examples of directions and projects

Junior schoolchildren aged 8–9 years, as evidenced by our practice, are already able to cope with block programming and gradually immerse themselves in text languages, because the corresponding age is a good time for the first successful steps in IT. And we want to talk about the available directions, note where to start and how to move, so that the child acquires valuable skills and knowledge useful from the point of view of personal development in the era of information technology.

We're at school Pixel We use various environments such as TinkerCAD, Code Builder, as well as Scratch, Lua and other languages, such as Python, to teach beginners. The latter seems complicated, which is partly true, so it is better to prepare for its study. Environments with tools designed specifically for visual programming are suitable for this. The key idea is the following: you can start your first lessons on your own or in courses even in your early school years, but it is important to move consistently and from simple to complex.

How exactly? This is what today's material is dedicated to. Taking into account the experience of our teachers, we suggest you figure out what areas children at 8–9 years old can master, how and where to start moving, and why exactly. In addition, we will show examples of projects that junior schoolchildren can handle, but we want to start with usefulness and feasibility – the eternal question.

What are the benefits of learning programming from the age of 8 and why this particular age?

Children study in IT courses

Children study in IT courses

“8 years is the optimal age at which you can start teaching children how to write code. The ideal option is the Scratch program and the language of the same name: with the help of these tools you can interest even a restless schoolchild, because you will have to create your own simple games, animations and cartoons using bright blocks. For me and my colleagues, Scratch is a digital analogue of ordinary Lego: the environment is structured like a construction set. And this is another argument in favor of the fact that learning is possible and even reasonable.

I consulted with my colleagues and came to the conclusion that you can strengthen your block programming skills in Code Builder, and only then, if your child is interested in “adult” coding, it’s worth trying Python. But you can start not in its pure form, but in conjunction with, say, Minecraft.”

A. Sereda, teacher at Pixel School

So, decide on your age. We fully support the teacher and believe that programming courses for children 8 years and older or self-study are smart and not empty. Especially given the fact that in the long term this gives the following beneficial effects:

  • Development of thinking. It is usually customary to talk about the components of logic, but let’s add creativity, because using the example of Scratch or Code Builder, children create something new with the help of blocks. In the first case, these are simple games and animations, in the second – code for various game events and more. That is, as classes progress, the logical and creative components of thinking actively develop and improve. This is useful both in school and in everyday life. We are not talking about a probable professional future: everything is clear about that;

  • Laying the foundations for further training. Nobody says that a child who takes courses or watches free lessons will become a programmer. But if the topic of IT fascinates him, educational prospects will become colossal. Understanding the basic principles of writing code and its functioning, knowledge of algorithms and the purpose of a number of structures is a comprehensive basis for advanced study. Courses, college, university – does not matter;

  • Improving overall school performance. Code Builder, for example, has a Chemistry Resource Pack, which prepares you for chemistry lessons, and Scratch literally requires working with numbers (manipulating coordinates, etc.), which improves your understanding of mathematics.

It can be seen that programming lessons for children aged 8–9 years are characterized by many advantages. Both from the point of view of immersion in information technology, and in general terms.

And we want to move on to the main topic and talk about the directions available to students in grades 2–3 of secondary schools and children older.

What IT areas are available to primary schoolchildren aged 8–9 years and where to start?

It is indirectly noted that it is better to start by creating simple games, animations and cartoons using Scratch. Therefore, today’s selection opens with this particular educational tool.

1. Scratch for children 8 years and older

Suitable for: children from 8 to 12 years old

Web version of Scratch

Web version of Scratch

Scratch is a programming language and at the same time a visual environment created specifically for children with the participation of employees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Laboratory. The program is based on a game format, which is important from the point of view of working with young students: in computer courses or independent studies, they will use bright blocks, alternative to commands in text languages, create simple programs and more.

The result is:

  • Understanding algorithms. Even in Scratch, a program is primarily a sequence of blocks;

  • Ability to find and correct errors. To get a full-fledged project, you need to correctly connect the blocks and correctly set the values ​​of even simple variables. Otherwise, the program will not work. This forces children to check all used structures for errors if something does not work out. An additional benefit comes down to the development of attention and perseverance.

The result is clear: the basis for further study appears. It should be used if the child shows interest in programming.

To understand what children can do in Scratch, let’s imagine New Year's theme project: We think that the first snow is just around the corner and the video will come in handy.

2. TinkerCAD for primary schoolchildren 9 years old

Suitable for: children 6–9 years old

Example of a 3D project in TinkerCAD

Example of a 3D project in TinkerCAD

TinkerCAD is a comprehensive tool that we use in our online modeling and programming course for children aged 6–9 years. Let's figure out why this direction is useful in principle.

TinkerCAD is a cloud service developed and supported by Autodesk. It is designed for beginners and allows children to learn without much effort even on their own:

  • 3D modeling, called design in the TinkerCAD environment;

  • Electronic circuit design;

  • Writing block code.

It is clear that the tool is complex, but you should not assume that the service is a hodgepodge: each of the designated areas is available and is implemented separately from the others, but mixed projects are possible. But in order to cope with the latter, you will have to learn to use the modeling, circuit design and coding modes.

As with Scratch, the potential effects are the same due to the use of block constructs in the coding process. And in the case of 3D modeling, an additional result is the improvement of spatial thinking.

3. Block programming in Minecraft in Code Builder for kids

Suitable for: younger schoolchildren 7–10 years old

Example block program in Code Builder

Example block program in Code Builder

You can start coding with blocks in Minecraft Education Edition using the Code Builder feature. This is a tool that resembles a constructor. It allows you to program characters, manage them and in-game events.

We won’t talk much about the function and direction: it resembles the first options. A distinctive feature is represented by its connection to the popular game Minecraft and the presence of commands in bright blocks containing structures typical of JavaScript and Python. Therefore, we believe that familiarization with Code Builder and block coding using the example of Minecraft Education Edition is the basis for further learning the Python language through the creation of mods for the presented game universe.

4. Python programming in Minecraft for children 9 years and older

Suitable for: schoolchildren 9–13 years old

A player defeats an iron golem in Minecraft

A player defeats an iron golem in Minecraft

Thanks to this remarkable combination in the form of the Python language and Minecraft, children and teenagers can learn how to create mods for the gaming universe using “adult” code. The point is that in this case you will need to write programs in Python, not using bright blocks, as in Code Builder, but in pure text form.

This is a serious step and an important direction if the path to IT is chosen. In courses or as a result of independent studies in a visual and fun form, you can learn:

  • Use development environments like IDLE. They are associated with Python and are used to write code;

  • Use various libraries, say, Turtle. It is designed for drawing and creating simple graphics applications;

  • Work with variables, loops, operators, functions, coordinates and more.

Since the Python language is considered difficult for children of this age group, the example project will be simple – this creating blocks in minecraft using code. Show the video to your child: it will captivate and arouse genuine interest in the topic.

5. Lua language on the Roblox Studio engine for children 9 years old and older

Suitable for: children 9–14 years old

Characters in Roblox - a platform where you can play games created in the Studio engine using Lua

Characters in Roblox – a platform where you can play games created in the Studio engine using Lua

For a logical continuation of immersion in IT, classes can be based on the Lua language and its application on the Roblox Studio engine, designed for creating games. The first one is not considered childish, but the background in the form of the possibility of developing 3D game projects, objects and things for virtual worlds awakens interest in the topic and makes learning Lua simple and fun. Even if the student is a 9-year-old child.

The advantage of the direction is complexity. The point is that at the same time you will get acquainted with:

This is really an advantage: Lua in conjunction with Roblox Studio develops children in several planes at once, so in addition to the previously identified aspects of benefit, an additional plus is added – the opportunity to try their hand at development.

As an example of a project that even a beginner can handle, let’s imagine exciting scary elevator. A free training video tutorial will help you understand the implementation of this task.

What other directions are available to modern children aged 8–9 years?

If a child is not interested in gaming and programming is not generally considered an optimal direction, you can try alternatives. So, let’s say, if a student loves to create, graphic and web design will suit him. However, it is worth considering that these areas are characterized by some difficulties and a lack of gameplay. And yet, if you are interested, you can try your hand at it already in elementary school, and if you like it, then sign up for courses.

And we want to summarize and once again emphasize that you can start learning programming at primary school age. Online free lessons or distance courses, face-to-face classes at a private school – does not matter. We believe that, first of all, it is worth starting from the child’s interests and offering him something he likes, rather than imposing supposedly useful activities.

Material prepared by Pixel School. We teach children to write code, develop games, create websites and work with graphic editors, modeling environments and more. If you want to start your journey in IT with a mentor, come visit us and choose a direction that matches your child’s hobbies.

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