ClickUp is leaving. How will METEOR help users of the departing tracker?

ClickUp is undoubtedly the most powerful tool for tracking tasks and projects. On September 10, it announced its departure from Russia with an ultra-short period of separation from users. Already on September 12, users from Russia will be blocked. The ClickUp company refers and is forced to comply with the terms decree.

For Russian users, this poses two problems:

  • impossibility of payment for the service by Russian companies and individuals;

  • constant risk of user accounts being blocked.

This effectively makes using the service either impossible or very risky.

What alternatives do Russian users have?

There are a number of services that successfully solve similar problems. We will not provide links here (they are easily found through search services). Here we want to tell you about METEOR'e ( in terms of existing tools in ClickUp.

This information will be useful for those who are looking for a suitable solution for a quick transition with minimal losses and problems.

Benefits of METEOR for small teams

ClickUp has a free plan that provides ample opportunities for small and medium-sized teams. But when it comes to automation or the needs of large, mature teams, the limitations of the free plan are immediately felt.

METEOR does not impose any limitations on functionality on the free plan – this is our principle. And this is a serious argument for teams of up to 10 people.

A little bit about the history of METEOR's appearance

METEOR was born in the depths of the Avtomakon company, the general contractor for the IT department of VkusVill. We currently have over 1,000 employees, and all of us, to varying degrees, have been keeping records in METEOR for 7 years. Two years ago, we began to seriously miss the capabilities that our first development (early METEOR) provided, and we made a difficult decision to transfer METEOR with all the accumulated tools to an incredibly cool open source backend – OpenProject. For reference: OpenProject is a powerful product used by tens of millions of users around the world, which can certainly be trusted. And we carefully preserve it inside METEOR (“under the hood”), update it and add new capabilities to it. We managed to significantly increase its performance, teach it to work with triggers and automation, provide higher-quality tools and interfaces, create the ability to import projects and tasks, and much more.

METEOR is now capable of processing within one account without loss of performance:

  • hundreds of thousands of tasks

  • thousands of projects

  • tens of thousands of users

Comparing METEOR and ClickUp. Workspace. Familiarity and simplicity.

What strongly unites ClickUp and METEOR is very similar approaches to organizing the workspace – similar entities, similar navigation principles. Moreover, this statement is true not only for ClickUp, but also for Atlassian Jira, Trello, Wrike and many other representatives of the “classic approaches” to accounting for projects and tasks.


WorkSpaces and Lists in ClickUp are the hierarchy of projects in METEOR.

The METEOR project hierarchy can be used for anything:

  1. Division into projects and subprojects in the usual sense

  2. Division into directions, departments and teams

  3. Division into areas of activity

  4. Organizing complex team interactions

  5. After all, as a simple analogy to folders in a file system

This is what the main navigation menu looks like:

ClickUp does not allow deep hierarchy of spaces and lists – maximum 2 levels of nesting are allowed. In METEOR, nesting of projects and subprojects has no restrictions.

Many may argue with the need to create an unlimited hierarchy of projects, and we also had doubts about this. But at the moment, the statistics are inexorable – 62% of our clients use three or more levels of project hierarchy.

METEOR also has a convenient search for projects, the ability to add projects to favorites, reassign, hide the navigation bar from the desktop, and much more.

METEOR also has a complete analogy to public ClickUp projects. Access to information in a public project can be given to any user who does not have an account and is regulated by a special role “Anonymous users”. This is important for OpenSource solutions, recruiting, in tender production and many other places.

METEOR has project templates. You can use ready-made templates or create your own:

Main workspace

The METEOR workspace has the same type of navigation as ClickUP – a horizontal menu consisting of views grouped by type:

Workspace in ClickUP:

Workspace in METEOR:

Let's also compare the menu of available views and tools:

Task boards

We have implemented a very flexible approach to organizing kanban boards. Let's compare METEOR and ClickUp by this criterion.




Status board

Board group by Status

Kanban board, where the columns are task statuses

Board of performers

Board group by Assignee

Columns – performers

Version board / sprint board

Board group by Initiative

Columns – versions, sprints, releases and other initiatives

Free board


The task is placed in a column without being linked to any task attribute. Free board columns are similar to folders, where tasks are files.

Filter board


A complex type of boards where each column is described by a set of filter conditions. Filters can use any system or custom task fields, and also create complex filters with multiple values ​​or hybrid operators.

For example, the following columns can be made on a filter board:

Column “New, not assigned” – filter by status “New” and empty performer

Column “Assigned” – filter by status “New” and NOT empty performer

Column “Assigned, in progress” – filter by unclosed statuses, except “New” and NOT empty performer

Column “In progress without performer” – filter by unclosed statuses, except “New” and empty performer

Column “Completed” – filter by closed statuses

Board with filters by tags

Board group by Tags

A special case of a filter board with specific filters on columns

Board with filters by deadlines

Board group by Due date

A special case of a filter board with specific filters on columns

Board with filters by task types

Board group by Task type

A special case of a filter board with specific filters on columns

As you can see, the concept behind METEOR allows you to create boards with columns of unlimited complexity.

It is worth mentioning separately sprint boardssupplemented by a number of convenient functions – setting up sprints, changing sprint statuses, working with multiple sprints during planning, poker planning.

Also, tasks from other projects can be displayed on boards within any project. This need often arises in interteam work and work with projects that have subprojects.

Gantt Lists and Charts

We will not dwell on these views in detail, since they perform their tasks well in both systems. Both METEOR and ClickUP have their advantages and disadvantages.

In METEOR, we primarily focused on the functionality requested by large companies and teams. And at the moment, METEOR does not have such a wide range of auxiliary tools as ClickUp. But we are constantly developing these tools and taking into account the wishes of users.

Documents and Wiki

ClickUp's Documents and METEOR's Wiki are similar tools that share many of the same features. The same hierarchical approach to document organization, Notion-style document editors, the same anonymous access to books, and more.

ClickUp documents have a fairly wide range of service tools that are not yet available in METEOR. But we are constantly developing METEOR, while trying not to complicate the tracker interface.

Other tools

METEOR also features:

  • Change history is an analogue of Activity in ClickUp. The history of all changes in entities in chronological order and in a convenient form.

  • Roadmap – no equivalent in ClickUp. A view designed to give you a quick overview of the status of Activities, Releases, Versions or Sprints.

In the near future, we plan to release other useful tools that are also already available in METEORe in the OpenProject interface:

  • Calendars – display tasks in a familiar calendar format

  • Team Planner – a tool for assessing and planning employee workload

  • Meeting and Agenda Management – a tool for administering meetings and rallies with links to individual tasks or entire task lists, as well as monitoring the implementation of the agenda.

  • Budgeting is a tool for planning and controlling the project budget

  • Dashboards with analytical and statistical widgets – a tool for creating project overview pages.

Check out our video on METEOR's capabilities:

METEOR Capabilities Overview

In conclusion about the basic capabilities of METEOR

  • Custom fields, including multi-select fields

  • Administration of users, roles and rights. More than 100 rights descriptors for flexible access settings.

  • Notification center, as well as daily mailing of important changes to projects

  • Time Tracking

  • Favorites where you can add tasks, Wiki, views, documents

  • Flexible task card settings both on boards and in expanded view

  • Convenient visual setup of workflows

  • Task types (7 pre-created types) and custom ones

  • Unlimited task hierarchy

  • Manual and automated task connections

  • Comments and correspondence on the task

  • Tagging tasks

  • Priorities with customizable levels

  • Task scheduling and deadlines

  • Manual and automatic calendar planning modes

  • Labor Cost Estimates

  • Full-text search and universal task filtering

  • Flexible customization of views – boards, lists, Gantt charts. Public and private views.

  • Temporary and persistent filters in views.

  • Ability to output tasks from other projects to views

  • Software triggers with great capabilities

Important advantages of METEOR

  • Product from a Russian company. Location in Russia on certified Yandex cloud solutions

  • Honest free tariff without any functionality limitations

  • Extensive opportunities for integration and automation

METEOR's address is –
We would be very happy if you rate METEOR and give us feedback.

Thank you! And may you have productive work!

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