“Colleagues, send deadlines!” — the saga of how I opened a portal to hell on Habré

  • Why you need to communicate with people you don't like.

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    It's not normal to refuse to work with someone you don't want to work with. If, for example, you are annoyed by the manner of aggressive writing and constant pulling out of the flow, etc., you have the right to say so. And the analyst, if he is adequate, will listen and stop behaving this way. And there will be no more conflicts on this topic. But simply refusing to communicate with a person within a team or stream\cluster\company, going into your own hole is some kind of socially phobic conclusion.

    If June is on the same team, then ignoring him = ignoring a full-fledged team member, despite the fact that he is still a green specialist. It is better to instruct and help, to “educate” to suit oneself, especially since an analyst is a true friend of a programmer. The analyst’s activities are aimed, among other things, at making life easier for developers.

    If the customer behaves aggressively, then there are already other techniques and methods of interaction. A heart-to-heart conversation a la “don’t do this again, please” will not work. With those who pay and who are not adequate, you need to choose other ways, more cunning, but this is a topic for a separate article.

    It seemed to me that our entire social life before work, from kindergarten to university, was aimed at learning to interact on the job with different people. Including unpleasant types, from whom there is no escape, unfortunately.

    I have something to say about the rest of the comments. But one article was not enough for this… I still need to somehow fulfill myself with two jobs and study. Otherwise I sit here all day, reading the portal…

    I am very grateful to all the advice and comments that were aimed at raising the level of awareness on how to reach out to colleagues and do it without negativity. Thanks for the incredible experience!

    In general, why do you think the ordinary topic of communication turned out to be so painful?

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