Common mistakes when mastering the profession of QA Engineer

For more than two years now I have been training guys from scratch in one of the IT areas, which, it seems to me, I have gotten a good handle on during my practice. Today I would like to look at some common mistakes that absolutely all students and novice specialists make.

Not understanding the concept of instructional speech

The most common mistake when writing test cases, checklists and other artifacts. Not the ability to depersonalize your speech and leave only the reader’s attention on aspects of the system’s operation. The use of adjectives, adverbs and other constructions that interfere with the perception of documentation.

Failure to demonstrate evidence of incorrect software operation

The absence of screencasts, screenshots, or their presence, but designed so unclearly that they confuse even more than clarify the essence of the problem. The tester should immediately come to the developer with facts; the developer should not pick things out of the tester and ask him to prove or show something. Everything should be ready in advance and, if necessary, immediately demonstrated, without the need to wait until the tester (His Majesty) deigns to record his/nobody’s unwanted defect on a video or screenshot.

Confusion in indications due to misunderstanding of the system design

An insufficient degree of defect localization leads to the fact that several levers arise and the tester does not understand which of these is a consequence and which is a cause. And the reason for this is a lack of understanding of how the system works.

Emphasis on the secondary

Often a tester devotes most of his attention to unimportant things. Again, due to lack of understanding of architectural features / lack of understanding of the system design.

Reluctance to figure things out on your own

A student or already working novice QA, instead of using his head and trying to figure out the essence and not returning to this issue, shifts all responsibility to the developer and constantly distracts him with all sorts of trifles, wasting both his and his time. Superficial work without the desire to understand the essence of the system is a serious problem.

These problems are often encountered not only among students, but also among those who have not understood the essence of the work of a QA engineer and simply push buttons instead of bringing benefit to the project, but for students they are clearly visible, because they are under supervision I have every day.

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