Designing a Microservice Architecture in NodeJS Environment

Microservice Architecture Design in a NodeJS/NestJS Environment | Online Retail System

Designing a Microservice Architecture in NodeJS/NestJS Environment

Scenario: Перед вами стоит задача разработать микросервисную архитектуру для системы онлайн-ритейла. Эта система должна управлять различными сервисами, такими как каталог товаров, учетные записи пользователей, заказы и обработка платежей.

Microservices division:

  1. Product Catalog Service

    • Database: MongoDB or similar NoSQL database for flexible schema and fast retrieval of product information;

    • Available functionality:

      • Product Management;

      • Product category management;

      • Warehouse management (warehouse stocks).

  2. User Account Service

    • Database: PostgreSQL or MySQL relational database for storing data such as user profiles, authentication and authorization;

    • Available functionality: Working with user accounts, authentication, authorization and user-related data.

  3. Order Service (Order Management Service)

    • Database: MongoDB or SQL database, depending on the complexity of the order-related data and the need to ensure transactional integrity;

    • Available functionality: Manage orders, create, update and track order status.

  4. Payment Processing Service

    • Database: May not require a database if it primarily focuses on payment gateway integration. However, it may store transaction logs in a secure storage such as Elasticsearch;

    • Available functionality: Integrates with payment gateways, processes transactions, records payment information.

Communication between microservices

  1. RESTful API or GraphQL: Each microservice exposes an API for interaction. NestJS provides great tools for creating RESTful APIs or GraphQL endpoints, providing standardized interaction;

  2. Message broker (optional): Implement a message broker, such as RabbitMQ or Kafka, for asynchronous communication between services. This will ensure fluent communication and better scalability.

Ensuring data consistency

  1. Synchronous communication: For critical operations that require immediate consistency (such as placing an order), use synchronous communication. Microservices can communicate directly via REST or GraphQL to maintain data consistency;

  2. Eventual consistency: For non-critical operations (such as updating user profile data), asynchronous communication with the message broker allows for eventual consistency to be maintained without blocking services.

Transaction processing

  1. Distributed transactions: Use the two-phase commit protocol or SAGA pattern for distributed transactions spanning multiple microservices. Implement compensating transactions to handle partial failures and ensure data consistency across services;

  2. Transaction log/event sorting: Maintain transaction logs or use event mining to track changes in microservices to help restore states and resolve inconsistencies.


  1. JWT tokens: Implement JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication and authorization between services. NestJS provides robust authentication mechanisms;

  2. HTTPS: Ensure secure communication between microservices using HTTPS to prevent data leakage.

System reliability

  1. Monitoring and logging: Implement logging and monitoring systems (e.g. ELK stack, Prometheus, Grafana) to track system health, performance and errors;

  2. Containerization and orchestration: Use Docker for containerization and Kubernetes for orchestration to ensure scalability, fault tolerance, and ease of deployment.


In general, this architecture separates functionality between management services that use appropriate databases based on data needs, uses communication strategies to ensure consistency, processes transactions in distributed environments, prioritizes security, and ensures system reliability through monitoring and containerization.

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