Cyberprosthetics and brain function

When it comes to achieving a goal, we think we need to do it as quickly as possible. This is a natural desire and a basic mistake. Moreover, both novice biohackers who are interested in overclocking the brain, and scientists who worked on neuroprostheses. Timely understanding and recognition of such an error helps you flexibly switch to a better option.

The functioning of the brain is associated with a lot of factors. There are works Terence McKennawhich describe the change in the states of consciousness of all humanity during periods of total access to alcohol, and the subsequent transition to tobacco and coffee. There is a layer of work on cyberpsychologyfounded by Timothy Leary, today we are getting closer and closer to the work of the brain, sending electrodes to different centers, gaining both lost opportunities and new perspectives. They talk about all this community materials. Subscribe so you don't miss the latest articles!

Primates and brain computer interface

Researchers from the German Primate Center – Leibniz Institute for Primate Research in Göttingen have developed a new integration protocol brain-computer interfaces in a study with rhesus monkeys. The method allows Precisely control cyber prosthetic hands using only brain signals. For the first time, researchers were able to show that neural signals that signal the position of the hands in space are primarily important for this control, and not signals that control the speed of movement, as previously assumed.

Speed, strength, flexibility. And cyber prosthetics

Whether you're carrying shopping bags or threading a needle, you use powerful, precise grips that have become part of our daily lives. We only realize how important and magnificent our hands are when we lose the ability to use them, e.g. quadriplegia or diseases such as ALS, which cause progressive muscle paralysis.

The solution to the problem is seen in neuroprostheses. These artificial arms, hands or legs could restore mobility to people with disabilities. Damaged nerve connections are connected through brain-computer interfaces, which decode brain signals, convert them into movements, and thus the person controls the prosthesis. However, until now, prosthetic hands have not provided fine motor skills for use in everyday life. Although prosthetic legs demonstrate quite good adaptability for human gait.

How well the prosthesis works depends primarily on the neural data read by the computer interface. Previous studies of arm and hand movements have focused on cues that control the speed of grasping movements. We wanted to find out whether neural signals that describe hand position could better control neuroprostheses.

Andres Agudelo-Toro, first author of the study.

Progress in cyberprosthetics research

For the study, the scientists worked with rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Like humans, they have highly developed nervous and visual systems, as well as pronounced fine motor skills. This makes them particularly suitable for studying grasping movements.

To prepare for the main experiment, the scientists trained two rhesus monkeys to move the hand of a virtual avatar on a screen. During this training phase, monkeys performed hand movements with their own hand while watching the corresponding movements of a virtual hand on the screen. A glove with magnetic sensors that the monkeys wore during the task recorded the animals' hand movements and collected data.

After the monkeys mastered the task, they were trained to control the virtual hand in an “imaginary” grip phase. The activity of populations of neurons was measured in areas of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for controlling hand movements. The researchers focused on signals that represent different positions of the hand and fingers, and adapted a brain-computer interface algorithm that converts neural data into movement according to the appropriate protocol.

The result obtained for cyberprosthetics

Departing from the classic protocol, we adapted the algorithm so that not only the goal of the movement is important, but also how you get there, i.e. the path of execution. This ultimately led to more accurate results.

Andres Agudelo-Toro, first author of the study.

The researchers then compared the avatar's hand movements with the real hand data they had previously recorded and were able to match the accuracy.

In the study, we showed that signals that control hand position are especially important for controlling a neuroprosthesis. These results can now be used to improve the functionality of future brain-computer interfaces and thus improve the fine motor skills of neuroprosthetics.

Hansjörg Scherberger, head of the neurobiology laboratory and senior author of the study.

As always, more materials about the brain, psyche and consciousness, features of the symbiosis of human consciousness and neural networks, the subtleties of improving brain function – all this in our community. There is a fine line between the cutting edge of science and the apparent expectations of technological progress. Stop by so you don't miss out on the latest content!

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