free blender lessons for kids

Let's pump up our skills in 3D modeling and together try to create a minion in the Blender program, designed for working with 3D graphics. Let's note right away that without a basic understanding of Blender, the instructions we have prepared will seem difficult. But it's definitely worth a try. Below we will leave a selection of lessons for complete beginners, you can start with it and then return to this tutorial. The lessons are intended for teenagers aged 13-14 and older.

3D modeling is a common field: it is used in the film industry, advertising, marketing and design, as well as in game development and industry. Professional modelers often use the tools of the Blender environment, a free software created specifically for 3D modeling. This is due to the advanced capabilities of the platform.

The topic may seem complicated. And it really is. But if there is interest and desire for results, even teenagers without experience in creating 3D models can master the presented direction. It is possible:

  • In children's online courses with a teacher;

  • On your own with the help of free instructions and training videos.

We are at school Pixel We believe that choosing a route for additional IT education is a task for children and their parents, so we do not insist on a specific option.

If you already have experience in modeling or just want to try your hand and take the first steps in creating 3D models in Blender, you will find the presented instructions useful. In it, we have collected 10 lessons in the form of text guides, and also provided videos in case you can’t figure it out without a visual. We will create a minion model, do basic texturing and add animation.

Once again, it is desirable to understand the basics of the Blender program. If you do not have a basic understanding, first familiarize yourself with a selection of educational videos for beginners.

A selection of Blender lessons for schoolchildren: from creating basic shapes to getting to know the sculpting mode and animation

Let's get to the main part and start working on 3D modeling in Blender. Ready? Let's get started.

1. Basic forms

We suggest dedicating the first Blender lesson for kids to basic forms. Getting to know them will help us create the basis of the future minion. Let's do the following:

  1. Let's clear the scene and add the character image shown below. You'll need to drag it into the program.

The image of the minion will be needed for a more accurate reproduction of the model.

The image of the minion will be needed for a more accurate reproduction of the model.

  1. Place the picture in the center. We need to move it along the Y axis.

Now let's move on to creating basic forms. To do this:

  1. Add a sphere and make it transparent using the Alt + Z keyboard shortcut. Now go to edit mode, select the edge selection and delete the central one. Press Ctrl and X. This combination will dissolve the unnecessary edge. The polygons will be saved. Now adjust the size of the sphere to the minion's head and body, select the vertices. Flatten the lower part more so that it matches the shape of our character's body.

  2. Let's add arms. A cylinder will help with this. Using the edit mode, move it to the right and rotate it. You need to extrude several times and add a Mirror modifier: it will copy the created right arm and add the left one. Additionally, we will use extrusion to create cuffs, and also align the arms by scaling and selecting points.

  3. Let's create the legs. The already familiar cylinder will help. You will need to put it on the minion's leg in the image, apply scaling and rotation to fit the required shape. Next, use the Loop Cut loop and expand it with the Bevel tool. Additionally, you need to pull out another extruder: this will help make the boot. To create the toe, use polygons and push them forward. Next, as when working with the arms, use Mirror.

Using cylinders we create the base of the model

Using cylinders we create the base of the model

So, we've covered adding basic shapes and understood how to overlay them on external images and edit the resulting objects.

If the text instructions seem complicated, take a look training video.

2. Creation of clothes

The second lesson in the Blender mini-course for kids will be devoted to creating clothes. First, we will adjust the already prepared volumetric material – the blank of the future minion. If you look closely, you can see that the shapes are somewhat flattened. Therefore, we will select S and the Y axis: this way the scale will work only on the latter.

Now let's make clothes. Steps:

  1. Add the front part of the jumpsuit. You will need an edge loop. We will move it down and select the required polygons, create duplicates and add a Solidify modifier to the new mesh. It will help to give the jumpsuit volume. Additionally, in the first step, we will correct the shape of the main suit from behind.

  2. Let's create the straps. We need a couple of edge lines. Extrude their vertices and attach them to the surface. The edges will need to be filled with polygons. Select 4 vertices, press the F key. This will help create the first polygon and stretch it to the end of the strap.

  3. Add Mirror. First you need to remove half of the jumpsuit.

  4. Select the polygons on the pants and add volume.

We have taken the second step towards creating a 3D model in Blender using the example of a minion. Let's move on.

Modeling Minion Clothes

Modeling Minion Clothes

If you have any difficulties, we advise you video instruction.

3. Improving the clothes of the virtual character – minion

Let's improve the created clothes. The sculpting mode will help us. Here are the main steps:

  1. Combining the overalls and pants. Select the corresponding objects, press Ctrl and J.

  2. Go to the Sculpt tab. Increase the mesh density using Remesh: this is necessary to improve the result.

  3. Smoothing the shape using the Smooths brush.

  4. Drawing indentations on the overalls using the Draw Sharp tool.

Now we need to work with the boots. The Inflate brush will help: with its help you can create the required shape. Don't forget about smoothing.

Let's make a mask to create a heel. For this, we'll need the Mask brush. Move is used to partially move geometry.

Finally, let's smooth the mesh again using Remesh. The clothing work is done!

Sculpting in Blender

Sculpting in Blender

Here is an alternative text: video tutorial on the topic of sculpting clothes for the minion.

4. Advanced Sculpting for Beginners

Let's continue using the sculpting mode. This is partly covered in the fourth lesson from today's selection. What do we do next:

  1. Add a sphere and place it near the hand, carefully attaching it. Again, apply Mirror.

  2. Let's go into sculpting mode. We need to make the grid denser by pressing R and selecting a value. In combination with Ctrl, this key will help activate the “Apply” command. We make transitions, as before, using Smooth. We use Scrape to make the required shape.

  3. Let's use Clay to outline the fingers. No need for detail: just outline them.

  4. Let's work on the face. Use Remesh to increase the mesh density, smooth out the shapes in isolation mode. Now we need to outline the mouth. If the density is not enough, use Remesh again. Next, outline the eyes: add glasses using a cylinder and place it in the right place. As before, use the mirror modifier.

We want the glasses to be pressed into the minion's body, so we go into sculpting mode and apply the skills we've already acquired.

Sculpting for Beginners

Sculpting for Beginners

We are one step closer to understanding how to make a model in Blender from scratch. But the improvised course is not over yet: there is still a lot to learn and how to use additional tools of the Blender program.

If you couldn't figure it out, take a look fourth training video.

5. Refinement of glasses

Earlier we started to create glasses, but did not finish. So let's get back to the topic. We need:

  1. Make a strap. Use a ring and place it in the desired location.

  2. Go to editing. You will need to delete half. Next, we will add the already familiar mirror modifier.

  3. Adjust the glasses. Delete the extra elements and add new points using extruder. Hold Alt, select them and drag up.

  4. Adjust the strap. It should not sink into the body. We will use Solidify to add volume.

  5. Prepare the eyepieces. Select the front polygon, press I to insert, E to extrude.

  6. Add Bevel to smooth it out. Then apply Subdivision Surface: this will help make the shape smooth.

  7. Add inserts through I. This will help to avoid the appearance of ribs.

Making Glasses in Blender

Making Glasses in Blender

Are you having difficulties? We will help you cope with them fifth training video.

6. Working with seams and adding colors

Our minion lacks hair. Let's do it. Steps:

  1. Switch to the front view and create a Path curve, placing it slightly above the model.

  2. Using editing, we reduce the size of the applied tool.

  3. We enable the display of Path geometry and change the control points according to the shape.

  4. Copy the curves to get new hair.

  5. Apply Mirror relative to the body.

Now let's add a material to set the required colors. Working with a body is simple, but where you need to draw complex textures, say, glasses, you need coordinates and UV-unwrapping. You can unwrap a mesh on a plane by adding seams: you need to click on UV and select Smart UV Project.

Working with Color in Blender

Working with Color in Blender

We'll work on the remaining parts of the mesh during the next lesson.

For a better understanding of the presented subtopic, we suggest viewing video.

7. Introduction to UV mapping

Let's create the overalls and arms. Let's start with the latter. So:

  1. We remove one hand. We will return it later.

  2. Create seams. Use UV and Smart UV Project.

Now let's work with the jumpsuit. Select it and activate Smart UV Project again in the editing mode.

To ensure quality materials, you need to pack the scans, make them more compact. You will need to select the islands and find Pack Islands in the UV menu. You can use the command several times: this will help improve the quality.

Now you need to set up the materials. Color, Roughness are examples of available parameters.

Working with UV-unwrapping in Blender

Working with UV-unwrapping in Blender

At the end of the seventh lesson we will create a material for the hair and set it up. How to do this is shown in detailed video.

8. Deepening into the topic of unfolding

We already know how to add a model to Blender and even create one from scratch, but we need to pay attention to details. Here's how we'll proceed:

  1. Let's add the missing materials. Let's go to the Shading menu.

  2. Let's make a material for glasses and change the Metallic parameter to 1. Let's adjust the roughness.

  3. Let's move on to the overalls. You need to click on Texture Paint. Here we will find the scan and model. Let's paint with color: you will need to select Base Color. We will work on the shoes with black.

  4. Let's make a texture for the hands. We'll paint the conditional brushes black.

  5. Let's draw the eyes. Select glasses, create an additional material, bring it to the foreground. Let's go back to textures and select the Stencil: to get the latter, you need to add an image to Texture, and select it in Tool. When everything is ready, start drawing with white.

Refining materials for the model

Refining materials for the model

We've sorted out the details. We understand that the text instructions are difficult to understand, so, as before, we're attaching them educational video tutorial.

9. Almost done: creating the skeleton

We are confidently moving towards the end of the lessons, but we are not stopping. Here is what we will do:

  1. Let's combine all the meshes, that is, attach the parts to the body. We need one object, which will simplify the work with animation.

  2. Let's create a skeleton. In the list of objects, you need to select Armature – Single Bone. If you turn on transparency, you can see that the improvised bone has appeared at the beginning of the coordinate axis. Let's lower it, and to complete the skeleton, go to the editing mode and press E. Add the required number of bones, after which you can start extruding.

  3. Select the created parts of the leg skeleton and in Armature select Name, click on Symmetries. Do the same with the arms.

  4. Let's tie the mesh to the skeleton. Select the first one and press the Ctrl and P keys, then select With Automatic Weight. The program will distribute the weights.

Creating a skeleton for subsequent animation

Creating a skeleton for subsequent animation

Done! Now each individual bone is responsible for the movement of the corresponding part of a single mesh.

Here video for a better understanding of the issues discussed.

10. Animation in the Blender program

So, we know how to apply texture to a model in Blender and do other important things. And since our model is almost ready, we suggest creating an animation for it.


  1. Let's switch to Pose Mode.

  2. Select the top bone and create an initial frame by pressing the I key and clicking on Location and Rotation. The frame will be recorded automatically.

  3. Press R and set the change in the head position along the Z axis to the required distance.

  4. Press I again and click on Location and Rotation, returning the minion's head to its original position.

  5. We click on Play and see how the model “comes to life”.

The animated model rotates from side to side

The animated model rotates from side to side

You can do the same with other bones and body parts of the minion. The teacher of the Pixel school tells about this in detail in video clip.

If you succeed, send screenshots of your minion models in the comments.


Let's sum it up and note that 3D modeling is not only an exciting but also a promising direction. This is due to the demand for models in games, movies and even in industry. Therefore, provided that the child is interested in the topic, his passion should be developed and supported. This will be a good basis for obtaining a sought-after profession in the future.

Do you think that teenagers without experience are capable of mastering 3D modeling? Should they do it at all? We think so, if there is interest and desire to master the profession of a modeler. You can start with simple instructions and videos, and continue with courses. We offer corresponding online course to all interested teenagers from 13 to 17 years old.

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