DotaDiviner – analytical tool and guide for Dota 2

Good morning, Habr.

I am a top 10 analyst on the crossbet website. I would like to introduce you to my brainchild, which has been in development for a good couple of years.

DotaDiviner - analytical tool and guide for Dota 2 Dota, Pudge, Meta, E-Sports, Public, Divine, Dota 2, MOBA, Analysis, Analytics, Players, Betting, Long Post, Immortal (black metal band)

DotaDiviner – analytical tool and guide for Dota 2 Dota, Pudge, Meta, E-Sports, Public, Divine, Dota 2, MOBA, Analysis, Analytics, Players, Betting, Long Post, Immortal (black metal band)

What is the idea of ​​the project?

To create the very tool that can, in the shortest possible time, show in a manner that is quite understandable to the average person – how to analyze any professional Dota match in such a way as to understand the chances of one of the parties winning in a particular game.

To begin with, a telegram bot was implemented – @DotaDivinerBot in which a number of functionalities were materialized, which previously had to be written out manually before each game.

  1. Output of the arithmetic average win rate for all popular projects that provide the most reliable information for immortal and higher ranks for each hero.

  2. Displays the pace of the game and the peaks of team strength.

  3. Reproduction of efficiency values ​​for each of the teams.

  4. Synergy and counterpicks from one hero to another.

These indicators are quite enough to get the most reliable analysis of the draft for every day of the week – taking into account the daily update of the databases.

At the moment, based on the first point, a list of heroes has been derived that, in my opinion, are the most relevant at the moment

– Current meta of heroes in the format 'Hero – average win rate by 4 indicators' –

1. Abaddon – 54.08%
2. Shadow Shaman – 53.62%
3. Visage – 53.37%
4. Bane – 53.19%
5. Oracle – 52.93%
6. Zeus – 52.88%
7. Riki – 52.75%
8. Io – 52.72%
9. Bloodseeker – 52.67%
10. Earthshaker – 52.66%
11. Undying – 52.46%
12. Elder Titan – 52.42%
13. Broodmother – 52.3%
14. Nyx Assassin – 52.29%
15. Venomancer – 52.28%
16. Arc Warden – 52.23%
17. Warlock – 52.18%
18. Centaur Warrunner – 52.08%
19. Huskar – 52.07%
20. Night Stalker – 52.06%
21. Dragon Knight – 52.0%
22. Drow Ranger – 52.0%
23. Death Prophet – 51.97%
24. Kunkka – 51.92%
25. Ax – 51.87%

Just the other day, the project for an application for mobile devices was finally brought to life.

Now any owner of a smartphone with the Android operating system can download DotaDiviner from PLAYMARKET and evaluate the functionality.

The idea of ​​the application was precisely to finally make it possible to analyze absolutely any match in Dota, and not just those that exist on the professional scene. Nowadays it’s enough just to select the right heroes to get only the necessary indicators for a particular game.

Why am I focusing so much on this?

Because it concerns specifically the topic that I love most, namely publics.

As strange as it may seem, based on my experience in analyzing the professional scene, analyzes of public matches turned out to be the most effective. They showed the highest win rates due to their predictability.

Yes, if you take the statistics of live matches on the competitive scene, then the win rates for the selected indicators reach 70%

But what do pubs taste like? Yes, they are such that sometimes you can analyze even more than 20 matches – and get such a win streak that your jaw drops.

If your chosen favorite wins an early game that he shouldn’t have won, he has a good gap in efficiency, win rates, and also has a late game, then you can safely assume that he will win.

Although I think the point is that publics cannot have the 322nd factor, and they are also more efficient in that they are not pressured by competition with an emotional component. The games themselves drag on due to the fact that the teams have no idea how to finish them and it turns out that the team with the stronger late game wins.

However, I wrote about this in more detail on the website of this project – (the multilingual version is active .com 🙂

Dota Diviner

I can debate endlessly on this topic. The topic of drafts in Dota is deep and broad in nature. Still, I hope this tool will help you answer many questions in this area, and will also be a faithful assistant throughout your further adventures :3

Let me mention that the functionality of this application is paid, but each user has access to a demo subscription both in the application (30 requests) and in the telegram bot (1 hour). Both tools have the same base and synergize with each other.

Thank you for attention!

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