Expansion of the Universe and Gravity
I talked to AI here and accidentally discovered dark energy and explained gravity.
Now here's a scientific fact: In the Universe, at any point in space, pairs of virtual particles are constantly being formed, which almost instantly annihilate. This process is called quantum fluctuations or quantum foam.
But if we assume that due to some clever tunnel effect these virtual particles do not annihilate, then the Universe would be constantly filled with matter (similar to what happened during inflation after the Big Bang), and would also be uniformly filled with negative energy, which causes space to expand. Incidentally, the accelerated expansion of the Universe is a scientifically confirmed fact.
As a result, if we allow for the possibility of NON-annihilation of virtual particles, we get a very clear explanation of dark energy and the mechanism of space expansion.
Next in line is gravity. According to modern ideas, particles acquire mass due to interaction with the Higgs field, in which the Higgs boson operates.
Now let's take the Higgs field. Like any other field, it must have its quantum fluctuations. We know that matter is attracted by the curvature of space under the influence of massive objects. How exactly a massive object curves space is not so important at this stage. But suppose that quantum fluctuations in the Higgs field can “push” elementary particles.
In flat space, the net effect of such fluctuations would be zero—the fluctuations would push the particles equally from all directions. However, in curved space, this effect would be uneven: the particles would be “pushed” from the less curved space toward the more curved one. This essentially explains the mechanism of gravity.
P.S. Who's the last one here for the Nobel Prize…? )))