How I Made Friends React and the HP LJ M127 Scanner

Friendship of three friends React, Delphi, HP LJ M127

Today I will tell you the story of the friendship of three friends, or if, in a simple way, like me, I got the idea to make the web with hardware.

I’ll probably start with the fact that it all started with writing a software application in delphi to scan documents and save their blob data in the MSSQL SERVER 20212 database, below I will give a screenshot of this application, but as the title of my article says today, we will talk about another application

In general, the idea came from the fact that I wanted to make an application that could be run on any computer, but then the first problem appeared, reactjs, like all web frameworks, does not work with hardware with drivers, and then my experience of working with high-level Delphi programming language

React app

I present to your attention the login login page

My authorization is essentially built on two functions, one function is to check whether this user has previously authorized, and the second function already authorizes the user

            .then(res => {
                const data=;
                let autentificate = data.autentificate;
                this.setState({autentificate : autentificate.success});




This function is just involved in checking whether the user is authorized, I call this function in the react lifecycle in ComponentDidMount (this function is executed after adding an object to the DOM tree) and of course I use hash values ​​to work with authorizations

    Autorize = (event) => {

        let passwd = this.passwdRef.current.value;
        let login = this.loginRef.current.value;
        Toast.loading('Ожидание ответа....');
            .then(res => {

                const data =;
                } else
                    NotificationManager.error('Неверный логин или пароль, повторите ввод','Ошибка авторизации',3000);

            }).catch(err => {
            if (err.response) {
                // client received an error response (5xx, 4xx)
            } else if (err.request) {
                // client never received a response, or request never left
            } else {
                // anything else
           NotificationManager.error('Нет доступа....','Ошибка',3000);


Well, we got to the second function that authorizes us on the server and gives us a token

The main form looks like this, and as you can see from the screenshot, it allows us to select a customer and an executor in a quick set, but the main functionality is different, namely, in scanning and saving a document, side functions are deleting, moving, adding scanned documents

In general, an already completed form with scanned documents, as you can see in the screenshot, can be moved and deleted.

How scanning is performed in general, everything is simple here, in the DELPHI program that sits in the tray all the power is contained, namely, this is the connection with the HP LJ M127 scanner, the application attaches a listener to the port, now let’s move on to the Delphi application

Delphi Application

Let’s describe the main objects, one of which is an object that stores information about scanned images, here the main trick is to store the image in encrypted form as a string so that it can be conveniently transmitted and stored

  TScanImage = class(Tobject)
    Image: TBitmap;
    thumbnail: TJPEGImage;
    StreamBitmap: TMemoryStream;
    base64_image: String;
    sended: Byte;
    heigh: Integer;
    width: Integer;
    date_scan: TDateTime;
    constructor Create(zimg: TBitmap; zh, zw: Integer; zds: TDateTime);

The second object is needed to inform our web application about the current tasks that our application is performing, there are only a few events

  • No event

  • Scanning a Document

  • Rotate picture

  • Convert to PDF

  • Saving to the server

  TEvents = class(Tobject)
    procedure SetEvent(EventCode: Byte; EventStatus: Byte;
      EventData: TJSONArray);
    procedure SetEventName(EventName: String; EventCode: Byte);
    procedure SetStatusEvent(EventStatus: Byte);
    procedure SetEventData(EventData: TJSONArray);

    function GetEvent: TJSONObject;

    constructor Create();

    event_name: String;
    event_code: Byte;
    event_status: Byte;
    event_date: Int64;
    event_data: TJSONArray;
    event_message: String;


That is, the very principle of friendship lies in the link that our application in Delphi executes, it happens like this

1. A web application on React through http requests (via axios) gives a command to scan a document, a Delphi application listens on a port and receives a command, starts executing and records what is happening at the moment in the application on delphi

2. The web application, after a certain interval, requests the status of the task that is being performed or has already been completed

3. When the application in Delphi has finished scanning the document (It can be an automatic feeder and manual scanning), it writes the objects that it scanned to the event status and, when requested from the web application, gives them

Back to the ReactJS web application

This screenshot shows documents that have already been scanned and can be viewed, deleted

View a document with the ability to download it

Deleting a Document

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