Detecting facial emotions in real time with a webcam in the browser using TensorFlow.js. Part 3

We have already learned how to use artificial intelligence (AI) in a web browser to track faces in real time and apply deep learning to detect and classify facial emotions. So, we put these two components together and we want to see if we can detect emotions in real time using a webcam. In this article, we will use the webcam video of our face to find out if the model can respond to facial expressions in real time.

You can download a demo version of this project. You might need to enable WebGL support in your web browser to get the performance you want. You can also download code and files for this series. It assumes that you are familiar with JavaScript and HTML and have at least a basic understanding of neural networks.

Adding facial emotion detection

In this project, we will test our trained model for detecting facial expressions on webcam video. We’ll start with a starter template with the final code from the face tracking project and add parts of the code to detect facial expressions.

Let’s download and apply our pretrained facial expression model. To begin with, we will define some global variables for detecting emotions, as we did before:

const emotions = [ "angry", "disgust", "fear", "happy", "neutral", "sad", "surprise" ];
let emotionModel = null;

We can then load the emotion detection model inside the async block:

(async () => {

    // Load Face Landmarks Detection
    model = await faceLandmarksDetection.load(
    // Load Emotion Detection
    emotionModel = await tf.loadLayersModel( 'web/model/facemo.json' );


And for model forecasting by key points of the face, we can add a utility function:

async function predictEmotion( points ) {
    let result = tf.tidy( () => {
        const xs = tf.stack( [ tf.tensor1d( points ) ] );
        return emotionModel.predict( xs );
    let prediction = await;
    // Get the index of the maximum value
    let id = prediction.indexOf( Math.max( ...prediction ) );
    return emotions[ id ];

Finally, we need to get the key points of the face from the detection module inside the function trackFace and transfer them to the emotion prediction module.

async function trackFace() {

    let points = null;
    faces.forEach( face => {

        // Add just the nose, cheeks, eyes, eyebrows & mouth
        const features = [
            "leftEyeLower1", "leftEyeUpper1",
            "rightEyeLower1", "rightEyeUpper1",
            "leftEyebrowLower", //"leftEyebrowUpper",
            "rightEyebrowLower", //"rightEyebrowUpper",
            "lipsLowerInner", //"lipsLowerOuter",
            "lipsUpperInner", //"lipsUpperOuter",
        points = [];
        features.forEach( feature => {
            face.annotations[ feature ].forEach( x => {
                points.push( ( x[ 0 ] - x1 ) / bWidth );
                points.push( ( x[ 1 ] - y1 ) / bHeight );

    if( points ) {
        let emotion = await predictEmotion( points );
        setText( `Detected: ${emotion}` );
    else {
        setText( "No Face" );

    requestAnimationFrame( trackFace );

This is all that is needed to achieve the desired goal. Now, when you open a web page, it should detect your face and recognize your emotions. Experiment and have fun!

Here is the complete code needed to complete this project
        <title>Real-Time Facial Emotion Detection</title>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <canvas id="output"></canvas>
        <video id="webcam" playsinline style="
            visibility: hidden;
            width: auto;
            height: auto;
        <h1 id="status">Loading...</h1>
        function setText( text ) {
            document.getElementById( "status" ).innerText = text;

        function drawLine( ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) {
            ctx.moveTo( x1, y1 );
            ctx.lineTo( x2, y2 );

        async function setupWebcam() {
            return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
                const webcamElement = document.getElementById( "webcam" );
                const navigatorAny = navigator;
                navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia ||
                navigatorAny.webkitGetUserMedia || navigatorAny.mozGetUserMedia ||
                if( navigator.getUserMedia ) {
                    navigator.getUserMedia( { video: true },
                        stream => {
                            webcamElement.srcObject = stream;
                            webcamElement.addEventListener( "loadeddata", resolve, false );
                    error => reject());
                else {

        const emotions = [ "angry", "disgust", "fear", "happy", "neutral", "sad", "surprise" ];
        let emotionModel = null;

        let output = null;
        let model = null;

        async function predictEmotion( points ) {
            let result = tf.tidy( () => {
                const xs = tf.stack( [ tf.tensor1d( points ) ] );
                return emotionModel.predict( xs );
            let prediction = await;
            // Get the index of the maximum value
            let id = prediction.indexOf( Math.max( ...prediction ) );
            return emotions[ id ];

        async function trackFace() {
            const video = document.querySelector( "video" );
            const faces = await model.estimateFaces( {
                input: video,
                returnTensors: false,
                flipHorizontal: false,
                0, 0, video.width, video.height,
                0, 0, video.width, video.height

            let points = null;
            faces.forEach( face => {
                // Draw the bounding box
                const x1 = face.boundingBox.topLeft[ 0 ];
                const y1 = face.boundingBox.topLeft[ 1 ];
                const x2 = face.boundingBox.bottomRight[ 0 ];
                const y2 = face.boundingBox.bottomRight[ 1 ];
                const bWidth = x2 - x1;
                const bHeight = y2 - y1;
                drawLine( output, x1, y1, x2, y1 );
                drawLine( output, x2, y1, x2, y2 );
                drawLine( output, x1, y2, x2, y2 );
                drawLine( output, x1, y1, x1, y2 );

                // Add just the nose, cheeks, eyes, eyebrows & mouth
                const features = [
                    "leftEyeLower1", "leftEyeUpper1",
                    "rightEyeLower1", "rightEyeUpper1",
                    "leftEyebrowLower", //"leftEyebrowUpper",
                    "rightEyebrowLower", //"rightEyebrowUpper",
                    "lipsLowerInner", //"lipsLowerOuter",
                    "lipsUpperInner", //"lipsUpperOuter",
                points = [];
                features.forEach( feature => {
                    face.annotations[ feature ].forEach( x => {
                        points.push( ( x[ 0 ] - x1 ) / bWidth );
                        points.push( ( x[ 1 ] - y1 ) / bHeight );

            if( points ) {
                let emotion = await predictEmotion( points );
                setText( `Detected: ${emotion}` );
            else {
                setText( "No Face" );

            requestAnimationFrame( trackFace );

        (async () => {
            await setupWebcam();
            const video = document.getElementById( "webcam" );
            let videoWidth = video.videoWidth;
            let videoHeight = video.videoHeight;
            video.width = videoWidth;
            video.height = videoHeight;

            let canvas = document.getElementById( "output" );
            canvas.width = video.width;
            canvas.height = video.height;

            output = canvas.getContext( "2d" );
            output.translate( canvas.width, 0 );
            output.scale( -1, 1 ); // Mirror cam
            output.fillStyle = "#fdffb6";
            output.strokeStyle = "#fdffb6";
            output.lineWidth = 2;

            // Load Face Landmarks Detection
            model = await faceLandmarksDetection.load(
            // Load Emotion Detection
            emotionModel = await tf.loadLayersModel( 'web/model/facemo.json' );

            setText( "Loaded!" );


What’s next? When can we wear virtual glasses?

Taking the code from the first two articles in this series, we were able to create a real-time facial emotion detector using just a little JavaScript. Imagine what else you can do with the TensorFlow.js library! In the next article, we’ll return to our goal of creating a Snapchat-style face filter using what we’ve already learned about face tracking and adding 3D visualization with ThreeJS. Stay with us! See you tomorrow, at the same time!

Live face tracking in the browser using TensorFlow.js. Part 2

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