How an employer wanted to charge me 110 thousand rubles, but received a slap from the prosecutor's office

Worked at Tagil Telecom. If you look at the city, the salary is average, but by the standards of Rosstat reports, it is much lower than the national average. I worked there for a little over six months. Constant overwork, missed deadlines, constant hassle. At the same time, he got an “engineering” position, as his superiors pompously stated, but in fact ended up in telecommunications electromechanics, with all the consequences about “snow and dirt.”

When asked about salary increases, I was always told that they are indexed depending on inflation, 1-2 times a year. They can't help anymore. As it turned out later, only the salary part was indexed, bonuses did not increase.

Deputy director found my resume on one of the job search sites. He called me in for a heart-to-heart talk. He asked me to notify him if I quit. I promised that I would not hide it and would inform about everything in advance.

I realized that “it’s time to get out” when the director gave a speech about how only the strong and purposeful can endure all the hardships and hardships. services work in an organization, and those who cannot are weaklings. And his deputy said that it is not the salary that is important, but the team and comfortable work in it. And it’s in our hands to make the work comfortable.

On the last Friday of 2023, I received an offer from friends. The salary was not much different, but there was full remote work and minimal employment. I could do my favorite things for money. He immediately agreed and wrote a letter of resignation. I thought about handing in an application at a corporate party in honor of the end of the year, but I didn’t want to ruin the mood for my bosses.

On 01/02/2024 I sent an SMS to my deputy, saying that I was resigning. I hoped that they would release me freely after the New Year holidays, but I was wrong.

Arriving at work on the first working day of January, I submitted my application. And what? That's right, I received a requirement to work for 2 weeks. My arguments that I was already working in another place and could not break were not heard. Well, it was their right, but I also exercised my right to sick leave. I just needed to go to the hospital for an examination, which I did without hesitation.

2 weeks have flown by. I checked out and decided that I needed to go to my previous place of work to get a paycheck. In the accounting department I signed the order, a copy of which was never given to me. He gave me a request for payment of the settlement and left. After some time, I received a letter from the company’s management, which said that I was a financially responsible telecommunications electromechanic and owed them inventory items worth about 100,000 rubles. I will quote:

“We would like to inform you that according to the accounting data. In your accounting records, you have a debt on received material assets in the amount of 109,943 rubles 33 kopecks. Please note that:

According to Art. 238 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee is obliged to compensate the employer for the damage caused.

According to Art. 241 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for damage caused, the employee bears financial responsibility within the limits of his monthly earnings.

According to Art. 243 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee may be held financially liable in the full amount of damage caused.

We invite you to provide a report on the above amount of debt on material assets as soon as possible.”

In my employment contract on financial responsibility there was a clause:

“The employee undertakes to bear full financial responsibility for the valuables entrusted to him.”

On duty, I once received an ethernet switch, which I installed on one of the communication nodes. I also purchased computers several times, which I received from distribution points by proxy. All equipment was functional and at the disposal of other employees. Why I suddenly became responsible for this equipment was unclear to me.

In connection with this interesting position of my former employer, I turned to my comrades from the IT Workers Trade Union, who helped me correctly draw up an application to the labor inspectorate.

The inspector's response surprised me even more than the employer's response to my request. I won’t give the text of the answer, but briefly: “We wrote to the organization, but they did not answer our letter, we called, but did not get through. We can't help you anymore. But you’re right, demand a settlement in court!”

Then the trade union activists helped draw up another statement, but this time to the regional prosecutor’s office. This statement worked better. The prosecutor's office contacted me by phone to clarify whether the settlement had been paid to me.

Within a month after submitting the application, I received a calculation and compensation for wages not paid on time.

Unfortunately, I don’t know whether the legal entity suffered. person is liable for an administrative offense.

I express my deep gratitude to the IT trade union and urge all workers unite!

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