Hormones of happiness

Hormonal imbalance exacerbates eating disorders, depression and anxiety. Because of him, the mood goes on a roller coaster ride, and the body suffers from pain and fatigue.

In the article, we analyze who is who in hormones. We show how serotonin, endorphin, dopamine and oxytocin control a person and share instructions on how to learn to control them

Serotonin: sleep, sex and nausea

This hormone and neurotransmitter—the chemical that transmits impulses to nerve cells—doesn’t just live in the brain. Most of the serotonin lives in the gut. If until now you didn’t give a damn about some hormone in the intestines, then in vain. Serotonin:

  • reduces the risk of suicide, depression and violence

  • slows down aging

  • restores the liver and improves immunity.

We didn’t invent it, but research showed.

Here's How Mr. Serotonin Affects Human Elements

Here’s How Mr. Serotonin Affects Human Elements

What is dangerous serotonin deficiency and how to make friends with the hormone

Here's What Happens To Naughty Adults Who Have Serotonin Problems

Here’s What Happens To Naughty Adults Who Have Serotonin Problems

For serotonin to be a cheerful guest at the hormonal party in the body:

  1. Take sun baths. Work with open curtains and a window – just not at -30. Go for walks and shop. Walk in the sun for at least 30 minutes – but do not forget about sunscreen. The sun does speed up aging.

  2. Throw in tryptophan. It is the amino acid that produces serotonin. It is found in turkey, eggs, cheese, nuts, seeds, and beans. Think about what you can include from this in breakfast, lunch, dinner. What dishes to cook? Breakfast sandwiches with cheese and eggs, for example.

  3. Deprive yourself of sleep. Yes, if sleep becomes a friend for less time, serotonin rise. But it is necessary to reduce sleep moderately and only after consulting a specialist.

  4. Find a massage therapist. Regular massage increases serotonin levels. Buy a certificate, find a friend with education and soft hands, or buy a massage chair.

  5. Go to a comedian show. It is enough to find a funny video on YouTube or in RILs and you’re done – serotonin hits the head and intestines.

Dopamine: Achievement, Reward and Pleasure

Dopamine is said to cause pleasure. It is not true. Dopamine reinforces pleasure and connects with some event, achievement. This neurotransmitter and hormone increases motivation to do something and improves mood.

Why dopamine deficiency is dangerous and how to make friends with the hormone

Dopamine affects both the physics of the body and the psyche.

Here's what is dangerous dopamine deficiency

Here’s what is dangerous dopamine deficiency

If dopamine is overflowing, that’s not okay either. Aggression, spontaneous actions, poor sleep appear when dopamine is in excess.

Here’s what to do for peace and dopamine harmony:

  1. Watch out for tyrosine. This amino acid is found in almonds, avocados, bananas, cheese, chicken, fish, soy products, yogurt, and turkey.

  2. Find your favorite sport. No need to drag yourself to the gym if it’s fashionable. Or going out for a run at 6 a.m. just because it feels great. Find a sport that will charge and which You you will want. Yoga, stretching, dancing, punching a bag – get rid of boundaries and find what you like.

Trick from YaNorm: in order not to score on a new habit – sports, walking, studying – make sure that the preparation takes no more than 20 seconds each time. Keep a fitness mat and clothes at hand, for example.

  1. Celebrate the little things. Abandon the “big gifts after big success” mindset. If you want to be friends with dopamine, enjoy the little things: waking up in a good mood or memorizing a word in a foreign language. Supported a friend, was on the street in fine weather.

  2. Cuddle with dogs. Or with people if you have allergies or don’t have dogs. Or take it with you if you are allergic to other people. Hugs and touches increase dopamine levels. In general, hugging dogs healthy.

Endorphin: an internal pain reliever

Endofrin is translated as “internal morphine”. This hormone is released when the body or mind is in pain. Therefore, people in CheP can lift a car and jump over a fence with bad words. More endorphins:

  • increase self-esteem

  • reduce anxiety

  • enhance immunity

  • reduce depression

  • reduce pain.

What is dangerous endorphin deficiency and how to make friends with the hormone

This is what happens when endorphins are out of balance

This is what happens when endorphins are out of balance

To always be on the endorphin wave legally:

  1. Have sex. Masturbation, sex with a loved one – throw endorphins.

  2. Create or enjoy art. Feeling beauty enhances the flow of endorphins.

  3. Eat spicy food. But don’t be zealous. Spicy foods also increase the level of this hormone, but sometimes it is better without heartburn than with it.

  4. Watch the drama. Emotional excitement during dramas makes you and endorphin best friends. But don’t kink the hose. Nerves are not rubber.

  5. Eat dark chocolate. Not tiles. And if you don’t have food allergies. And if you like.

Oxytocin: love and society

Oxytocin has been dubbed the love hormone. It is released when a mother breastfeeds and gives birth. A smart body saves the mother from pain and shock and creates attachment to the child. But this hormone is not only an ambassador of motherhood. Through touch, he creates and strengthens a romantic connection too.

Here's What Oxytocin Does When It's Released

Here’s What Oxytocin Does When It’s Released

What is dangerous oxytocin deficiency and how to make friends with the hormone

A recent study showed that oxytocin is linked to digestion. An imbalance of the hormone provokes bloating, nausea and abdominal pain. And the lack of oxytocin exacerbates anorexia nervosa, increases negative emotions and creates an alarming background in relationships.

To keep up with oxytocin:

  1. Touch and hug. Tactility raises oxytocin by leaps and bounds. This hormone is closely friends with the body.

  2. Go to karaoke. Or a choir. Singing in the group produces oxytocin.

  3. Make a workout schedule. Everything we like: without violence, what you like and at a comfortable pace.

  4. Visualize a future where anything is possible. Perfect day in 10 years, grandiose dreams and writing about it provoke oxytocin. If you don’t want to record text, record a voice, podcast.

Message from YaNorm

When next time the mood is apathetic, there is a disorder with health or there is tension in the relationship, consult a doctor and take tests.

Refuse self-treatment and use the article only to correct your life, and not to be cured.

Hormones are a delicate thing. They connect the body with the psyche and emotions, and any imbalance in them destroys all life harmony and affects the body, mind, spirit, psyche, emotions, work, relationships.

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