Doom on Dialrhea rotary phone

Dialrhea is a modified rotary phone repurposed to control Doom via Bluetooth. We built it in two days during the Internet Of Shit hackathon organized by Technarium in Vilnius, Lithuania. The theme of this hackathon was to create devices that are completely useless, but fully functional.

Dialrhea in action:

We even made a commercial for it:

I would also like to hold a master class where we would assemble at least three more devices and then play a deathmatch in Doom on them.


The device was created during the Internet Of Shit hackathon, an awesome event that was organized by the Technarium team in Vilnius, Lithuania, in 2017 and 2018. Nominations included “If it lights up, it works,” “Least private online gadget,” and “This is most likely illegal,” and teams competed hard to turn these concepts into working technology.

Our device won the “Least Shitty Project” award, and we also won the prize for the most popular project. The prize, by the way, was a drain cleaner pump covered in gold paint, hehe.

The idea was born during a beer party with Donatas Valiulis and Džiugas Bartkusoms. The three of us implemented everything. Donatas and I took care of the technical aspects, and Džiugas was responsible for the video and advertising materials.

Džiugas also made a funny psychedelic video about the creation of the device and the whole hackathon in general.

Technical details

The device is built on an Arduino and uses Bluetooth LE for wireless communication with a computer. It is a Bluetooth keyboard and can be connected to any device that supports Bluetooth LE. Below you can see a breakdown of the components that power the Dialrhea.

Although the final use case for the device was playing Doom, the device actually fully supports several operating modes:

  • Doom – In this mode, the device acts as a game controller and is configured to control the classic game Doom (using the Doomsday Engine)

  • Emoji – This mode is best used on mobile phones, it allows you to enter emoji and send them to your friends.

  • Boring – in this mode Dialrhea simply displays dialed numbers (not recommended for use)

Reading data from a rotary disk

The most interesting part of the process was how a rotary dial actually works from a technical standpoint. I'm from the generation that had rotary phones, so it was really interesting to understand how simple the mechanism really is, and why I only got electric shocks when I touched the phone wires while playing phone mechanic sometimes, and not all the time. If you're interested, here's a video explaining the mechanism.

Once I understood how this mechanism worked, implementing it with Arduino was quite simple.

Fighting Bluetooth

Probably the biggest challenge was getting Bluetooth to work properly. We decided to use a module Adafruit Bluefruit LE UART Friendbecause I had it and had already tried it in another project. It is a very capable module, but most of the problems we encountered were related to stability and reliability. Sometimes everything worked fine, sometimes we got some errors when running the same code. We read a lot of documentation about the handshake protocol, how to pair correctly, etc., but in the end we just added retry loops and timeouts everywhere to give the chip time to “recover” after each risky operation. Below you can see the full source code of Dialrhea.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#if not defined (_VARIANT_ARDUINO_DUE_X_) && not defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD)
  #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "Adafruit_BLE.h"
#include "Adafruit_BluefruitLE_UART.h"
#include "BluefruitConfig.h"

#define DEVICE_NAME "Dialrhea"

// Rotary dial input PIN
#define ROTARY_PIN 2
// Handset input PIN
#define HANDSET_PIN 3
// Operation mode potentiometer PIN

// How long to wait before sending keyup message for control keys in Gaming mode
// How long to wait before sending keyup message for fire button in Gaming mode
// How long to wait before sending keyup message for keys that are supposed
// to be just one clicks

// Pins for status LED RGB legs

// Constants for colors
#define COLOR_OFF 0
#define COLOR_RED 1
#define COLOR_GREEN 2
#define COLOR_BLUE 3

// Total number of keys that support timed presses
#define KEY_COUNT 14

// Index of handset button data in data arrays (Gaming mode, we need two because
//we are sending keys for both fire and open door)
// Index of handset button data in data arrays (Emoji mode)
// Index of handset button data in data arrays (Boring mode)

// Map of values for each type of dialed number and handset click
const int keyValues[KEY_COUNT] = {
  0x42, // Number 0 in gaming mode (Currently quick load)
  0x52, // Number 1 in gaming mode (Currently "up" arrow)
  0x4F, // Number 2 in gaming mode (Currently "right" arrow)
  0x50, // Number 3 in gaming mode (Currently "left" arrow)
  0x51, // Number 4 in gaming mode (Currently "down" arrow)
  0x2A, // Number 5 in gaming mode (Currently ?, next weapon)
  0x00, // Number 6 in gaming mode
  0x00, // Number 7 in gaming mode
  0x00, // Number 8 in gaming mode
  0x00, // Number 9 in gaming mode
  0x10, // Handset click in gaming mode (KEY_GAMING_MODE_HANDSET_1_INDEX) (Currently space)
  0x2C, // Handset click in gaming mode (KEY_GAMING_MODE_HANDSET_2_INDEX) (Currently 'm')
  0x28, // Handset click in emoji mode (KEY_EMOJI_MODE_HANDSET_INDEX) (Currently Enter)
  0x29  // Handset click in boring mode (KEY_BORING_MODE_HANDSET_INDEX) (Currently Esc)

// Durations for each type of mey (mapping the same as for keyValues array)
const int keyHoldDurations[KEY_COUNT] = {

// Array for storing times each key was pressed
unsigned long keyPressTimes[KEY_COUNT];
// Array for storing states for each key
bool keyPressStates[KEY_COUNT];

// Variables required for handling input from rotary dial
int rotaryHasFinishedRotatingTimeout = 100;
int rotaryDebounceTimeout = 10;
int rotaryLastValue = LOW;
int rotaryTrueValue = LOW;
unsigned long rotaryLastValueChangeTime = 0;
bool rotaryNeedToEmitEvent = 0;
int rotaryPulseCount;

// Operation modes
#define OPERATION_MODE_GAMING 0 // Gaming controls fine tuned for the best game of all times: "Doom"
#define OPERATION_MODE_EMOJI 1 // Emojis + Enter
#define OPERATION_MODE_BORING 2 // Numbers + Esc

// Current operation mode
int operationMode;

// Emojis for each dialed number
const char* emojis[] = {":-O", ":poop:",  ":-)", ":-(", ":-D", ":-\\", ";-)", ":-*", ":-P", ">:-("};

// Variables for handling handset clicker button
bool isHandsetPressed = false;
unsigned long handsetPressStartTime = 0;
unsigned long handsetPressStartTimeout = 60;

// Variable that determines weather the state of keys changed during processing of the loop (so we
// can send commands just once in the end of the loop if it is needed)
bool keyPressStateChanged;

// Config settings for Bluetooth LE module
#define FACTORYRESET_ENABLE         0
#define VERBOSE_MODE                false  // If set to 'true' enables debug output
#define BLUEFRUIT_HWSERIAL_NAME      Serial1

// Bluetooth LE module object

void setup(void) {


  // Wait while serial connection is established (required for Flora & Micro or when you want to
  // halt initialization till you open serial monitor)
  // while (!Serial);
  // Give some time for chip to warm up or whatever


  // Delay a bit because good devices always take some time to start


void loop(void) {
  keyPressStateChanged = false;

  // If state of pressed keys changed - send the new state
  if (keyPressStateChanged)

// Sets the color of status LED
void setStatusLEDColor(int colorID) {
  digitalWrite(STATUS_LED_RED_PIN, colorID == COLOR_RED ? HIGH : LOW);
  digitalWrite(STATUS_LED_GREEN_PIN, colorID == COLOR_GREEN ? HIGH : LOW);
  digitalWrite(STATUS_LED_BLUE_PIN, colorID == COLOR_BLUE ? HIGH : LOW);

// Outputs error message and bricks the revolutionary shitty machine
void error(const __FlashStringHelper*err) {

  while (1);

// Blinks the status LED (only green supported for now)
void blink() {

// Opens serial connection for debugging
void initializeSerialConnection() {
  Serial.println(F("Hello, I am the Dialrhea! Ready for some dialing action?"));

// Initializes Bluetooth LE module
void initializeBLEModule() {
  // Buffer for holding commands that have to be sent to BLE module
  char commandString[64];


  Serial.print(F("Initialising the Bluefruit LE module: "));
  if (!ble.begin(VERBOSE_MODE)) error(F("Couldn't find Bluefruit, make sure it's in CoMmanD mode & check wiring?"));
  Serial.println( F("Easy!") );


    Serial.println(F("Performing a factory reset: "));
    if (!ble.factoryReset()) error(F("Couldn't factory reset. Have no idea why..."));
    Serial.println(F("Done, feeling like a virgin again!"));


  // Disable command echo from Bluefruit


  Serial.println("Requesting Bluefruit info:");;


  // Change the device name so the whole world knows it as Dialrhea
  Serial.print(F("Setting device name to '"));
  Serial.print(F("': "));
  sprintf(commandString, "AT+GAPDEVNAME=%s", DEVICE_NAME);
  if (!ble.sendCommandCheckOK(commandString)) error(F("Could not set device name for some reason. Sad."));
  Serial.println(F("It's beautiful!"));


  Serial.print(F("Enable HID Service (including Keyboard): "));
  strcpy(commandString, ble.isVersionAtLeast(MINIMUM_FIRMWARE_VERSION) ? "AT+BleHIDEn=On" : "AT+BleKeyboardEn=On");
  if (!ble.sendCommandCheckOK(commandString)) error(F("Could not enable Keyboard, we're in deep shit..."));
  Serial.println(F("I'm now officially a keyboard!"));


  // Make software reset (add or remove service requires a reset)
  Serial.print(F("Performing a SW reset (service changes require a reset): "));
  if (!ble.reset()) error(F("Couldn't reset?? Lame."));
  Serial.println(F("Baby I'm ready to go!"));

// Reads the position of operation mode select potentiometer and determines current operation mode
void refreshOperationMode() {
  operationMode = floor((float)analogRead(OPERATION_MODE_PIN) / 342.0);

// Handles tracking the handset state
void handleHandset() {
  // Ignore input until last action timeout passes (to filter out noise)
  if (millis() - handsetPressStartTime > handsetPressStartTimeout) {
    int ragelisCurrentValue = digitalRead(HANDSET_PIN);
    if (!isHandsetPressed && ragelisCurrentValue == HIGH) {
      isHandsetPressed = true;
      handsetPressStartTime = millis();

    else if (isHandsetPressed && ragelisCurrentValue == LOW) {
      isHandsetPressed = false;
      handsetPressStartTime = millis(); 

// Handles tracking of the rotary dial state
void handleRotary() {
  int rotaryCurrentValue = digitalRead(ROTARY_PIN);

  // If rotary isn't being dialed or it just finished being dialed
  if ((millis() - rotaryLastValueChangeTime) > rotaryHasFinishedRotatingTimeout) {
    // If rotary just finished being dialed - we need to emit the event
    if (rotaryNeedToEmitEvent) {
      // Emit the event (we mod the count by 10 because '0' will send 10 pulses)
      onRotaryNumberDialed(rotaryPulseCount % 10);
      rotaryNeedToEmitEvent = false;
      rotaryPulseCount = 0;

  // If rotary value has changed - register the time when it happened
  if (rotaryCurrentValue != rotaryLastValue) {
    rotaryLastValueChangeTime = millis();

  // Start analyzing data only when signal stabilizes (debounce timeout passes)
  if ((millis() - rotaryLastValueChangeTime) > rotaryDebounceTimeout) {
    // This means that the switch has either just gone from closed to open or vice versa.
    if (rotaryCurrentValue != rotaryTrueValue) {
      // Register actual value change 
      rotaryTrueValue = rotaryCurrentValue;

      // If it went to HIGH - increase pulse count
      if (rotaryTrueValue == HIGH) {
        rotaryNeedToEmitEvent = true;

  // Store current value as last value
  rotaryLastValue = rotaryCurrentValue;

// Event handler triggered when click of the handset button is registered
void onHandsetClicked() {
  // Register state changes for handset button keys depending on the mode
  if (operationMode == OPERATION_MODE_GAMING) {
    if (keyPressStates[KEY_GAMING_MODE_HANDSET_1_INDEX] == false || keyPressStates[KEY_GAMING_MODE_HANDSET_2_INDEX] == false)
      keyPressStateChanged = true;
    keyPressStates[KEY_GAMING_MODE_HANDSET_1_INDEX] = true;
    keyPressTimes[KEY_GAMING_MODE_HANDSET_1_INDEX] = millis();
    keyPressStates[KEY_GAMING_MODE_HANDSET_2_INDEX] = true;
    keyPressTimes[KEY_GAMING_MODE_HANDSET_2_INDEX] = millis();
  } else if (operationMode == OPERATION_MODE_EMOJI) {
    if (keyPressStates[KEY_EMOJI_MODE_HANDSET_INDEX] == false)
      keyPressStateChanged = true;
    keyPressStates[KEY_EMOJI_MODE_HANDSET_INDEX] = true;
    keyPressTimes[KEY_EMOJI_MODE_HANDSET_INDEX] = millis();
  } else if (operationMode == OPERATION_MODE_BORING) {
    if (keyPressStates[KEY_BORING_MODE_HANDSET_INDEX] == false)
      keyPressStateChanged = true;
    keyPressStates[KEY_BORING_MODE_HANDSET_INDEX] = true;
    keyPressTimes[KEY_BORING_MODE_HANDSET_INDEX] = millis();

// Event handler triggered when number was dialed on rotary dial
void onRotaryNumberDialed(int number) {
  if (operationMode == OPERATION_MODE_GAMING) {
    // Set key state for dialed key
    if (keyPressStates[number] == false)
      keyPressStateChanged = true;
    keyPressStates[number] = true;
    keyPressTimes[number] = millis();
  } else if (operationMode == OPERATION_MODE_EMOJI) {
    // Send emoji to happy device
  } else if (operationMode == OPERATION_MODE_BORING) {
    // Form string from number and send it to device
    char numberString[1];
    sprintf(numberString, "%d", number);

// Sends raw command to BLE module and prints debug output
void sendBluetoothCommand(char *commandString) {


  if (ble.waitForOK()) {
    Serial.println(F(" <- OK!")); 
  else {
    Serial.println(F(" <- FAILED!"));

// Sends char array (string) to BLE module
void sendCharArray(char* charArray) {
  char commandString[64];
  sprintf(commandString, "AT+BleKeyboard=%s", charArray);

// Checks which keys are currently pressed and sends keycodes to BLE module
void sendCurrentlyPressedKeys() {
  char commandString[64] = "AT+BleKeyboardCode=00-00";

  for (int i=0; i<KEY_COUNT; i++) {
    if (keyPressStates[i] == true && keyValues[i] != 0x00) {
      sprintf (commandString, "%s-%02X", commandString, keyValues[i]);


// Process timers to detect when keyup messages have to be sent for each key
void processKeyUps() {
  for (int i=0; i<KEY_COUNT; i++) {
    if (keyPressStates[i] == true) {
      if (millis() - keyPressTimes[i] > keyHoldDurations[i]) {
        keyPressStates[i] = false;
        keyPressStateChanged = true;

There's actually a really cool bug in this device that allows the player to “jump” forward very quickly. I've seen this happen a few times, usually after someone has been banging on the device for a while. I have no idea why this happens or how to reproduce it, but it's pretty cool, so I decided to just leave it in and call it a feature.


It is no coincidence that the classic Doom was chosen as the target to be controlled by Dialrhea. I love this game madly and was obsessed with it as a child. My father once brought it home from work on 10 floppy disks. I had to learn how to write custom autoexec.bat config.sys files and boot the system from a special floppy disk containing a minimal version of MS-DOS and a highly optimized mouse driver so that there would be enough memory to run Doom on my Intel 386 33 MHz machine, which had only 4 MB of RAM. “LH A:\MOUSE.COM” is the magic string that made DOS load the mouse driver into otherwise inaccessible high memory, thus winning a few extra kilobytes of RAM for Doom.

Another reason to choose Doom was that it can run on almost anything: calculators, microwaves, treadmills, vapes, even pregnancy tests! If the device has a processor and a screen, there will be some geek who will try to run Doom on it. Doom on a rotary phone doesn't look so crazy in comparison 🙂

Thank you for your attention!

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