How can a beginning developer switch to freelancing? example of experience (AR) and useful tips

The essence is brief

If you dream of gaining freedom from the office and bosses, getting free time for personal projects and at the same time making good money – then believe me, you better start preparing for this life now!

What not to do. Personal experience

4 years ago I decided to open a new field for myself in the form of augmented reality (AR) development. Like everything new, it excited my mind and I already imagined how I would quickly change my shoes from an architect-designer and move to live in Dubai with money from freelancing. At that time I had: money for a couple of months of existence, not a single person surrounded by IT, and at the same time unshakable faith in myself.

Creating AR projects seemed to me similar to architectural design, where the entire process takes place in modeling programs and at the end we simply put together a presentation to the customer. And so it was in fact, I was able to create my first project simply by watching a video on YouTube “AR application on Unity in 5 minutes.” Those who are familiar with Unity also understand how quickly you can “bungle” something with it. Here, by the way, it should be noted that due to lack of experience, I created AR applications for the iPhone and for these purposes I even bought a brand new MacBook, which I often regretted later.

I remember the first time I launched an AR application, I just jumped with happiness, it was so magical. The golden mountains are here!

As a result, throughout the first year of freelancing I created test AR applications for myself, from very simple ones to more complex ones. I tested different functions and services many times, read forums and watched a bunch of videos on YouTube. By the end of the year, I already saw that I could create custom projects. It is worth noting that at that time I lived almost completely without income; I had a couple of small jobs in architecture, but everything else was borrowed from family and friends.

I received my first order, no matter how typical it may sound, from a relative, with the wording “Do it, I’ll show it to someone, maybe they’ll pay for it.” I did just that, everything worked, I recorded videos and posted them on YouTube. Subsequently, a completely different person approached me with a request to make a similar application for the festival.

Halfway through my second year, in the summer, I already realized that I was a freelancer. The first 2 orders inspired imagination. And at that time I also had the opportunity to participate in a competition for a “student startup”, for which the idea of ​​an application-service was already mature. Everything was fine – summer, sun, dreams and me carelessly wasting my last money.

Afterwards I created several more small projects, but the money in my pocket became less and less and subsequently it became sorely lacking. In addition, in September 22, events began that greatly undermined all plans. And at that time I already had a mortgage and my wife was on maternity leave. And here it is – no money, no customers, discord in the family. A logical outcome isn't it? The thoughts were already ripening: “Didn’t I turn in the right direction? What about dreams and hopes?” This adventure, which lasted 2 years and could have ended on the first bump.

Fortunately, at that time I received a message about winning a grant through a competition and I managed to survive my first crisis. Having recovered, I continued on my way.

Conclusions from personal experience:

  • “Don't jump out of a nest without a parachute” – if you are already working or studying somewhere, you should not give up everything and enter the market without accumulated funds and stable customers. Believe me, any shake-up can force you to return to hired work, and, moreover, to the one where: “as long as they pay.”

  • “Put additional support” – in case you have already decided to go freelance without regular customers, it is better to find a part-time job or take orders from your previous job.

  • “Don’t buy equipment/services if you can do without them” – I then bought a MacBook, which I now use very rarely in practice. It was possible to do without him. Better save your money.

  • “Take responsibility” – in one of the projects I could have taken a little more responsibility by declaring my expertise and thereby implementing the project even better, but I was afraid. This subsequently blocked my path to other orders. In the future, you will be able to take less responsibility, knowing all the pitfalls and your goals. But in the first couples it is better to study as much as possible.

  • “Start visiting IT communities, startups and freelancers” – You need to plunge into this environment and make friends in order to learn from the experiences of others and start promoting yourself.

  • Here I would also add “don’t get married and don’t have children,” but it turned out that on the contrary, family is still a motivator.

What now? observations and useful tips

Now I have been in IT for 4 years, have my own startup and am a resident of a business incubator. I no longer look at my field with rose-colored glasses, but luckily I still love working on it. I’m already getting through the financial pitfalls more easily and have finally decided on my future path. Perhaps the main thing I can highlight for successful freelancing now is: marketing and planning. The points:

  • Advertise yourself always and everywhere. – distribute business cards, speak at events, write blogs, record videos with your work, write articles – everything so that people can find out about you.

  • Know your end goals. What do you want to achieve as a result of your activities? What to come to? – this will help you not to burn out and filter orders, you will be able to calmly get up in the morning every day and continue your work without a doubt.

  • Create a daily routine – I got it by feeling, hard work with short breaks and definitely 1 day a week without active work. Again, if you break the routine, you lose efficiency later.

  • Plan your advertising campaign for the long haul. – It seems that sending letters to all possible potential customers in one evening will bring you orders in the morning? this is wrong. You need to systematically, through advertising through different channels, attract the attention of customers.

Work and earn money!

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