (and we eat them).

Excuse me, I’ve skidded… Just another note: don’t take my words literally, everything is dynamic, starting with the Phenomena and on each floor – but!!! but this vanity decreases to the bottom, i.e. the lower floors are not completely rebuilt, but corrected! the top dictates how the bottom should be! relativistic mechanics does not cancel classical, statistical physics does not cancel thermodynamics … if there is (above) God, then this does not cancel hell (below)))

Whoever has wild irritation, let him read a light and short one – Bruce Sterling “Roy”, read online – that is still fantastic! real!

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