Development diary of the board game SUPERTANK. Part 15. About project crowdfunding in numbers

Part 3. About how we redrew the original art of the game

Part 4. About simple children's entertainment of the 90s

Part 5. About pixel art and the visual style of the game

Part 6. About transferring the mechanics of the original game to the board game. 1 part

Part 7. About transferring the mechanics of the original game to the board game. part 2

Part 8. About Generals in the board game

Part 9. About the development of tank features

Part 10. About how to play a board game

Part 11. About references

Part 12. About the archive of working prototypes

Part 13. Update of the development diary of the board game SUPERTANK (VK post)

Part 14. About crowdfunding of the board game SUPERTANK

useful links

about the project

Battle city with graphics from the board game SUPERTANK (HD Pack for Mesen)

Board game SUPERTANK on Ozon

Board game SUPERTANK on Wildberries

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