Enthusiasm – how to replace “must” with “want” and happily move towards your goal

• How does enthusiasm appear, what does it depend on?
• How to use negative factors to your advantage?
• What mistakes do managers make when motivating their team?
In this article I tried to understand in an interesting and thoughtful way where enthusiasm comes from.

Still from the film

Still from the film “The Miracle Shop”

Hello! My name is Kostya Dubrovin. Channel. Book.


Enthusiasm does not speak of a surge of energy or even meaning, but of a powerful lack of something important. It is not for nothing that Winston Churchill said that the path to success is a movement from failure to failure with ever-increasing enthusiasm.

A synonym for the word enthusiasm is tension. These words are emotionally colored differently, but it is the understanding of the nature of tension that leads to the understanding of enthusiasm.

Tension is the difference between what is and our idea of ​​how it should be. Enthusiasm is filled with energy because of the potential difference.

Another introduction. Tension is the opposite of disappointment and is identical to frustration. Frustration (Latin frustratio – “disruption of plans”) carries the intention to return the upset plans to their place, and disappointment – on the contrary, puts an end to it, fixes the losses.

Enthusiasm directs energy and interest to the goal, and through this (indirectly) to the process of achieving the goal. Therefore, enthusiasm requires two mandatory conditions: dissatisfaction with what exists and the desire for the goal, for the realization of one's ambitions.

Fortunately, you can only rest on your laurels for a while. And when we hear that someone is annoyed by something, it is quite possible that we will soon see these people enthusiastically demolishing something. The main thing is to channel the energy into a peaceful channel.

How to channel energy into peaceful channels

Mood swings are cyclical. They are related to the energy level. We often call a lot of energy against the background of a positive attitude enthusiasm or passion, but if we change the positive attitude to a negative one, then with the same energy level we get rage.

But in everyday life, two more intermediate stages are added, related to the fact that at first the mood does not change, but only the energy level drops. It happens like this: at first we have a lot of energy and interest in solving some problem, then noticeably less. It moves somehow by itself, and we just watch the process, are in a state of calm. Leads come, revenue drips, orders are fulfilled.

Low energy levels against the background of positive emotions are a state of happiness. In relation to business and sales, this is one of the two least productive states. All self-extinguishing processes fade away, and sometimes even stop. A crisis is brewing. Something needs to be done.

The positive mood changes to negative, irritation appears. This is not tension yet, but frustration. Energy comes with it. At this moment, a transition occurs in two aspects at once: the energy level and emotional mood change.

A lot of energy against the background of a negative attitude can be called rage. Not the most productive state, but at least we start doing something. However, it is impossible to be “on edge” for a long time and the energy drops. The state of a negative attitude and low energy can be called disappointment or grief.

This is the final stage of the crisis. Gradually, new interest comes and again there is a transition in two aspects: simultaneously, the mood changes from negative to positive and the energy level rises. The person enters a state of enthusiasm and passionately builds a new world.



In order to channel energy into a peaceful direction, one must give the opportunity to become disappointed. This moment is well shown in the cartoon “Cars”when the referee offers a bet: whoever loses the race fixes the road. He and Doc Hudson are wise old characters who know how beneficial disappointment can be for the frustrated Lightning McQueen.

At the start of the improvised dirt track, Hudson barely starts. He is 50 years old. McQueen is young and much more powerful than his rival. Everything looks as if McQueen is about to win.

Start. McQueen is racing along the track, misses a sharp turn, flies into a ditch and gets stuck in cacti. The prudent judge has already headed there with the tow truck Mater.

Lightning McQueen in cacti

Lightning McQueen in cacti

This frame captures the bifurcation point of Lightning McQueen. From a capricious, frustrated destructive character, he turns into a positive, creative hero.

However, this method is not universal. It takes wisdom on the part of the manager to determine when to help someone get off the track and when to support them.

Common mistakes

The most common mistake is not allowing a person to fully experience destructive phases. Managers try to constantly spur on, holding daily planning meetings in the format of dressing downs or, on the contrary, discos.

Another common mistake is when, in the hope of arousing enthusiasm, they start pumping money into a person who is already doing well. Then the employer starts to irritate, despite all the perks from his side. The energy that could have been directed at solving a difficult task turns against the manager.

In general, one way or another, any mistake is connected with an attempt to ignore the movement of the cycle: an attempt to skip destructive stages and stop forever at constructive ones.

A person cannot be equally productive over an unlimited period of time. Any rise will inevitably give way to a decline. The main task is not to get stuck at the decline stage, and for this you do not need to get stuck at the rise stage.


If you don't get stuck, then moments of happiness will look not like complacency, but like sudden insights. Anger – like overcoming. Disappointment – not like grief, but like fatigue. And passion – like real enthusiasm, like a breakthrough.

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