Desktop or web application for organizing a shared data environment

A. A. Islam, V. I. Pronin, D. V. Medvedev // Man. Society. Inclusion. – 2023. – Vol. 14, No. 3-3(57). – P. 128-135. – EDN GHMTFS.


In the world of modern technologies, where access to data and effective management of it play a key role in the success of the project, the question of choosing between a desktop and a web application for organizing a shared data environment is a hot topic for debate and discussion among various experts. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the right choice depends on the specifics of the work and the specific needs of the organization. In this article, we will consider which option, a desktop or a web application, is better suited for organizing a shared data environment.

The purpose of this article is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of desktop and web applications and determine the most suitable option for organizing a shared data environment.

Definition of concepts

Let's start with defining the concepts: what is a desktop application, a web application, a shared data environment.

Desktop application – client software implementing the Windows Forms interface. The application is installed on the user's workstation and runs locally, without the need for a constant Internet connection.[1] Depending on the type of operating system, processor, video card and other parameters, different versions of the program may be required.

A web application is a client software that is a browser and uses http/https protocols to exchange data with servers and display content to users.[2] The application does not require installation or downloading of software modules to the user's workstation.

The common data environment is a software and hardware complex for the joint work of all project participants with information models at all stages of the life cycle.[8]

Figure 1. Interaction within a web application. [3]

Figure 1. Interaction within a web application. [3]

So, a web application works through a browser, using it as a runtime environment, a desktop application is installed, launched and works locally. Let's compare them by their main characteristics.


The web application does not require installation and is hosted on a local or cloud server. The update process also takes place there. At the same time, a server is needed in any case, even if the solution is very simple. After all, in addition to the frontend, which users will work with through the browser, the backend needs to be hosted somewhere.

The desktop application will have to be installed manually on each device. In a company with many workstations, this can take quite a long time.

Advice: Deploying a DSS for capital construction projects is a complex process. It is worth considering that the number of DSS users and their names are difficult to plan. Therefore, it is worth choosing systems that are easier to provide access to. These are web applications.


The web application is automatically updated on the server, allowing users to receive updates instantly. This reduces disruptions when working with an outdated version of the application and saves the user time in maintaining the latest version of the software on all their devices.

A desktop application needs to be updated every time a new version is released or bugs are fixed. Although this process is often automated, you will still need to keep an eye on the latest version. Installing one application on one device and keeping it running may not be a big deal, but businesses with a large number of devices running a wide range of software will face significant challenges. Updating the application on every device in the company will require significant effort, but this process is an integral and critical part of ensuring the system is up and running and reliable.

Advice: when choosing a system, pay attention to its full cost, that is, not only the cost of licenses at the time of purchase, but also the cost of subsequent updates, maintenance (personnel) and the cost of the equipment that will be required to ensure the operation of the system. In this parameter, web applications usually win, since, in fact, you are renting software using the SaaS model. This model was developed to reduce the costs of organizations.


The web application is flexible, it does not depend on the environment in which it was launched. It works in any modern browser, under any OS, on any mobile/stationary platform and does not require any preliminary preparation of the environment. For example, installing java, silverlight or adobe.[4] The web application is accessible from anywhere in the world, and user files will always be at hand. But only if there is an Internet connection or the ability to work offline and upload/download data is implemented.

Desktop is only available from the device on which it is installed. It is important to note the dependence of such applications on the operating system, processor, video card, and a number of other parameters. To work from different devices, you will have to install the application on each, as well as organize cloud or local storage to always have access to files.

Tip: Pay attention to the way the future users of the SOD work. Do they all use a computer exclusively at their workplace or do they use tablets and phones? Perhaps your projects involve remote workers or temporary staff. All these are signs that a web application would be more suitable for you.


The web application is completely dependent on the browser and its operating technologies. Therefore, there are a number of restrictions, for example, in access to the hardware of your device.[5] But a whole range of tasks can be solved according to the principle “what cannot be rewritten can be built on or expanded”. Editors of documents, images, audio, video, 3D graphics; project management systems; file storage; no-code constructors – work successfully in browsers. Tools for rapid integration of services, as well as interface libraries, further expand existing capabilities.[6] In addition, web applications do not take up space on the device's hard drive.

Desktop allows you to implement literally any function – in this it is definitely superior to the web. In any case, no one has yet developed a full-fledged online analogue of Photoshop or Sony Vegas. System utilities are definitely the sphere of desktop development. As well as programs that must work in the background for a long time – for example, chats or torrent clients – it will simply be inconvenient to work with them through a browser. Also, such software is more often used for specific projects, with non-standard interfaces or functions.

Regarding the speed of work. Everything is not as simple as it may seem. Despite the fact that the browser client constantly exchanges data with the server, the speed will largely depend on how well it is designed, on the “purity” of the code, the capabilities of the equipment, the stability of the communication channel. The difference in speed, which is obvious during testing, is often invisible to users.

Advice: don't chase the maximum functionality of all possible. That is, choose a system that has the most functions. Usually, users use no more than 10-20% of the entire functionality of the system[9]. This is the most necessary functionality.


A web application developed using modern protocols and security tools is capable of fully ensuring data safety. However, developers cannot influence some aspects: a browser, a cloud server, a communication channel can both increase the level of security through additional verification tools, but also reduce it through their vulnerabilities. An undoubted advantage for users: such software is easier to control. Environmental restrictions reduce the likelihood that it will secretly gain access to files or launch a process.

Desktop is configured more flexibly, which means that theoretically, all potential vulnerabilities can be foreseen during its development. In practice, it is unlikely. However, it is still possible to make it completely safe. But only if the device on which it is installed will not connect anywhere, even to a secure local network. Otherwise, there will still be a risk.

It is clear that safer means more complex, if possible at all. This is influenced by many factors, primarily the human factor. And it is precisely in protecting against the human factor, in its various manifestations, that the meaning of all security measures lies. But it is obvious that trust in desktop software is higher. Some organizations fundamentally refuse to work in browsers, many users are still wary of them. However, the situation is changing – with the development of technology, people's loyalty to them is growing.

Advice: high security requirements should be imposed when it is really necessary. In other cases, the organization itself “interferes with its work”. Some of the SOD systems can work even in “closed” circuits while remaining a web application. The server is deployed inside this closed circuit.


Desktop applications have one type of licensing – user licenses with a limit on the number of simultaneous connections or named licenses.

Web applications have a variety of licensing methods – licenses by users, licenses by projects, licenses by the space occupied in the cloud.

The web application licensing policy is more flexible, allowing you to select the most appropriate licenses for your organization's needs at any given time.

For the organization of the SOD for internal use with a permanent staff, you can consider systems with user restrictions. If you plan to use the SOD to organize information exchange with external organizations and freelancers, you should consider systems with project licenses in which the number of users is not limited. This issue is discussed in more detail in the article by D.V. Medvedev “Models of licensing and placement of the environment of common data of a construction project” [10]

Advice: do not try to buy licenses “once and for all”. The period of relevance of information systems is rarely more than 5 years. Then they require either replacement or serious updating.

Which app is best for organizing your data?

To answer this question, it is necessary to highlight the tasks and trends that the development of the SOD follows as a tool for increasing the efficiency of the activities of participants in construction projects.[7] Some of them are:

  • ensuring convenient and quick access to the data processing system for new employees;

  • ensuring the security of stored and transmitted information;

  • reducing the requirements for software and hardware from the data processing system.

Convenient and fast access can be fully provided by web applications, access is provided through a browser, which is standard on all modern devices, which allows employees to work in the SOD from any device with an Internet connection. There is no need to install and update applications on each device, this also simplifies the process of introducing new employees.

SOD is a client-server software and it is impossible to completely isolate the device on which it is installed to ensure complete security of stored information. Technologies are developing, web applications today can provide a high level of security of stored and transmitted information, using modern encryption and authentication methods.

To run web applications, you don't need to consider what OS, how much RAM, or how powerful the video card is, as is the case with a desktop application. A device that supports a fully functional browser is enough to run them, which can save on equipment and maintenance costs. Web applications can also be more scalable, allowing you to adapt resources to current needs.

To sum it up, it is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that in every second tender documentation, in the section on technical requirements for the SOD, requirements for the availability of a web client or web access are specified.

As a rule, the justifications are the same:

· mobility (you can log in to the system from any computer connected to the Internet);

· ease of deployment and updating (no need to reinstall software modules on users’ workstations);

· ease of creating a test and production environment (two web applications to one database are deployed on the application server, so testing new versions of software by separate groups of users becomes convenient and relatively “safe”, since you can always return to the current version of the system by accessing it at a different address).

SOD Market Review

To obtain up-to-date data on the availability of web or desktop applications among domestic systems positioning themselves as SOD, an analysis was conducted using open sources of information, such as: video demonstrations of systems, presentations, reviews of solutions, articles, etc. Due to the large number of software solutions for organizing SOD, not all of them were included in the review, but the most popular ones.

The starting point for selecting the comparison period was the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation to the Chairman of the Government on ensuring information modeling in construction (BIM), which appeared on 19.07.2018. The results of the analysis were entered into the table below:

Figure 2. Comparison of the SOD solutions market in Russia by client format (desktop and web) in 2018 and 2023.

Figure 2. Comparison of the SOD solutions market in Russia by client format (desktop and web) in 2018 and 2023.

As can be seen from the table, there is a clear trend of developing new products and transitioning existing ones to the web application format. This is confirmed by the larger global process of transition of the entire IT industry to cloud and web services.

The table clearly demonstrates not only the ever-increasing popularity of the web application format for organizing data storage, but also the emergence of new solutions in this industry.

Most new vendors that appear on the market choose web applications as the architecture of their solution, which indicates that this direction will be more actively developed in the future.

Also in favor of the applicability, popularity and efficiency of the web client is the fact that during this period, vendors developed a web version in addition to the desktop version of their product. Some of them continue to develop it at the present time.

It is obvious that system users have appreciated the advantages of this method of organizing their work and demand for them is gradually growing, and supply is growing as well. Users and, more importantly, companies increasingly trust cloud technologies and web services. Including companies that have fairly high requirements for data storage security. This has become possible due to the significantly and rapidly increased level of development of TIM.

Final thoughts

The model of organizing the workspace is currently undergoing significant changes. New requirements are being imposed on workplaces: the possibility of remote work, reduction of time for work production, etc.

The form of receiving and providing information is constantly changing. Now organizations increasingly want employees to be always in touch, in “online” mode.

The management of many companies has already appreciated the fact that if they choose cloud technologies, they do not need to purchase server capacity.

A number of products for organizing SOD have unique technical developments that allow replacing several programs at once that have already become firmly established in work. Of course, these are desktop applications that can be replaced with maximum efficiency.

It is important to take into account the specifics of the work and the needs of users.

Desktop applications are well suited for organizing the work of small stationary teams.

For the organization of a data processing system, where it is necessary to unite all project participants into a single environment, web technologies will be a priority. They are flexible, universal, do not require preliminary preparation of the environment, and allow saving the company's finances, hardware resources, and employee time.

Ultimately, making the right choice between desktop and web applications will help your SOD user optimize data management and improve your work efficiency.


[1] EFT-Soft [Электронный ресурс] // What is the desktop version of the program – Access mode: (date of access: 09/18/2023).

[2] Ecm-journal [Электронный ресурс] // Desktop application or web client – ​​that is the question! – Access mode: (date of access: 18.09.2023).

[3] Smartiqa [Электронный ресурс] // Web application: concept, components and operating principles – Access mode: (date of access: 09/18/2023).

[4] Habr [Электронный ресурс] // Desktop or Web? – Access mode: (date of access: 09/18/2023).

[5] Zheliba V.K. Distinctive features of hybrid, cross-platform and native application development / V.K. Zheliba, E.A. Ivanova // Information society: current state and development prospects of the collection of materials of the IX International forum. – Krasnodar: KubSAU, 2018. – P. 96-98.

[6] [Электронный ресурс] // Desktop or web application: pros and cons – Access mode: (date of access: 09/18/2023).

[7] Medvedev D.V., Pronin V.I. Levels of development of general data environments of construction projects // Economy: yesterday, today, tomorrow. 2023. Vol. 13. No. 5A. P. 336-347. DOI: 10.34670/AR.2023.59.18.018

[8] Pronin, V. I. Interpretation of the concepts of “information modeling technology” (IMT) and “common data environment” (CDE) / V. I. Pronin, D. V. Medvedev // Man. Society. Inclusion. – 2023. – No. 2 (54). – P. 140-146. – EDN YXDIPD.

[9] Pronin, V. I. Organization of the process of selecting a common data environment for capital construction projects / V. I. Pronin // Economy: yesterday, today, tomorrow. – 2023. – Vol. 13, No. 5-1. – P. 233-243. – DOI 10.34670/AR.2023.54.86.078. – EDN SNLOVP.

[10] Medvedev D.V., Pronin V.I., Islam A.A., Models of licensing and placement of the environment of common data of a construction project.

[11] The President gave instructions to the Prime Minister to ensure information modeling in construction (BIM) // NORMACS URL: (date of access: 12.12.2018).

[12] Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases.

[13] BIM in Russia and the CIS 2022: results of a large survey.

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