First Django project. Part 1

In this article, we’ll launch a web page in 13 easy steps and take a VERY brief introduction to Django. This article is intended for people who already know a little about Python and got acquainted with the publication “What is Django?” The article will describe for PyCharm, because it is free, easy to set up, undemanding for hardware and there are a bunch of color themes.

For experienced commentators. This is my vision. If I started studying, I would study in this way. But thanks for every comment

Briefly about what I sit on:

Ноутбук Acer ES1 520
Процессор	AMD A6-7310 APU with AMD Radeon R4 Graphics, 4x2 ГГц
Память	11171 Мб
Операционная система	Linux Lite 6.4
Дополнительный монитор ViewSonic VX2240W VS11869, 22 LCD
Беспроводная мышь и беспроводная удобная клавиатура
  1. Python and PyCharm must be installed to work. Launch Pycharm and create a project.

    The following 5 items in the PyCharm terminal:

  2. For Windows, you need to create and activate a virtual environment. Who knows how to do this exactly write in the comments.

  3. pip install django

  4. django-admin startproject mysite

  5. cd mysite

  6. python3 startapp shopapp

  7. Open file in the mysite/mysite folder and add ‘shopapp’ to the list of installed applications:

  8. In the shopapp folder, create a templates folder (necessarily “templates”). In this templates folder, create a shopapp folder (name after the application name from point 6). In this shopapp/templates/shopapp/ folder, create an index.html file. Delete the old code and add the code inside the file:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>{% block title %}Главная страница{% endblock %}</title>
            <h1>Мой интернет-магазин</h1>
        <div class="content">
            {% block content %}
            {% for product in products %}
                <p>{{ product }}</p>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endblock %}
            <p>Все права защищены</p>
  9. In file in the shopapp/ folder, add the following code:

    from django.shortcuts import render
    def index(request):
        context = {
            'products': ['Товар 1', 'Товар 2', 'Товар 3'],
        return render(request, 'shopapp/index.html', context)
  10. Create a file in the shopapp/ folder and add the following code:

    from django.urls import path
    from . import views
    urlpatterns = [
        path('', views.index, name="index"),
  11. Open file in the mysite/mysite folder. Delete the old code and add the following code:

    from django.contrib import admin
    from django.urls import include, path
    urlpatterns = [
        path('', include('shopapp.urls')),
  12. Now you can launch your site with the command in the terminal:

    python runserver

  13. You should see a message that the server is running. Now you can open your browser and navigate to to see the main page of your online store.

Those who are interested can play with the Cyrillic alphabet in index.html and the list of products in

The first Django project will be released soon. Part 2. ”, where in the screenshots it is clear, short and simple, there will be explanations of each line and the dependence of the lines on each other.

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