How and where to practice as a novice mobile developer

Often, when responding to various vacancies at the intern or junior level, you can receive a test task. This test task is a great way to practice. They will already come up with the task for you, give you various materials, perhaps even a code template – that is, they will do all the preparatory work.

If you completed the task successfully, great, you will be able to pass an interview and, possibly, get an offer to the company. If you don’t pass, you can save the test task and develop it further, continuing your practice and introducing new solutions.


An obvious but still good way to practice on a combat project is to get an internship. There is a little more responsibility here than in the test task, but there are also more benefits.

Firstly, if you have already landed an internship, it means that the likelihood of further employment with the company increases significantly. Secondly, an internship is practice not on a project in a vacuum, but on a real product.

Team work, immersion in development processes, and new acquaintances are also added! I recommend keeping an eye out for internships on career websites of large companies and telegram channels for mobile development.

Solving algorithmic problems

There is such a thing in the development world – algorithmic problems. They are often neglected, but in vain. Such tasks will help you structure your thoughts while solving various problems and learn the best ways to solve these problems. Perhaps the most popular resources are Leetcode And HackerRank.

Portfolio on Github

The last piece of advice I want to give: post all your pet projects and practices on Github (not projects under NDA, of course). This will definitely help in future employment. You will be able to accumulate a portfolio and show those who are considering your candidacy that you have an understanding of different technologies and know how to apply them in practice and do not stand still.

If you're just starting out in the world of mobile development, take a moment to read my article about resources and materials that will help you at the start.

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