Employee mood survey

Employee mood has a direct impact on their productivity, engagement and job satisfaction, which in turn affects the overall performance and sustainability of the business.

The target audience of this article is HR specialists, company executives, as well as managers involved in personnel management and corporate culture. They will benefit from learning about the importance of regularly conducting surveys to assess employee sentiment, as well as receiving guidance on creating and interpreting such surveys using the Testograph platform.

Assessing employee mood is not just a formal procedure, but a powerful tool for improving the working climate, reducing staff turnover and increasing employee motivation. Regularly receiving feedback from employees helps identify and eliminate problems at an early stage, creating favorable conditions for their professional growth and personal comfort.

In this article, we'll look at how to write survey questions, what data analysis techniques to use, and how to interpret the results to make informed decisions. The Testograph platform will offer ready-made survey templates that will help you quickly and effectively conduct a study of employee mood.

Why conduct surveys to assess employee sentiment?

Understanding employee sentiment is fundamental to successful HR management. Regular surveys help HR professionals and managers gain valuable insights that help improve work conditions and improve company performance. Let's look at the main reasons why surveys are important and how they can impact various aspects of your business.

The Importance and Benefits of Employee Mood Surveys

  1. Identifying problem areas: Surveys help identify areas of employee dissatisfaction, such as work conditions, relationships with coworkers or management, and other factors that affect their emotional well-being.

  2. Increasing engagement levels: Employees who feel that their opinions are important and counted are more enthusiastic and loyal to the company. This helps create a positive work environment and increase productivity.

  3. Reduced staff turnover: By learning about problems and responding to them in a timely manner, a company can significantly reduce its employee turnover rate. Employees who are satisfied with their working conditions are less likely to think about changing jobs.

  4. Improving corporate culture: Assessing employee sentiment helps reinforce corporate values, develop team spirit and create a positive work environment, which has a positive impact on the entire organization.

Impact on employee productivity and motivation

Employee mood is directly related to their productivity. A positive attitude increases creativity, speed of task completion, and quality of work. Regular surveys help maintain a high level of motivation, as employees see that their opinions influence the improvement of working conditions and important decisions.

Impact on corporate culture and staff turnover

Corporate culture is formed based on interactions between employees and management. Surveys help identify and resolve conflict situations, improve communication and build trust in the team. This, in turn, reduces staff turnover and strengthens the company’s position in the labor market.

Conducting employee sentiment surveys is an important tool for building a successful and sustainable business.

Examples of employee mood survey questions

Creating an effective employee sentiment survey requires careful question selection. They should be varied, cover all important aspects of work life and provide accurate and useful data. Here are some sample questions to help assess different aspects of employee mood.

Questions about the work environment

  1. How would you rate the overall atmosphere in your work team?

  2. Do you feel supported by your colleagues?

    • Always

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

  3. How would you rate your level of stress at work?

Questions about interaction with colleagues and management

  1. How satisfied are you with your interaction with your immediate supervisor?

    • Completely satisfied

    • Rather satisfied

    • Neutral

    • Rather dissatisfied

    • Completely dissatisfied

  2. Do you feel that your opinion is taken into account when making decisions within the team?

    • Always

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

  3. How would you rate the quality of communication within your team?

Questions about personal job satisfaction

  1. How satisfied are you with your current role in the company?

    • Completely satisfied

    • Rather satisfied

    • Neutral

    • Rather dissatisfied

    • Completely unsatisfied

  2. Do you feel that your work is valued and recognized?

    • Always

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

  3. How likely are you to recommend your company as a good place to work?

Questions about work-life balance

  1. How would you rate the work-life balance at your company?

  2. Do you have the ability to have a flexible work schedule if necessary?

    • Always

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

  3. Do you feel like you have enough time to rest and recover?

    • Always

    • Often

    • Sometimes

    • Rarely

    • Never

These questions will help gather detailed information about employee sentiment and identify areas that require attention and improvement.

Creating a survey on the Testograph platform

Testograph platform offers convenient tools for creating, conducting and analyzing employee sentiment surveys. It allows you not only to quickly and easily create a survey, but also to use ready-made templates, which greatly simplifies the process. Let's look at exactly how Testograph can be used to create surveys and what advantages it gives.

How to use Testograph to create a survey

  1. Registration and account setup: Start by registering on the Testograph platform and set up your account with information about your company and the purpose of the surveys.

  2. Create a new survey: Go to the poll creation section and select the “New poll” option. You will be asked to create questions manually or choose one of the ready-made templates.

  3. Setting up questions: Enter the questions covered in the previous section, or select from a library of ready-made questions. You can add different types of questions: multiple choice, rating scale, open-ended questions, etc.

  4. Setting up polling logic: Use polling logic customization features to make it more interactive. For example, you can set a condition so that certain questions are shown only to employees who have selected certain answers to previous questions.

  5. Testing and publishing: Before publishing your survey, test it to make sure all questions display correctly and the logic works smoothly. Then send the survey to your employees via email or another channel convenient for you.

Advantages of using Testograph for conducting surveys

  1. Convenience and ease of use: The platform is intuitive and does not require special technical skills to create surveys.

  2. Ready-made templates: Testographer offers many ready-made survey templates that can be used as is or adapted to your needs. Here are some examples of templates available on the platform:

  3. Analytical tools: After completing the survey, you will have access to powerful data analysis tools. Testographer provides detailed reports, graphs and charts that will help you better understand the mood of your employees.

  4. Privacy and Data Security: The platform guarantees a high degree of data protection, ensuring the confidentiality of employee responses.

Using Testograph to conduct employee mood surveys helps to significantly simplify the process and increase its efficiency.

Analysis and interpretation of survey results

After conducting an employee sentiment survey on the Testograph platform, the next important step is the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained. Proper understanding and use of this data allows you to make informed decisions aimed at improving working conditions and increasing employee satisfaction. Let's look at what data analysis techniques you can use and how to interpret the results to achieve the best results.

Data Analysis Methods

  1. Data segmentation: Divide the data into segments based on various criteria such as department, job title, seniority, age, etc. This will help identify specific problems in certain groups of employees.

  2. Trend analysis: Compare the results of the current survey with previous surveys to identify trends. For example, if there is a decrease in job satisfaction in one department, this may signal that there are problems that need attention.

  3. Using pivot tables and graphs: Testographer provides tools for creating pivot tables and visualizing data in the form of graphs and charts. This makes the results easier to understand and interpret.

  4. Qualitative analysis of open-ended responses: Analyze employees' text responses to open-ended questions. Organize responses by topic and identify key issues and proposals.

How to interpret your results

  1. General mood assessment: Analyze the overall level of employee satisfaction. High scores indicate a positive work environment, while low scores indicate a need for change.

  2. Identifying Problem Areas: Identify the specific aspects of the job that cause the most dissatisfaction. This could be problems with management, lack of recognition, high stress levels, etc.

  3. Comparison with benchmarks: Compare your survey results to generally accepted standards or benchmarks in your industry. This will help you understand how your company compares to others and identify areas for improvement.

  4. Data-driven decision making: Use the findings to develop specific actions to improve working conditions. This could be training for managers, employee recognition and reward programs, improving communication within the team, etc.

Examples of actions based on the received data

  1. Improving the quality of leadership: If results indicate low satisfaction with interactions with management, provide training to managers to develop leadership skills and improve communication skills.

  2. Reduced stress levels: If stress levels are high among employees, consider implementing stress management programs such as flexible work hours, additional days off, or counseling sessions.

  3. Strengthening corporate culture: Use survey data to develop activities aimed at strengthening corporate culture, such as team building events, company holidays and other activities.

Analyzing and interpreting employee sentiment survey results allows you to make informed decisions aimed at improving working conditions and increasing employee satisfaction.


Assessing employee sentiment is an integral part of successful HR management. Regular surveys provide valuable insights that can significantly improve the work environment, increase employee motivation, and reduce turnover. In this article, we looked at the importance of conducting such surveys, sample questions that will help you gather useful information, and how to use the Testograph platform to create and analyze surveys.

We began by discussing the importance of assessing employee mood and its impact on productivity, motivation and corporate culture. Examples of questions that could be included in a survey were provided to provide a comprehensive picture of employee sentiment. The Testograph platform was presented as an effective tool for creating, conducting and analyzing surveys, thanks to its convenient functionality and ready-made templates.

The Importance of Regular Surveys

Regularly conducting employee mood surveys allows you to track changes and promptly respond to emerging problems. This helps create a healthier, more productive work environment where employees feel heard and valued. Constantly paying attention to employee sentiment helps you identify trends and take proactive measures to maintain high levels of satisfaction and engagement.

The Testograph platform provides all the necessary tools for conducting effective employee mood surveys. Its use can significantly simplify the process of creating surveys, analyzing data and making decisions based on the results obtained. We recommend that you take advantage of Testograph's capabilities to improve your corporate culture and increase the efficiency of your business.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that employee satisfaction is the key to the success of any company. Conducting employee sentiment surveys is a step towards creating a positive work environment and maintaining high standards in your company.

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