Data Science Inspirational Portfolios


Data Science is a complex area of ​​knowledge. It equally combines mathematics and statistics, computer science and black magic. Data Science has grown rapidly since mid-2020, with numerous job seekers swarming over every job posting. In addition, the raging pandemic, in addition to everything, is pulling down.

Trying to get a list of course completion certificates will not get you very far unless you have a well-earned Master’s or PhD (PhD) degree. The certifications for massive open online courses like Coursera or eDx are good, but I have no evidence of their great value. Kaggle is also not the same: his open competitions are a graveyard of overtrained models, and real competitions are won by teams with whom it is difficult to compete, moreover, such competitions are in any case limited in terms of personal portfolio.

There is still a way out – to make your own interesting projects and from them to collect a portfolio that will profitably represent you. This resource provides inspiring examples of such portfolios. Use them to enhance your own Data Science portfolio, learn new skills, or discover exciting projects.


So how do you create a portfolio? My personal opinion is well expressed by the lines of the song of the famous band Fleetwood Mac: “you can go your own way” (you can go your own way).

Do not try to do what others have already done or are doing, work on those projects that interest you, create a portfolio of your work and show them to the world so that people can see what you can do.

I say this, but I understand that it is easier said than done. Few data scientists are also front-end developers or designers, they don’t always have the time and drive to learn design or front-end development.

Fortunately, there is no need to reinvent the wheel: compared to when a portfolio was literally a portfolio full of glossy pages, or a resume whose destiny is only to walk through the HR desktop, there are now many incredible portfolios available online. It’s an invaluable resource, why not get the most out of it?

Training and inspiration

In addition to portfolio links, sites are an extremely valuable resource in terms of learning and ideas.

Many author’s projects are practical, interesting and original. They are, in my own judgment, also a great complementary learning tool. For example, observing the practical application of the ML tool provides context for learning theory: I am pondering where I can apply the tool in my work with clients.

But enough has been said, it’s time to dive into amazing works and see how they can be useful.

Obviously, my list is just a random collection of many, many great portfolios. Let me know in the comments about your favorite portfolios and if you agree with me or not.

David Venturi

I first came across David when I was researching Data Science courses. David wrote a blog post titled “I dropped out of school to create my own master’s program in data science – here’s my curriculum.” This post has definitely stood the test of time: from April 2016 to August 2020, it has over 8,000 claps on Medium already.

Since then, he has left again to do more. He has created courses for DataCamp, including one Scala course, part of the Tableau course, and one course using data from MLB baseball stars.

In addition, David is the creator of the UP AND DOWN WITH THE KARDASHIANS course. [прим. перев. — рифма сохранена] using Python and pandas. Who would have thought that the word Python appeared next to the word Kardashian as a reference to the latest scandal or horrifying pet choice? Yes. This person is talented.
His portfolio site matches the breadth of talent, showing the varied content and themes of his work.

Portfolio by David Venturi

The headings on the Venturi site organize content by type of customer. They range from courses, projects, and content for DataCamp or Udacity to personal projects including FreeCodeCamp articles, sports analytics, and a variety of web apps. I spent some time on the site and marveled at the clarity with which David’s output types are shown. In other words, each section of the Venturi portfolio fulfills a marketing task – selling Venturi skills.

Massive online courses are easy to understand – after all, David is an experienced course producer. But the next section of the site contains two very different videos highlighting his skills and how comfortable he is in front of the camera. One of the videos is a training video, the other is a video about a dog, clever marketing that will not leave anyone indifferent. David’s personal projects are arranged to emphasize the output environment indicated by the flashy links. This allows the viewer to instantly see the result that is interesting in the context of the project.

David’s writing is clearly divided into articles, reports and posts based on audience. The reader of the site will eventually arrive at the product they want, not the jumbled examples sorted by topic. This approach makes one wonder if David did any analysis of his publications before he came to such a site organization.
David’s resource is located at this link

Hannah Yan Han

I’m a data visualization geek, so this site filled me with envy and joy at the same time. Most of the projects on the front page are visualizations (I could add “great” here). Each project is represented by an image, when the pointer is over the image, details about the rendering appear, as shown in the animation below. So, in a few seconds, the reader can see a wide range of visualizations and technical prowess, proficiency in R, D3.js, P5.js or Tableau. I like the clean layout and consistent interface. Navigate this site – pure pleasure.

Some examples of Hannah Yan Han’s renderings portfolio

Clicking on the project will lead the reader to the article with visualization. In addition, Hannah has a dedicated Data Science portfolio on a separate page

Multiple Data Science Projects, Look At The Dog!

It is clear that the layout is designed to convey as much information as possible on the visualization page. Hannah has categorized projects to achieve visual consistency on every page. This probably means that the reader (and in the long term the client) is interested in either the visualization or the article, but not simultaneously. View portfolio here

Donnie Martin

Before moving on to the next portfolio, sit down, have a drink and get ready.

Donnie Martin claims to be a software engineer at Facebook, but looking at his website and GitHub page, I am quite convinced that he is a time traveler or some kind of time-wasting magician. I’ll come back to this later, but for now take a look at the site’s scrolling animation. His approach to a portfolio site is very different from what we’ve seen before. This is where the crowd speaks (i.e. the stars on GitHub), and I must say, the crowd speaks loudly. Donnie casually flaunts several personal projects with more than 20 thousand stars!

Donnie Martin portfolio page

Martin’s Github is very expressive. We are discussing Data Science here, so let’s take a look at it repository with Jupyter Notebooks. Remember when I said I thought Martin was a sorcerer? When the world returns to burning witches and sorcerers, it is his notebooks that will become my proof against Martin. I just don’t understand how he finds the time to create so many things, unless he is able to slow down time. Here is a very small selection of the notebooks that he made available in this repository.

Donna Martin’s Repository with His Notebooks

The list of notebooks is dense, but grouped by the main project library, so that the repository works like a storefront. Without even opening notebooks and reading a resume, you can easily see the ethics of his work, the breadth of skills, the ability to communicate and teach other people. You can spend days and weeks looking at Martin’s notebooks – and personally, I don’t see anything wrong with that. See for yourself

Claudia Ten Hoop

The Hoop website looks clean, tidy, and a pleasure to read. A key difference from other portfolios that I would like to highlight is that this page clearly acts as a hiring or job request page. For example, the daily rate is indicated. Hoop is a freelancer, it makes sense for her to describe in detail the services offered to clients. The style of the text also indicates that the page is not necessarily intended for people familiar with Data Science. This is a good reminder: we need to think about the target audience of each post we publish and adapt its content to that audience.

Claudia Hoop Services Page

Visit her page, here she is

Julia Nikulski

This is another great portfolio site, this time by Julia Nikulski. As with other sites, I’ll list a few cool projects, each of which is a reflection of the hero’s image, accompanied by a short description and key skills. I won’t write much about Julia – the main layout seems similar to the others, besides, I don’t read German! One very interesting point is her post titled “How to Create a Data Science Portfolio Site”

Thanks for reading – this was a small selection of sites found on the internet. If you have any personal favorites, please let me know in the comments.

And if it is still too early for you to collect your portfolio and you are just thinking about changing the sphere, then the promotional code HABR will give you an additional 10% to the discount indicated on the banner.


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