Essay “BIM Today”

Instead of a disclaimer

This text is an attempt to comprehend what happened with the current crisis topic of BIM, to determine the place of this concept in the current reality and to understand what to do next.

Ideally, it would be great to discuss this topic in the community and formulate common future steps.

The topic will be of interest to everyone involved in the digitalization of the construction industry.

Important concepts for the text:
– information modeling of buildings and structures (building information modeling): The process of creating and using information on under construction as well as completed capital construction projects (CCF) in order to coordinate input data, organize joint production and storage of data, as well as their use for various purposes on all stages of the life cycle (GOST R 57563—2017).

I use the abbreviation BIM quite freely further in order to convey my thoughts.

TIM – information modeling technologies: this is a method of converting information about a capital construction project into an information model/OCS models by building relationships within and between various information parts (Pronin, V.I. Interpretation of the concepts of “information modeling technologies” (TIM) and “general data environment” (SOD) / V.I. Pronin, D.V. Medvedev // Human. Society. Inclusion (Appendix). – 2023. – No. S1-1. – P. 98-103. – EDN QZPELJ).


I would like to start my essay with a micro-research.

If you enter the query “Why is beaming bad” into your browser’s search bar, you may get the impression that everything done in this direction in Russia in recent years has been recognized as untenable and erroneous. It’s as if the Russian construction community, at least some of its representatives, are ready to cross out and forget everything that they themselves have done and start from scratch. Some people think that it is enough to replace the abbreviation BIM with TIM and everything will be fine and correct.

Two pages of search results in the browser

Two pages of search results in the browser

Based on the results of the query, you can find the following phrases: “BIM is bad”, “BIM is not the future.”
The feeling of horror from unfulfilled hopes and failed ideas clouds the eyes and blocks logical thinking and objectivity of views.

For comparison, you can see what the search engine returns for the opposite request:

It is clear that the presentation of the material is more restrained. More often these are phrases like “comparing the pros and cons of BIM.”

In this essay I have reflected on the arguments for and against BIM.

Main part

It is safe to say that the BIM idea is currently undergoing a transformation. This idea collided with practice and in practice it turned out that BIM is not as effective as it was stated. After implementing BIM technologies, a construction project becomes more expensive and takes longer. But at the operational stage, no one needs all this. That is, customers who, in theory, most need a BIM model, do not strive to get it and operate buildings in the old-fashioned way.
Considering that at the start of the BIM presentation, this idea was presented as something that could reduce the costs of any construction project by at least 20%, and even with easy implementation, BIM is perceived by many today as a dirty word.

After the departure of the vendor Autodesk, the world leader in the BIM topic, from the Russian market, some hastened to publicly disown even their previous work with this organization. Some say that BIM is harmful, others say that it is ineffective. Some say that these are harmful ideas from the West and we ourselves know better, while others are caustically convinced that they were right 10 years ago and all this BIM is just temporary newfangled nonsense that came and went, like a bad dream that confused an honest engineer and complicated his work for the sake of imaginary manufacturability for the amusement of marketers. There is also an opinion that BIM is good only because it gives the developer the opportunity to show his progressiveness and beautiful “3D models” to the investor.

Even the state moved away from this concept over time, preferring to choose a “special path” and legitimizing the concept of TIM (GOST R 10.0.01-2018. “System of standards for information modeling of buildings and structures. Terms and definitions”).

There are also those who talk about the difficulty of introducing new technologies, that it is easy and should not be, and that in the future everything will definitely work out. It’s impossible to abandon all the gigantic work that has been done, which even led to the creation of regulatory documents, new educational courses for designers, new positions “BIM coordinator” and “BIM manager”.

Now there is some kind of conflict.
When the topic of BIM appeared, the most active and talented specialists ran into this topic. Autodesk upgraded them both in the use of their software and in their vision of the correct way of working. Then Autodesk pulled away, ceased operations in Russia, and the attitude towards these BIM specialists changed. In general, the topic of BIM began to be disowned as something foreign. BIM began to be cancelled. So what should a group of people who previously shone in the BIM firmament do now?
At the moment, various participants in the BIM movement are pulling the blanket over themselves. The conditional BIM manager believes that his role in the project is “central”. What will an investor, a builder, or simply a “traditional” designer who does not use anything new in his work say to this?
We are like the heroes of Krylov's fable, pulling the cart in different directions. It's time to put these squabbles aside and move in one direction.

In the end, all sides are right. Just not the way I would like.
Yes, BIM is necessary and useful. And, yes, BIM does not bring the results that were expected from it. Now we need to isolate useful work elements from the BIM direction and continue to develop them. The topic of BIM requires constant development, because technologies and methodologies for conducting construction projects are also constantly evolving.

It would be more correct to say that BIM is a given that must be taken into account, whether we like it or not. This is another step towards the development of construction technologies. Another step and not new.
Even government minds have switched to the newer and more fashionable topic of AI today. Which is good, because progress and trends go their own way, and development goes its own way. Part of the time they walk side by side, hand in hand, part of the time – parallel and independently. This is fine.

BIM should not create new jobs either. He improves them, modernizes them, if you like. Design using BIM technologies is not a new profession, but a new skill for existing employees. Moreover, this skill is necessary for every employee, regardless of his role in the project: customer, designer, builder, etc.

Now there are many open vacancies for “BIM manager”, but in the future this position will be combined with a conventional conventional design engineer.

In the past, engineers who could work on a computer in CAD, in addition to working on a drawing board, were valuable employees. Today, every designer should be able to work in CAD and, moreover, the skill of working on a drawing board is no longer required.

Another, clearer and simpler example. Until relatively recently, there were positions “computer operators”, which required the ability to work with a PC. And now this skill is required for any employee if his work involves using a computer.

The same thing awaits us in the future. BIM will no longer be perceived as a set of special skills and technologies and will everywhere be included in the work of everyone involved in construction as a new working methodology.

You can define BIM in any way you like: an approach, a technique, a methodology, a technology, a tool, even a philosophy. The main thing is that information modeling is not something separate and special. This is no less or more important than what came before. This is the same modeling, but more modernized.

Causes and consequences of the situation

Now I will try to highlight the reasons for the current situation. This will help you draw a conclusion and a decision.

Ever since the acronym BIM appeared in the media and in languages, the idea that BIM reduces costs began to be stimulated. This idea grew as it was stimulated. It began to grow with new positive effects (often unfounded) and BIM eventually turned into almost a panacea for all construction ills around the world.
We are, of course, talking about more or less large projects; a barn can be built without BIM and even without drawings.

As a result we have first key reason: we have created high expectations for ourselves from the effect of BIM technologies. Note that it was not BIM that created them, but the people who surrounded it with an artificially created all-healing aura. Yes, BIM did not live up to these overly high expectations, just as no other process/approach/technology would have.

And here it is immediately very important to note second key reason: we misunderstood and misunderstand what BIM is.
This is not something “new” to replace “outdated”. This is just a new approach. More modern, more technologically advanced, but based on existing processes and, most importantly, does not cancel or replace these processes. It complements and improves them, and does not replace them.

I have to disappoint: we fell victim to our own high expectations. BIM, in itself, did not promise anything to anyone. He still doesn't owe anyone anything. But some people promised. Some gave hope unconsciously, others instilled it in themselves fully aware of the deception.

There is an incorrect interpretation and incorrect positioning. I don’t encourage you to find out who is to blame for this, this is how the circumstances developed. In many ways, those who did this have already completed their activities in the Russian Federation, while others have switched to other tracks.

We remain with what we have and will continue to work on improvement, especially since the excessive attention of those hungry for profit has switched to a new trend – AI. This is good – it is easier for technologies and methodologies to develop when they are not pushed, demanding results as early as possible, and when they grow and develop like children – systematically gaining knowledge and experience of users and developing in accordance with the technology stack.

We fix: BIM is not “revolution”, but “evolution”.
That is, this is not some new idea that has appeared and is developing separately from existing ones. This is what everyone needs.

In addition, it is important to note that BIM has not yet been implemented everywhere in the world, even in “BIM-advanced” countries. For example, in the UK they started thinking about BIM back in the 80s, but still not all organizations use these technologies. Why? Yes, because not everyone needs these technologies. The same situation is in other countries, including Russia. BIM is not a panacea. It's time to realize this.

It’s also time to realize that this is not necessary for every project, but for the construction industry as a whole. As previously, it was necessary to abandon drawing boards and switch to working in CAD.

Yes, when we talk about BIM, we are talking about large projects.

Given that BIM is not the solution to all problems, it seems strange to require its use in all projects without exception.

So it turns out that “implementing BIM” is not a prerequisite for the work of each specific organization that builds small similar projects, but it is necessary for the qualitative improvement of the industry in the future. Not now, not today, but in the future. So you shouldn’t hope for a quick positive effect. It is more likely that it will be cumulative and deferred. Like the effect of this essay, I hope.

Conclusions and suggestions

I think it's time for us to change our behavior pattern. Do not throw ashes on your head, be disappointed, give up the results achieved and start a new direction from scratch and again, but accept the experience gained with gratitude, understand that we needed it, comprehend this experience and continue working.

There are no miracles, just as there is no universal answer to all questions and no universal software products that can solve the entire pool of problems facing participants in construction projects.

This is a very popular request – the creation of some kind of super service, which will include design and construction, finance, service documentation, project documentation, etc. etc. It will also be used at all stages of the object’s life cycle. Actually, this is what was expected from BIM – that this technology would bring such super service.

But there is no such thing and, most likely, there will never be one; I have to disappoint. The reality is that not a single organization in the world, regardless of resources, could create such a system in any sector of the economy. There are many reasons: this is the technology stack, politics and competencies. This is not what this essay is about.

Our expectations are our problems. BIM did not have the effect that was expected from it.
Does this mean that you can abandon your progress and return to the drawing boards? No.
It is stupid to deny the achievements of engineering that we have, just as stupid to deny BIM and the benefits that it has already brought. He didn't solve all the problems, but he didn't promise either.

All that remains is to roll up your sleeves and take the next step towards improving the construction industry. What to call this work, “TEAM” or something else, is not so important. Terminology is just a tool that helps us speak to each other in a clear language.

It is more important to agree on what we are doing and get started with this work.

I would like to finish with the result of a survey at the “VIII International BIM Forum” event:



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