Delicate designers in a harsh world

I am a product designer.

Just today I was banned from a group of a telegram channel about design systems (the admins and moderators of this channel also run a telegram channel about “chat design”). All because I used the word “rooster” in relation to a bot that sent some gypsy mailing list to the chat, after which it was deleted by the moderators. My message was soon deleted as well. When I asked why the word “rooster” cannot be used in relation to various kinds of info-gypsies and other spammers, I was ignored in an adequate explanation and completely blocked, as I understand it, for toxic behavior (I could be wrong).

How often have you encountered such an attitude in your practice? Has this become some kind of norm in the society of pampered idiots, and has the Western form of social relations penetrated into our society, where you can't even say the word “rooster” not only in relation to designers (which they are for the most part, as can be seen even from the example about the admins of these channels) but also to info-gypsies?

Working in different companies, I have simply become accustomed to calling designers roosters, well, purely for reasons of value judgment and momentary self-irony (since I am a designer myself). Is everything now heading towards tightening censorship, where no one can be touched by a word without causing public hypocritical condemnation?

This trend makes you think hard about the adequacy of such gentle subjects, who ban people with the sword of the Inquisition without explaining the reasons, just to keep solid “likes” and “hearts”, forcing people to either speak only good or not at all. Righteous negativity, apparently, can no longer be used even in relation to those who deserve it. Apparently, you have to tolerate both the vileness of the activities of infogypsies and other assholes, and also the vileness of other roosters who imagine themselves to be guardians of morality. It's a pity that their world is really quite hypocritical, because they do not accept objective reality, trying to live in their fairy-tale world with “likes” and “hearts”, where everyone is forbidden to say anything except positivity and approval.

Yes. We live in interesting times with madmen and cowards who are afraid of any reaction that spoils their perception of their little world.

Since it's so hot. I forbid you to put dislikes under this post) because I want to see only approval of my opinion, like those roosters who are very important in relation to themselves.

If you are interested in visiting the island of freedom of opinion and speech, please visit my TG channel Here you will not find various forms of tolerance and feigned respect for the sake of political correctness.

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