Connecting cameras to monitoring in zabbix

The article discusses the option of connecting a camera as a network node in zabbix to monitor operation via the SNMP3 protocol.

I hope that the article will help to solve the working problems related to this.

In life, it became necessary to monitor the performance of a camera in a remote branch of an organization, due to periodic camera failures.

Yes, many have a server to which cameras are connected. An article for those who do not have such a server or you are just wondering how else you can use zabbix

The need to deploy zabbix and monitor cameras with it arose due to the need to control them in the branch of the organization, due to their periodic shutdown.

First, let’s make the necessary settings on the camera.

We go to the web interface of the camera – in our example it is D-link

Go to the menu Advanced – SNMP

Select SNMPv3 and enter the password. We leave the encryption method SHA

Zabbix will specify SHA and DEC encryption methods, but in my example, DEC is not supported in the camera settings

The author does not recommend using the SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 protocols – these protocols do not require authentication, and any user can access the organization’s cameras ….

Save settings and go to zabbix settings

On the already deployed zabbix, we come to the section Hosts – Create a host

Disclaimer: In the picture IP addresses are taken randomly

The New Host window will appear.

Let’s start filling in the fields

Host name – your name

Templates – click Select, a list of default templates will open – select Network Generic Device SNMP

Group of hosts – webcamer

Interfaces – Add – SNMP

Next, you need to specify the IP address of the camera that we are connecting

SNMP version – select SNMPv3

Context name-specific field in zabbix – used to enter a context name to identify an item in an SNMP subnet.

Security name – enter the name specified in the camera settings

Security level – choose authPriv

Next, enter the password and passphrase set on your camera

Click Add. If all is well, then the SNMP field is green

If yellow, red, then there is a problem

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