Comparative Analysis of Spring Web, Java Play Framework and Spring WebFlux Technologies

Hi all! My name is Sergey and I am a developer at Auriga. In this article I want to share my experience in using Java technologies in commercial projects. My experience spans prototyping, application architecture and end-to-end development, with a focus on feature enhancement and problem solving. In this comparative analysis, I tried to display the key advantages and disadvantages of each technology that I encountered in my practice.


Spring Web MVC follows a modular architecture, offering a set of loosely coupled modules. At the core of Spring is the Inversion of Control (IoC) container, allowing for a decoupled and flexible design. Spring MVC, commonly used for developing RESTful APIs, provides a model-view-controller architecture. Spring Boot makes it easy to install and configure your project and includes a built-in web server.

Java Play Framework was designed to quickly write web applications or REST services. Play integrates with many object-relational mapping (ORM) layers. It supports hot reloading so that you can immediately see the effects of changes. The Play Framework uses a reactive, lightweight, stateless architecture. It is built on the Akka toolkit, using an Actor Model for parallel and distributed computing.

Spring WebFlux as part of the Spring 5 framework, provides support for reactive programming. Uses the Project Reactor reactive library to handle data flows. Supports annotation-based and functional programming models.

It can be said that Spring Web's modular design provides versatility and is suitable for a variety of scenarios, from small projects to large-scale enterprise applications. The Play Framework's reactive architecture excels in real-time scenarios, and WebFlux's support for reactive programming makes it well suited for asynchronous applications that require high levels of concurrency and responsiveness.

Performance and execution speed:

Spring Web demonstrates competitive runtime performance with the ability to optimize depending on the needs of the project. The Spring Boot framework simplifies project setup and reduces startup time. The use of Spring's Inversion of Control (IoC) container and efficient memory management contribute to improved overall performance. However, this may result in a small overhead during application initialization.

Java Play Framework is characterized by its fast execution in highly concurrent scenarios, making it well suited for real-time applications. Its asynchronous nature allows the platform to efficiently process a large number of requests simultaneously, which facilitates fast execution.

Spring WebFluxpart of the reactive programming paradigm, offers efficient handling of asynchronous and non-blocking scripts, delivering efficient performance in resource-constrained environments.


Spring Webespecially with Spring Boot, is well suited for microservices architectures, providing horizontal scalability. Each microservice can be scaled independently, allowing for efficient resource utilization based on the requirements of a particular service. Using containerization technologies such as Docker further enhances scalability. Containerized Spring applications can be easily deployed and scaled on container orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes, providing flexibility in handling different workloads.

Here are some Spring Boot packages and features that can help you scale:

  • Spring Boot Actuator provides features such as health checking, metrics, and monitoring capabilities that are necessary to manage and monitor the health of an application.

  • Spring Cloud Config provides a solution for centralized configuration management of microservices. It allows you to export configuration settings, making it easy to manage and update configurations across multiple instances.

  • Spring Cloud Gateway is a powerful and flexible API gateway. It can be used to manage and route requests to different microservices, providing a central entry point for external clients.

  • Spring Cloud Sleuth is a distributed tracing solution that helps you understand and track the flow of requests across a microservices architecture. As your application scales, especially in a distributed environment, Sleuth becomes critical for diagnosing issues, tracking down performance bottlenecks, and gaining insight into the interactions between different microservices.

Java Play Framework is designed for developing high-speed, scalable web applications, achieved through a stateless and non-blocking architecture. Horizontal scaling is achieved using Akka actors, which allow parallel processing of requests and load balancing between multiple application instances.

Spring WebFlux Excellent at handling large numbers of concurrent users by efficiently using resources in an asynchronous and non-blocking manner. Integration with reactive streams provided by Project Reactor further enhances the scalability of WebFlux applications. Reactive programming allows you to efficiently process streams of asynchronous data, providing agility and elasticity.

The choice of technology must meet the scalability requirements of the project, taking into account factors such as the deployment model, resource utilization, and the nature of the application workload.


Spring Web provides a robust set of features for authentication, authorization, and protection against common security vulnerabilities. It supports a variety of authentication mechanisms, including LDAP, OAuth, and custom implementations. Spring allows for the use of annotations for method-level security. Developers can annotate methods with security configurations, specifying the roles or permissions required for access. Spring also makes it easy to implement secure communications with features such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) and the ability to provide secure communication channels.

Java Play Framework includes built-in security features that provide security settings by default. This includes protection against common web vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Play provides CSRF protection out of the box, reducing the risk of unauthorized actions initiated by malicious users. This is essential for web applications where maintaining the integrity of the user's session is of utmost importance. The built-in support for WebSockets in the Play Framework includes security measures that help securely implement real-time communication in applications.

Spring WebFlux integrates easily with Spring Security, inheriting its robust security features. This includes support for various authentication mechanisms, user roles, and protection against common security threats. WebFlux can use JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication, providing a scalable, stateless approach to authenticating users in distributed systems.

Thus, Spring offers comprehensive security features, including authentication, authorization, and secure communication. Play Framework emphasizes default security settings, built-in protection against common web vulnerabilities, and secure communication via WebSocket. Java WebFlux, through integration with Spring Security and support for reactive security configurations, provides security measures suitable for applications with asynchronous and non-blocking characteristics. The choice of technology should match the specific security requirements of the project, taking into account factors such as authentication mechanisms, authorization models, and protection against common security threats.

Community support and online presence:

The strength of a technology's community support and its visibility online are critical factors when assessing its sustainability, troubleshooting resources, and overall popularity in the developer ecosystem. Let's dive into a comparative analysis of the active community support of Spring Web, Java Play Framework, and Spring WebFlux.

Spring Web boasts one of the most active and vibrant communities in the Java ecosystem. The community actively participates in technical forums, blogs, educational platforms, social networks, providing timely assistance and fostering a culture of collaboration. Spring Web is widely used by developers across industries, especially in the enterprise and startup sectors. Its versatility, ease of use, and extensive feature set contribute to its popularity in various use cases. Job postings often mention Spring-related skills, reflecting its dominant position in the enterprise Java job market.

Java Play Framework although not as widespread as Spring, it maintains its own community of developers. Users participate in discussions on forums, GitHub repositories, and dedicated communities. On the Internet there is official documentation, guides and other materials created by developers and telling about the features of this framework. Although its discussion is not as ubiquitous as Spring, the Play framework has a strong presence on the Internet. It is popular in certain niches, especially for real-time applications and scenarios that require high levels of parallelism. Jobs that mention Play Framework skills are much less common than Spring jobs, but they can be found, especially in sectors that emphasize real-time application development and reactive development.

Spring WebFlux By being part of the Spring ecosystem, you benefit from the overall Spring community. WebFlux is gaining popularity on the Internet, indicating a growing interest in reactive programming and asynchronous application development. Official documentation, tutorials, and discussions on platforms like Stack Overflow contribute to its online visibility. Job openings that specifically mention WebFlux skills are becoming more common, especially in organizations using reactive programming paradigms.

In conclusion, while Spring maintains its position as a dominant force thanks to a thriving community and vast online resources, Play Framework and WebFlux cater to specific niches by offering viable alternatives for developers looking for real-time reactive programming solutions. Technology selection should consider the specific needs of the project and the level of community support required for ongoing development and maintenance.

Backwards Compatibility Analysis:

Ensuring backward compatibility is crucial for developers and organizations to seamlessly update their applications without making breaking changes. Let's dive into the backward compatibility environment for each technology: Spring Web, Java Play Framework, and Spring WebFlux.

Spring Web has demonstrated a strong commitment to backwards compatibility. Platform developers prioritize ensuring smooth updates to existing applications while introducing new features or improvements. Spring follows semantic versioning (SemVer), in which backwards-compatible changes receive a minor version update, and breaking changes receive a major version increase. This approach helps developers understand the potential impact of an update.

Java Play Framework faced challenges in maintaining backward compatibility, especially during major transitions. The transition from Play 1.X to Play 2.X marked a significant shift not only in terms of architecture, but also in fundamental concepts. Play 2.X adopted a more reactive, stateless approach, moving away from the traditional request-response cycle of Play 1.X. One of the most striking changes was the adoption of Scala as the primary language for Play 2.X, with support for Java as a secondary language. This shift introduced a learning curve for developers accustomed to the structure and design patterns of Play 1.X. Play 2.X, while a major release, had backward compatibility issues between minor releases. For example, code written for Play 2.0 may not work with Play 2.1 or Play 2.2 due to changes in APIs, configurations, and internals. Upgrading from Play 2.6 to 2.7 may require code adjustments due to changes in dependencies and core libraries. Code written for Play 2.6 may not work in Play 2.8 without modification, which leads to problems with maintaining a consistent code base across projects. Developers should exercise caution when upgrading, especially when moving from one minor version to another.

Spring WebFluxbeing part of the Spring ecosystem, is in line with Spring's commitment to backward compatibility. However, when integrating with traditional servlet-based APIs, developers may encounter issues due to the asynchronous and reactive nature of WebFlux. Like Spring, WebFlux adheres to semantic versioning. This provides a clear versioning strategy, allowing developers to anticipate the impact of updates on existing applications.

As a result, each technology has unique features regarding backward compatibility. Despite the challenges of major transitions, the Play Framework offers versatility for modern app development. Java WebFlux, as part of the Spring ecosystem, follows Spring's backward compatibility principles while introducing reactive programming paradigms. Developers should carefully evaluate these factors when choosing a technology stack, taking into account the specific needs of their projects and the importance of backward compatibility in the development lifecycle.

Use Cases:

Spring Web chosen for a variety of projects, ranging from small initiatives to large enterprise applications. Spring Boot, part of the Spring framework, makes development easy, and its built-in web server and streamlined configuration make it a popular choice for microservices-based architectures. Thanks to Spring MVC, it is well suited for creating RESTful APIs. The platform's annotation-based approach simplifies endpoint creation and supports multiple data formats.

Java Play Framework is ideal for real-time applications that require a high degree of parallelism. Its reactive nature and statelessness make it suitable for scenarios where responsiveness is critical, such as chat applications and live streaming.

Spring WebFlux designed for applications that require asynchronous and non-blocking development. It is well suited for scenarios that deal with a large number of simultaneous events, where agility and scalability are paramount.

To sum it up, Spring’s versatility makes it suitable for projects of all sizes, including those using microservices architecture. Play Framework excels in real-time and reactive applications, while WebFlux is well suited for asynchronous and non-blocking scenarios, offering flexibility with its programming models.


As technology continues to evolve, the forecast for the adoption of Spring Web, Java Play Framework and Spring WebFlux depends on changing industry needs and new application trends. Each technology has its own strengths that make it suitable for specific applications in different sectors.

Spring Web, especially with Spring Boot, is projected to remain a popular choice for microservice architectures. Its modularity, containerization support, and ease of development fit well with the architectural patterns that dominate modern microservices-based applications. Its ability to handle various aspects of application development, from back-end processing to RESTful API creation, makes it an ideal technology for developing scalable and secure e-commerce platforms.

Java Play Framework with its non-blocking, stateless architecture makes it particularly suitable for real-time applications. For example, in the context of social networks, online games or a collaboration tool, where immediacy and simultaneous user interaction are critical.

Spring WebFlux will be ideal for applications in the retail sector, especially where asynchronous and non-blocking processing is beneficial. This includes scenarios such as inventory management, order processing, and real-time analytics in retail environments. In the evolving IoT environment, where scalability and responsiveness are critical, WebFlux’s support for reactive programming and integration with Project Reactor can provide a scalable backend for processing diverse IoT data streams.

Starting with Java JDK 21, virtual threads are available. This is a technology that allows the operating system to simulate more threads than it actually has. They can be useful in cases where an application uses a small number of physical CPU cores. Virtual threads are especially useful for tasks written in the simple and popular “thread per request” style, allowing for efficient processing of a large number of simultaneous tasks without the overhead associated with traditional threads. This technology does not replace reactive programming, and there will likely be cases where it will still be used. But as virtual threads mature, WebFlux will be used less and less.


Safety. Make sure the technology you choose meets your application's security requirements. Use built-in security features, authentication mechanisms, and secure communication protocols when needed.

Performance and scalability. Evaluate the performance characteristics and scalability capabilities of each technology based on your application's specific requirements. Consider factors such as execution speed, scalability models, and resource efficiency.

Flexibility of development. Evaluate the development flexibility offered by each technology, considering factors such as programming models, support for microservices, and ease of integration with other tools and platforms.

Community support and ecosystem. Consider the strength of community support and the richness of the ecosystem around each technology. An active community ensures ongoing development, support, and a wealth of resources.


In conclusion, choosing the right technology stack for your project is an important decision that can significantly impact its success. Each of the Java technologies discussed — Spring Web, Java Play Framework, and Spring WebFlux — has its own strengths and is well suited for specific use cases. The choice should be made based on the unique requirements of your project, taking into account factors such as performance, scalability, and the experience of your development team.

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