From idea to IT project

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I felt an urgent need to share the knowledge that I gained in the implementation of various projects. He started in the real sector (metallurgy, chemistry). Yes, I can also use a welding machine (MIG, TIG), I can work with different tools, I’m not afraid to do wiring and maintain electrical panels, I can design in CAD (Compass, Solid Works, Simens NX), I can take into account, all its manifestations (I won’t bore details).

And with this baggage I came to IT. In the article, I propose to consider the option of how to move from an Idea to an IT project. The examples are partly taken from the experience in the medical field, but due to the NDA and my conviction to comply with the agreements, the example will be a little abstract (the idea is alive, you can implement it, there is a need :)). Please remember – any idea is nothing without its implementation.


In any field of activity, before doing something, it is necessary to answer the question: “What to do?”

The IT industry is no exception. In the world since ancient times, before solving large and small tasks (problems), the idea was in the center of attention. It began the process of answering the question: “What to do?”

An idea in the broad sense of the word is a mental prototype of any action, object, phenomenon and principle, highlighting its main and essential features.

Formulation of the problem

What needs to be done to move from an idea to an IT project (in other areas the situation is not very different) – this is what I will try to formulate. We will not consider the very method of forming the search for ideas – this is a separate difficult task. Our task will be to get a tool for evaluating an idea and transferring it to the status of a project. We will be able to show, substantiate and, I hope, implement the results.

The essence of the approach

Once we have thought “Eureka” to ourselves in the process of solving the problem, and once we have realized that this is the idea, we need to take the next series of steps.

First step. You need to put the idea into a certain framework, suitable for processing it and turning it into a potential project / product. First, let’s write the definition of our idea. For clarity, I will give an example.

Example 1: we have an idea for a decision support system for the medical field (the issue is very complex and controversial, but interesting and memorable). In what health condition should you go to work, in which one should you stay at home working remotely, and in which it is better to see a doctor (in fact, this idea is much broader).

To begin with, let’s formulate our idea in the form of a definition or goal – this is a technology for assessing the health status of an employee for his admission to work / study / procedures / … Why not a goal for a new IT product?

Second step. We need to conduct an initial evaluation of the idea:

  • What tasks does the idea solve (in the future, these will be our big tasks for its evaluation and implementation)

  • How much such an idea is in demand (people who have money do not give them for beautiful eyes)

  • To what extent the idea is ready for the user, investor, and sometimes the state (if the idea solves the state task, this is its greater advantage)

  • To what extent the idea is achievable and feasible (sometimes the idea is great, but due to restrictions at the moment it is impossible to implement (everyone remembers the story from Apple)

Example 2: let’s try to superficially describe our idea.

  • Tasks: user health assessment for job access, user health statistics, timely user health data

  • Demand: logistics services, medical institutions, factories, factories, departments, etc. – probably there it is in demand

  • Implementation Ready: This is where survey results from the industries you work in come in handy. It takes confidence that the industries are ready, and it remains only to understand where to start

  • Achievable: at the moment the idea is achievable and feasible, while it has a number of limitations, but there is confidence that they will not interfere

Third step. It is necessary to formalize the tasks that need to be solved to achieve the result. We consider the tasks in the context of the requests of potential participants in the implementation of the project / product.

  • Technological tasks. Tasks related to the use of technology. Ideally, you need to compile a kind of table where you indicate the technology and what issues of the project / product it solves.

  • User tasks. With them, I think, everything is more or less clear. In fact, these are normal business requirements.

  • Investor tasks. An explanation is needed here. Any project / product takes into account the cost of resources, and resources are usually provided by people / organizations that have them. It is important that the idea meets the interests of resource owners.

  • State tasks. This point is not always necessary, but if the idea solves the tasks of the state (target programs, etc.), then the chances that it will reach successful implementation become greater.

Example 3: the wording will be written in simple language so that the material is understandable to a wide audience.

  • Technological tasks: launch from a mobile and stationary device, the ability to interact with health assessment equipment (formation of an objective assessment), the ability to work 24/7, etc.

  • User tasks: the ability to see the result of the assessment on mobile and stationary devices, the ability to track statistics of changes, the ability to generate reports, etc.

  • Investor’s tasks: reducing risks when allowing users to work, increasing the efficiency of assessment, a tool for a paramedic to assess the state of health, etc. (everything here is individual, but in general the investor seeks to increase the efficiency of resource use)

  • Tasks of the state: I propose to think over them yourself

Fourth step. It is necessary to determine methods for solving the above problems. In fact, we must add a method for each task. It is not difficult. You may have to change the wording, but everything will work out, you just need to want to.

Fifth step. It is necessary to describe the expected result from the implementation of the idea. This is where the above points will help. To put it beautifully, this is how we formulate the future.


Summarize. We figured out how to turn an idea into an IT project / product that can be evaluated, and in case of a positive evaluation, implemented. If we reduce everything, then in any case we need to go the following way:

  1. Determine the goal that the idea achieves

  2. Determine the tasks that need to be solved to achieve the goal

  3. Determine the methods by which we will solve problems

  4. Determine the expected result from solving problems

Thus, we can turn almost any idea into a project/product. I suggest trying it and if you have any questions, ask them. I will try to answer them.

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