DIY weather station (meteorological station). Part one

Project: DIY weather station.

Project: DIY weather station.

Have you ever wanted to do something yourself, had cool ideas, but your knowledge was not enough to bring them to life?
I suggest trying an interactive project: a weather station (meteorological station) with your own hands. For now it is stationary, but later it will be portable, so that you can take it with you on vacation and know in advance that there will soon be rain or a hurricane.
In order not to start the project from scratch, I implemented three initial functions as a foundation:

Main screen of the weather station

Main screen of the weather station

The first function is the background, it is loaded depending on the weather from the SD card, on the SD card there are folders with styles (for example, classic or anime, etc.) in them there are directories with different weather situations, in each of these directories you can put any number of pictures in JPG format with a resolution of 480 by 360 pixels, depending on the style and weather the corresponding picture will be loaded, for example: Day, clear – the background will be displayed as in the video, rain, morning – the corresponding background will be loaded from the SD card.
The second function is responsible for displaying information on the main screen, the screen itself is divided into a time zone and a room, each room has its own set of sensors. For example, in one room we display the readings of the sensors: carbon dioxide, temperature, humidity, pressure and TVOS.
Please note that some sensor data has a background, these are important readings for our health and well-being, for example: carbon dioxide level, humidity, TVOS. Their colors change depending on the value. If the sensor readings are comfortable for living, then the background is green, if yellow – attention, and red, respectively – dangerous for health.

Weather station charts

Weather station charts

The third function is graphs (I sped it up for the video) when you click on a room, a graph will appear with all the sensors that are in that room.
For example, room one, room two, street.
Pay attention to the graph, it has green, yellow and red areas, as with the main screen, the area marked in green means that the sensor readings are normal, yellow – attention, red – dangerous to health.
The graph, unlike previous projects, has become fully adaptive, now there are no unused areas of the graph on the screen, the graph can also be controlled if you touch the upper area of ​​the graph with your finger and pull your finger down, then the graph will begin to shift down, accordingly, if you pull your finger up, the graph will return to its original position, similarly with the lower area of ​​the graph, we touch the screen with our finger and move it up to move the graph readings up, down – to return the graph to its original state. Such capabilities will allow us to examine the graph readings in more detail, for example, at what point the carbon dioxide sensor values ​​\u200b\u200bcrawled up.

The scheme itself looks like this for now:

Weather station diagram

Weather station diagram

You will find a detailed explanation of how everything is arranged and works in this video.

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