features, video tutorials and useful resources

13 years is the best age to start programming using text languages. Lua, Python, C#, JavaScript – does not matter. Teens aged 13 can also learn web development using HTML and CSS. Why this is useful and why, how to start learning – we’ll tell you in the article.

Coding and web development are topics that have been on everyone's lips for a long time. Some people consider them hackneyed and strongly oppose teaching programming to modern children and teenagers, while other people see in it great prospects and a second literacy necessary for the personality of the 21st century.

We're at school Pixel We believe that writing code is not so much a narrow skill as a means of general development. Even a simple program is, first of all, a logical sequence of commands responsible for performing separate tasks, the awareness of which teaches one to think. And understanding the structure, clarity and other principles of impeccable code gradually activates:

  • Development of logical thinking;

  • Formation of mindfulness;

  • Development of additional important skills such as the ability to see parts of a whole, highlight the most important ones and evaluate the contribution of each to the overall result.

At the same time, writing code teaches children to use the computer and programs wisely, and not just for fun. This fact often becomes an additional argument in favor of useful leisure time in the form of training in programming courses or self-study using lessons in video format or text guides. We want to talk about the second option, but we will focus on the content of specific areas and the features of a number of popular languages.

What languages ​​and environments for writing code can teenagers 13 years of age and older successfully master?

Teenager learning to program

Teenager learning to program

Programming at the age of 13 is a direction accessible to any modern teenager. We will omit all other indicated arguments and emphasize that the most important thing is to take into account the interests of the child. Options:

  • The teenager is passionate about games. In this case, a good solution would be to learn how to create them. Lua and the Roblox environment, the Unity engine and “complicated” C# are suitable. Why in quotes? Because teenagers are characterized by a sufficiently developed mind and thinking to master text languages;

  • The student loves to spend time on various entertainment sites. In such cases, we recommend offering children the direction of web development. The very idea of ​​creating a full-fledged website from scratch captivates teenagers, which forces them to study and apply the appropriate tools: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

We have given examples: other directions are available to interested children. This is, say, the Python language: it can be studied separately or in conjunction with the popular Minecraft gaming universe. You can object and say that Minecraft is written in Java (the basic version) and C++ (an option adapted for a number of devices), and you will be right, but it is the Python language that is suitable for creating simple mods and managing in-game objects.

Let's get to the point and look at the areas of programming available to children 13 years of age and older.

Programming in Roblox with Lua

Roblox Studio Interface

Roblox Studio Interface

Here and further we will start with theory and describe programs and languages. Let's start:

  • Roblox is an online gaming platform where you can create games, communicate with beginners and experienced programmers, exchange projects, experiences and more. The platform works well in conjunction with the cross-platform Roblox Studio engine – an excellent tool for creating 3D games, their interfaces and items, objects and similar things for your own projects;

  • Lua is a scripting language created by employees of the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. We at Pixel believe that in terms of implementation logic, this language is close to JavaScript, but the syntax is simple: it resembles Pascal. This is a plus from the point of view of immersion in the direction, if the child has no experience in writing code, but wants to take it up.

Roblox and the Studio engine in conjunction with the Lua language often become the basis of programming and 3D modeling courses for children 13 years old. At the same time, in classes, children not only learn to write code, but also create:

  • 3D models;

  • Virtual cards for your own games;

  • More complex projects in the form of full-fledged game programs.

Gamification, or involvement in the creation of games, is a plus, especially if the teenager is interested in gaming. We believe this principle is significant: its implementation improves learning and retention, as well as understanding of basic commands and constructs, say, loops, functions, variables, branches, etc.

Getting to know Lua using the example of working in Roblox is a good start in programming. The classes provide a solid foundation for learning more complex languages, which is a plus if your child wants to continue programming.

Here are some video tutorials that will help you get started if you decide to act independently and not with the help of computer courses:

Programming in Python, including the example of creating mods in Minecraft

And again we start with theory:

  • Python is a high-level, general-purpose language. Some consider it too banal and overhyped, but if you want to take a logical step in development in writing code and move from Lua to more complex things, Python will be an excellent solution;

  • Minecraft is a popular indie sandbox game with survival and RPG elements. The guys are attracted by the possibility of building using cubic blocks, but something else is more interesting: with the help of Python, even a beginner can create mods for the game Minecraft. And again to the principle of gamification: it simplifies the learning of a relatively complex language and makes the learning process more fun.

As with Lua and Roblox, Python and Minecraft are often the basis of online programming courses for children as young as 13. But Python can be used independently when writing code for simple games, applications and more. It is used by programmers in a number of independent areas. This:

  • Web development;

  • Creating the foundations of advanced graphical interfaces;

  • Working with databases;

  • System programming;

  • Control and automation of complex calculations;

  • Machine learning, etc.

Writing a script to create a farm in Minecraft

Writing a script to create a farm in Minecraft

Yes, we agree that Python is over-hyped, but we think this is a consequence of its versatility. There is no arguing with this fact.

Here are a selection of training videos to help you take your first steps:

We also recommend the book by Jason Briggs. It's called “Python for Kids” and is often used as a tutorial for beginners.

Python for Kids by Jason Briggs

Python for Kids by Jason Briggs

Programming in C# in Unity

The next logical step is to get acquainted with the C Sharp language using the example of implementing game projects on the Unity engine, but this direction can also be considered the main, independent one. Here, a lot depends on the teenager’s hobbies and accumulated experience.

On to the theory:

  • C# is an object-oriented language originally created by Microsoft for coding applications for the Windows operating system. Today its possibilities are much wider. This is backend development, creation of web applications, logic programming, etc. The C Sharp language is rightfully considered promising due to its capabilities and the fact of support from Microsoft – a large transnational corporation, with a number of reservations, a leader in the field of creating software for personal computers , set-top boxes, PDAs, smartphones and other devices;

  • The Unity engine is a cross-platform environment designed for game development. The creators have provided internal tools for working with graphics, animation, object physics, and even sounds. When combined with C#, Unity is a great way to teach teens how to code. Even if we talk only about game development, it can be noted that this niche is widespread and will expand in the future.

Unity Interface

Unity Interface

The presented language in the Unity environment is used for programming:

  • 2D games for mobile devices;

  • Three-dimensional game projects for computers and consoles.

It is clear that programming in C# is as promising as game development. Therefore, both collectively and separately, these areas are excellent tools for developing the foundations of professional employment in the future.

Here are some video tutorials you can start with:

If reading is more convenient, we recommend Martin Dreyer’s book called “C# for Schoolchildren.”

Book “C# for Schoolchildren” by Martin Dreyer

Book “C# for Schoolchildren” by Martin Dreyer

Web development with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

As before, let's start with the basics:

  • HTML is a hypertext markup language. It is used to structure and design content on websites. Thanks to HTML, developers create hierarchical and digestible page structures, add headings, paragraphs, lists, and more. All this improves the user experience and makes it positive;

  • CSS is a comprehensive tool designed primarily for the visual design of websites. It is seen as a language and cascading style sheets that are useful in terms of managing the visual content of websites. It includes a collection of graphic objects located on separate pages. These are fonts, pictures and menus, their colors, background images, relative position of sections and similar components of general content;

  • JavaScript is a high-level programming language. It has gained popularity as a scripting tool for web development. There is an opinion that JavaScript is similar to Python and C#, which is partly true, but we hasten to emphasize the difference: we are talking about the fact that the first one belongs to the category of interpreted languages, not compiled ones. And everyone has their own purpose.

Let us emphasize that web development is a popular and widespread area. Specialists with the appropriate skills and knowledge can:

  • Create websites and remote applications, maintain their functionality;

  • Use HTML, CSS and JavaScript professionally;

  • Optimize websites, make them more attractive in the eyes of search robots;

  • Test and debug web projects, launch them, etc.

So, if you are looking for programming courses for a 13-year-old child, web development would be a good solution. Yes, in the classes they use not simple children's languages ​​like Scratch, but complex ones, but our practice shows that enthusiastic children successfully cope even with C#.

If you decide to move in the direction of web development yourself, it will help selection of training videos.

Which direction to choose and where to start if text languages ​​seem difficult

We have already talked about choosing the direction of additional IT training for teenagers: it is best to start from the interests of the child and not be guided by opinions like “Python is too publicized” or “writing code is not a topic for children.” In short, Lua and Roblox, Python and Minecraft, as well as Unity and C# are suitable for gamers. If you are interested in the topic of web development, you should definitely take a closer look at HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

If it comes to the first steps and early childhood at the primary school level, the Scratch and Scratch Junior environments will help develop an interest in writing code and understand its basic principles. These are visual languages ​​that have shown themselves to be successful in the development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren in programming. You shouldn’t expect anything more from the presented environments than the formation of interest and passion for coding, but for a start they are perfect.

We would like to summarize and once again emphasize the prospects of the proposed directions, and also note the importance of taking into account the interests of a teenager when choosing the option of additional IT education.

If you already have experience in teaching children programming, share it and tell us where you started. Maybe you're learning to write code yourself? If yes, then please indicate the most promising language, in your opinion.

Material prepared Pixel — a programming school for children 5-17 years old.

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