Daewoo Battery Test

Batteries of the well-known brand Daewoo are now on sale. I tested the Daewoo High Energy Alkaline batteries with increased capacity and the standard Daewoo Energy Alkaline batteries of two sizes – AA and AAA.

The manufacturer is listed on the back of the package as Ningbo Mustang. Mustang Battery is one of the three largest Chinese manufacturers of alkaline batteries.

The batteries were manufactured in April 2024 and have a shelf life of 7 years.

Using a chemical current source analyzer Yarostanmash ASK2.5.10.8. I tested two batteries in two modes:

— discharge with a current of 100 mA up to 0.9 V (the maximum energy that the battery can provide);
— discharge up to 0.9 V with a resistance equivalent of 3.9 Ohm for AA and 5.1 Ohm for AAA (emulation of battery operation with a powerful load, such as toys with motors, blood pressure monitors and other medical equipment).

The results were as follows.

Daewoo High Energy Alkaline showed outstanding results: AAA came in second place in my BatteryTest project with a score of 94 points, AAA came in sixth place with a score of 93 points.

Daewoo Energy Alkaline AAA received 90 points and entered the TOP-10 most capacious batteries, AA received 84 points, ahead of many batteries of famous brands.

You can compare these batteries with others on the website BatteryTest.ru.

The departure of Western brands (Duracell, Energizer, Varta) from the Russian market has led to the emergence of new brands with batteries of better quality and greater capacity than those that left. Daewoo is an excellent example of this phenomenon.

© 2024, Alexey Nadezhin

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