Today I will reveal to you the mystical properties of the function CALCULATE.
This feature is amazingly powerful and allows you to change the context of filtering, turning simple spells into powerful data analysis artifacts.
Let me show you, through ancient examples, how and when to use this powerful spell.

CALCULATE — is a powerful spell that takes an expression and a set of filter modifiers as arguments, changing the filtering context and returning the result of the expression in the new context.

A simple example with CALCULATE
Imagine a table Sales with a column SalesAmount. Let's say you want to calculate the sales amount for a specific company only.

Cast the spell:
SalesAmount_company = CALCULATE(
'Sales'[company] = "Magic")

These words will focus your magic on the sales amount for the company “Magic “But this is only the beginning, because CALCULATE can perform miracles and more complex ones.

What if you want to get the sales amount for the company “Magic ” and only for the department “gryffindor“?
Use the following spell:
SalesAmount_company_gryffindor = CALCULATE(
'Sales'[company] = "Magic",
'Sales'[department] = "gryffindor")

Now your spell takes multiple conditions into account, and the magic happens across multiple filters at once, creating precise and powerful results.

CALCULATE also works great in combination with other DAX functions. For example, if you want to know the number of unique projects for a company “Magic “, say the spell:
UniqueProject_Magic = CALCULATE(
'Sales'[company] = " Magic")

This spell combines the power CALCULATE And DISTINCTCOUNTto give you unique results in a modified filtering context.
As you can see, the function CALCULATE – This is a powerful spell that can change the filtering context and give accurate results.
Use CALCULATEwhen you need to modify filter context and apply complex calculations that are impossible to achieve with simple functions. This mantra should have a place in your Power BI arsenal.

Be sure to save this spell to your reading scroll. Stay tuned for more posts with many more dark secrets and Power BI tricks.

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