environments, languages ​​and lessons

Visual block-based programming environments are great tools for immersing children in the fundamentals and principles of coding. A special feature of the example of Scratch, which is familiar to many, is the use of blocks with which you can create simple visual programs. The direction is suitable even for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, which we want to talk about using the example of a number of developmental environments and educational tools in the form of conditional constructors.

We're at school Pixel We often use block-based programming languages ​​in our courses and believe that this is an excellent tool for teaching young children. Let us immediately note that this is unlikely to make a particular child a programmer, but it will definitely lay the foundation for further study. The fact is that the same Scratch:

  • Improves thinking, develops understanding of logic;

  • Introduces a number of basic programming principles;

  • Teaches you to understand algorithms;

  • Forms attentiveness, etc.

But today we want to talk not about the advantages of training, no matter in what format it unfolds, but about environments that can be used to immerse ourselves in the basics of block coding (the term has its place, but we do not consider it successful, so from now on we will only use the word “programming”) . If you want to find out whether your child will be attracted to writing code and whether he will be able to move in the appropriate direction, we recommend starting with the options presented.

We especially note that only a real interest of a preschooler or schoolchild in working with visual environments is a guarantee of success. There is no point in trying to impose training, no matter what direction the matter concerns.

11 Useful Frameworks and Programs to Start Learning Block Coding

To make diving into the basics of coding and the first steps involved the least daunting, it's worth considering block-based programming lessons for kids. Self-study or courses do not matter: we indirectly noted advantages that are valid for both cases.

Let's move on to the main part and look at a small selection of environments, programs and applications where, using the basics in the form of visualization and visual designs, you can begin to take the first steps towards full-fledged programming.

We will recommend age limits only based on our own experience. Environments that we do not use are considered without indicating the corresponding criteria.

1. Scratch Junior

We believe that this option is suitable for children aged 5–7 years, even if reading and writing skills have not yet been developed. Why? Because at the core Scratch Jr The use of visual blocks is included. With their help, a small user can create simple programs, control various characters, and even draw.

Advantages of the environment:

  • Simplicity of the interface. Even a preschooler can figure it out. These are not unfounded statements, but a fact confirmed by the practice of our teachers;

  • The ability to see results almost instantly. This involves you in the process, captivates you and allows you to quickly develop interest in the topic;

  • Variety of created projects. You can make a game of several levels and animation. The library already contains all the necessary sprites and backgrounds.

  • Availability. Command blocks are indicated not by text, but by pictures and symbols. Text is mainly used only when sending messages.

  • Availability of different versions. We have provided a link to the Scratch Jr web resource, but the program can be download on PC and mobile devices.

Here playlistwhich will help you navigate and understand the basics. It provides simple and easy to understand Scratch Jr video lessons for kids.

2. Scratch

Scratch considered the older brother of the first medium considered. As with the Jr version, you can start relatively early: between 6 and 9 years old. We will not describe this option in detail: the functions, capabilities and advantages of Scratch are similar to what was presented in the first paragraph.

However, we would like to note one important point: getting to know Scratch can and should be considered as a new stage and a logical continuation of immersion in the basics of coding. You will be able to consolidate and hone your acquired skills using the example of creating:

The program has a large internal library of sprites, backgrounds, sounds, etc. However, users can also upload their images, record sounds, and draw elements in a simple graphics editor. This greatly expands the possibilities: you can create a project using pictures of your favorite characters from games or films.

On the official website you can see examples of completed projects to understand the potential of the tool. They can also be found in playlist with step-by-step instructions that can be considered self-study lessons.


Blockley – Another useful tool for beginner children. The environment is considered as a library designed to implement projects through visual programming. It is noteworthy that Blockly is designed specifically for beginners. But the features of the option are more interesting. This:

  • Availability of a built-in graphic editor. With its help, a novice user can create block programs and edit them;

  • The basis is in the form of a constructor, as is the case with Scratch. It is enough to connect blocks to get results and solve simple problems.

The site contains simple educational games with instructions: you need to assemble a program from blocks to help the characters perform actions.

4. Kodu Game Lab

Code – a visual environment designed for creating simple 3D games. Preschoolers aged 5–6 years can cope with it.


  • Graphical interface, no text code. To program game logic, characters, objects and virtual worlds, it is enough to use block structures;

  • Ease of use. The developer made sure that the solution was accessible to a wide audience, including children;

  • Interactivity. It is expressed in the fact that the little user is gradually immersed in the theory through the creation of his own games. The principle of gamification as a teaching method is a plus, which is confirmed by the experience of our teachers.

We recommend a selection of video lessons for beginners: it will help you better understand the Code.

5. Minecraft and Code Builder

Minecraft is a popular gaming universe that is widespread among modern children and teenagers. If we talk about the educational potential, it is worth noting that the Python language is most often used in conjunction with this game to achieve relevant goals: with its help you can create mods for Minecraft. It is relatively complex, but you can get acquainted with Python even at the age of 9–10, provided that you understand the basics. Knowledge of the same Scratch will be a plus.

And we want to note Code Builder – function Minecraft Education Edition: thanks to it, you can create various add-ons using code and play them directly in Minecraft. The features of this function are as follows:

  • The ability to write programs and execute them in-game without additional software;

  • The presence of the main character is a metal golem, which can be controlled by programming. It captivates children;

  • Library of internal scripts. They can be used as templates for your own coding.

6. TinkerCAD

This free applicationdesigned for 3D design, working with electronic components and circuits, as well as programming. The environment is complex, so let’s consider its conditional structure in the form of three independent directions:

  1. Three-dimensional design. In TinkerCAD it resembles 3D modeling, like, say, in Blender.

  2. Circuit design. If you want to teach your child to understand the basics of electronics, this direction is suitable.

  3. Visual block programming. You can do it online directly in the web application.

We recommend starting the program at 6–9 years of age. And because the implemented principles of block coding resemble the same Scratch of both versions, we consider this range suitable for immersing children in programming using TinkerCAD.

7. Lego WeDo 2.0 and Mindstorms

Lego WeDo 2.0 is a paid solution based on a combination of robotics and coding. The constructor is considered as a universal educational tool for school and home learning.

Mindstorms – almost a similar solution. A typical set is presented:

  • Standard Lego parts;

  • Additional means in the form of axles, wheels, servomotors;

  • Sensors, motors;

  • Programmable block.

You can start using WeDo 2.0 even at preschool age. Mindstorms is an option for older children, from 10 years old.

Robotics helps children better visualize how the code they create works: they can put the program together and see the robot move. It also involves fine motor skills and spatial thinking. However, this option is the most expensive.

8. Snap4Arduino

This IDE for modular programming of Arduino controllersdesigned similar to Scratch. But difficulties may arise due to the availability of only an English online version. If you have experience, the environment will help you understand relatively complex coding, as well as:

  • Iterative and compositional calculations;

  • Working with lists, coordinates, databases, etc.

The option is more suitable for older children and teenagers, although it is positioned differently, but there is a lot of useful information on the topic on the Internet. If desired, you can use it to help your child understand the basics.


mBlock – a platform positioned as a platform for a gradual movement from online block programming to writing code in Python. The fundamentals are identical to Scratch, with an emphasis on microcontroller coding. If desired, in the online editor you can select modes for working with backgrounds and characters, which simplifies the process of involving your child in writing code.

Speaking on a large scale, mBlock is a comprehensive solution and much more complex than Scratch. This fact is due to:

  • Expanded set of tools;

  • The ability to write code in Python;

  • Mode of operation with controllers based on Arduino.

10. App Inventor

This Wednesday visual development of applications for devices with the Android operating system. Like a number of other solutions presented, this option is similar to Scratch.


  • Writing code is implemented through a visual language;

  • It is possible to convert scripts into Android byte code;

  • Indirect connection to the marked Blockly tool. The first versions of App Inventor became the prototypes of the latter.

The official website has tutorials for beginners; you can both create new applications and remix existing ones.

11. Snap!

Snap! is a free service designed to teach programming. It can be used in the browser without downloading and installation. This is a plus in terms of accessibility.

It is generally believed that Snap! is something of a block programming game, but it's not entirely true: the environment, formerly called Build Your Own Blocks, is primarily educational. Yes, it allows you to program and create game projects, animation and more, but it’s fairer to talk about a language, not an entertainment application.

An additional feature is the same proximity to Scratch.


We would like to summarize: today’s selection of environments and languages ​​has come to an end. We hope that you were able to choose something for your child and understand the proposed video lessons.

In conclusion, we would like to ask the question: do you teach your children to write code and if so, what tools do you use? When did you start and what difficulties did you encounter most often?

Material prepared by school teachers Pixel. Our small IT specialists are taking their first confident steps in the direction of information technology. We teach Scratch JR, Scratch, Kodu Game Lab, TinkerCAD and other areas of visual programming.

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