directions, video lessons, books

14 years is the age at which you can learn programming through the use of text languages ​​and supporting environments. Lua and Roblox, C# and Unity are examples of successful combinations. A foundation in the form of an understanding of algorithms and basic principles of coding is a plus, but even without this, enthusiastic teenagers are able to successfully master a specific area.

We are in Pixel As part of online programming courses for children 14 years old, we often use text languages ​​and auxiliary environments and believe that the approach when the main direction – coding – is complemented by work with other tools, gives a more pronounced result. So, say, developing games directly in class has a positive effect on memorizing theory, improves skills and helps hone them.

But that’s not what we’re talking about today: we want to consider a number of areas suitable for teenagers 14 years old and older. We will describe them, offer free lessons in video format, and also present useful books: they will help if you want to study on your own at an in-depth level.

TOP programming areas for schoolchildren 14 years old

Let's highlight 4 basic areas directly related to writing code, and also note options that are suitable if the child is not interested in programming and demonstrates creative abilities.

1. Programming in Roblox with Lua

Hereinafter, first of all, we will provide introductory information: briefly describe environments and languages, give examples of projects or areas, and only then provide links to lessons and useful books.

So let's begin.

Roblox is an online gaming platform designed for creating games. They can be shared with other users, exchange opinions and experiences, and also earn Robux – the internal currency. Roblox develops well with the Roblox Studio engine. These conditional tools are interconnected and are often used together to teach children 3D modeling and coding.

The latter is possible through Lua, a language often used by game developers. The advantage of getting to know it is that there are similarities with JavaScript, especially in terms of logic and implementation. Therefore, if the Lua language, as they say, works, then in the future you can try your hand at web development, where JavaScript is one of the popular tools along with HTML and CSS.

Let us especially note Lua. The fact is that it is often spoken of as a small language that could. The statement is true: learning Lua is easy, as is using it, but this fact does not limit the possibilities in any way. Scripts for it can be found in World of Warcraft.

Lua is used for:

  • Game development;

  • Programming in-game logic;

  • Creating mods;

  • Writing code for bots;

  • Development of server scripts and more.

The language is rightfully considered universal.

To get started with the tools presented, you can:

2. Python: programming for 14 year olds from scratch

We bet that at the age of 14, modern schoolchildren are quite good and often successfully cope with the complex Python that only seems so. Even from scratch: having minimal experience is an insignificant factor.

Yes, the language is high-level, but it is characterized by simplicity. Additional advantages, not tied to the topic of teaching teenagers, boil down to versatility and efficiency: the tool is used by so-called Pythonists for various purposes. Examples:

  • Web development. Creating applications, websites, interactive remote services is a small part of the conventional areas where Python is in demand;

  • Scientific research. Let's say the SciPy library helps with this;

  • Automation of routine tasks. You can write a script in Python to process files, copy data, and more;

  • Creation of simple and complex computer games.

The list could be continued for a long time, but the potential of the tool is clear, so we suggest moving on to useful resources that will be useful to beginners.

Let's start with the video. Here are good selections:

  • Python Basics. The playlist is dedicated to the basics, comparison of the language with Java, variables, libraries and other important topics;

  • Creating games in Python. The selection will be a godsend for teenage Pythonists who are interested in gaming and want to master game development.

We also offer books:

3. Writing code in C# and developing in the Unity engine

C# seems complex, but it is quite easy to master when combined with Unity. This is an engine that is used by professional developers and hobbyists to create mobile, computer and even console games. The environment is comprehensive: tools are provided for working with graphics, animation, sound, etc.

We would like to pay special attention to C# – an object-oriented language created specifically for writing programs intended for various purposes. An approximate list of areas where this tool is used:

  • Game development;

  • Creation of desktop applications;

  • Writing code for remote services, training neural networks, etc.

Promising? We agree. Therefore, if you want to start self-study, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with thematic videos and books. Here are useful playlists:

  • Unity Basics. The selection will help you figure out how to install the program and configure the interface, after which you can learn how to complete your first projects in the form of animation, timer, runner, and more;

  • Deepening into C#. As a result of getting acquainted with the videos, you will be able to delve into cycles, operators, arrays, as well as understand related important topics;

  • Creating games using the Unity engine. The selection is suitable for teenagers interested in game development: they will have to program multiplayer, racing, a project with zombies, and even horror.

Books we recommend:

4. Web development with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

You can learn programming from the age of 14 for free or through courses in the area of ​​web development, that is, using the example of website creation.

First of all, we would like to note that in this direction, coding is implemented only in JavaScript. HTML and CSS have nothing to do with programming here. Let's dive into the theory to understand what we're talking about:

  • HTML is a hypertext markup language. It is designed to control the arrangement of content on pages;

  • CSS – style sheets. Thanks to them, you can change the visual presentation of a particular site.

JavaScript is a programming language. With its help, specialists develop interactive web pages and also create:

  • Remote applications;

  • Browser extensions;

  • Server programs;

  • Games for Internet browsers and more.

We emphasize that in almost any possible situation, JavaScript works well in conjunction with HTML and CSS: in the context of the functioning of websites and similar online resources, this triad has long been recognized as the basis.

You can start mastering the direction using video tutorials and books. We recommend starting with collection dedicated to the basics of web developmentand continue reading. Here are interesting and useful books:

If programming is not of interest: IT directions for creative children

At the Pixel programming school, we often implement additional areas more related to digital creativity in online courses for children 14 years old. If the presented options do not appeal to you, we recommend:

  • Web design. It can be mastered through familiarization with the Figma tool;

  • 3D modeling. To dive into it, we recommend using Blender;

  • Graphic design. When working with students in this area, we use Photoshop and Illustrator.

We would like to summarize and note that there are plenty of IT areas of additional education for teenagers, and you can study both independently and in courses. Choosing an option is the task of children and their parents, but in any case they will be able to gain valuable knowledge and skills that will definitely be useful in the future.

The material was prepared by the Pixel IT school. We teach teenagers to write code, create games, program functional websites, and model and make computer graphics. If you want to master one of these areas together with a teacher, take a peekwe will be glad.

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