choice of direction and advice from teachers

Adolescence is an ideal time to teach children something new. Coding should not be considered an exception. There are several suitable and relatively simple languages ​​and supporting environments: Scratch and Roblox, Python, including in conjunction with Minecraft, C# and JavaScript. Let's figure out where to start.

We're at school Pixel We are firmly confident in the following: if a child likes to play computer games, including online, then this is not a reason for restrictions, but the basis for the development of valuable skills. It is necessary to push the student to start programming: it is enough to show, say, that the same Python can be used for modding in Minecraft, and C# can be used for creating games on the cross-platform Unity engine. But these are just examples.

Let's understand the questions about age and the appropriate route. To be convincing, we will present the opinions of our teachers with experience in teaching schoolchildren programming, game development, website creation and other IT areas.

About age and appropriate language: when and how to start if a student wants to write code

Some people think that programming for teenagers is too complex a topic, not an activity for children, so it’s worth mastering coding only as part of specialized programs at universities. At the same time, even children 7 years old and older successfully cope with the Scratch and Kodu tools and move on to Python, Lua and C#. But let us immediately note that even our teachers do not always advocate early teaching of coding to young children.

So, let's look at questions about age and its relationship to languages ​​and environments designed for immersion in programming.

“I think that 13–14 years old is the optimal age to start learning programming. At this time, teenagers are already able to see errors, identify problems and eliminate them when working with simple and complex programs. I think that a plus is the presence of formed fundamentals in the form of proficiency in Scratch: the environment may be visual, even cartoonish, but it teaches you to understand some constructions and algorithms found in complex text languages. When parents of new students ask me which direction is better to choose as a teenager, I definitely recommend Python: simple syntax, the ability to create mods for the popular Minecraft toy, fame and prospects are the main arguments.”

T. Malinin, teacher

Other teachers at the school take a similar position.

“13 years is the age corresponding to studying in the 7th grade in an ordinary Russian school. At this time, students actively become acquainted with algebra and geometry, fully understand the structure of the world around them and some laws of logic, which simplifies the development of variables and more complex aspects, say, full-fledged structures. If we take the general plan, we also teach preschoolers, but the basics: it is clear that the same Scratch Junior will not make a child a programmer. If you see it in this quality, it is better to enroll in courses with text languages ​​at the age of 13–14. But in any case, I recommend starting with Scratch: this will help you better understand the basics and easily get acquainted with writing code in the future.”

A. Lozhenitsina, teacher

We will not quote the opinions of all teachers, we will only note that they are all different and are based on personal experience, on the bumps accumulated while teaching children and teenagers programming. It makes more sense to derive an obvious pattern, which boils down to the following: in any case, it is better to start with the basics. If a child starts learning Python and cannot understand the basic principles of programming, then an error was made in selecting the difficulty level.

The intermediate conclusions are as follows:

  • A basis in the form of interest in the topic of programming, even if it was initially formed from a passion for computer games, is almost a prerequisite. There is no point in trying to force a child to master a promising direction, whatever it may be;

  • You need to learn coding gradually. Age doesn't matter. If, say, a child is 10, but has no experience in writing code, Scratch is the first choice. Next, if you are interested in studying, you can try Python.

We propose to take a closer look at popular trends: one of them may appeal to every modern schoolchild.

5 Good Programming Directions for Teens

We will describe 5 areas suitable for getting acquainted with writing code and honing relevant skills. This:

  1. Visual coding in Scratch.

  2. Programming in Roblox in Lua.

  3. Writing code in Python.

  4. Game development on the Unity engine using C#.

  5. Web development using HTML, CSS and Javascript.

1. Visual programming in Scratch for children 8–12 years old

“I believe that visual programming is a tool accessible to 10-year-old children. At this time, they do not yet know how to concentrate on the main thing, they are unlikely to be able to understand what data types, classes, functions, etc. are. Therefore, at early school age, I recommend teaching children coding with the help of Scratch. Yes, you can only learn to understand algorithms, but this will definitely become the basis for further study if you want to master, for example, Python. And I would like to note once again that 10 years is an important moment. I think it’s not worth it earlier, because, again, concentration suffers. But this can be compensated for by the presence of visual aids, like in Scratch.”

L. Kochubey, teacher

To the theory: Scratch is a visual block programming environment. It was created specifically for children and teenagers taking their first steps towards coding. Plus – maximum simplicity: manual coding is excluded. It is enough to use bright blocks and make a whole out of them, like in a Lego constructor. An additional advantage is that it is free: you can create your first projects even online without paid software.

Through Scratch, children:

  • They get acquainted with algorithms and come closer to understanding the basic principles of “complex” programming. This, as noted above, will help with further training;

  • They learn to carry out their first interesting projects in the form of animation, presentations and simple games, which motivates: almost instantaneous results captivate and involve in the learning process, creating the basis for genuine interest in the topic of coding.

You can start on your own. The following collections of video tutorials are suitable:

2. Programming in Roblox in Lua for children 9–14 years old

“I think it’s worth starting with Lua. It is the simplest if the context is comparison with other text languages. You can try Scratch, but it is more suitable for very young children who primarily need to develop logical thinking. And this is not a full-fledged programming language, but a means of preparing the foundations for further training. The choice in favor of Lua, in my opinion, is obvious: the similarity with Python, simple syntax, and the ability to combine with Roblox are serious arguments.”

A. Dorofeeva, teacher

Roblox is an online gaming platform where children and teenagers can create their own games, share them, communicate and just have fun. The first helps with the Lua language, which is used in Roblox for programming.

Knowledge of Lua:

  • Will help your child get closer to writing graphical interfaces (like in Adobe Lightroom), extensions for games and level coding (like in Garry's Mod);

  • It will lay the foundation for further study of the same Python using free lessons or courses.

Here are some educational playlists that will help you take your first steps:

3. Python programming for children and teenagers from 9 to 14 years old

We talked about Python at the very beginning and gave examples in the form of opinions of experienced teachers who know everything about working with children and adolescents. Therefore, we would like to note the following facts about the language:

  • Versatility. Using Python, web projects are created, programs for machine learning, and scripts for automating routine tasks are written. The language is also used for creating games, coding artificial intelligence and more;

  • Simple syntax. We agree that in the context of teaching adolescents this point may be controversial. However, there are many free online courses, books and tutorials dedicated to this language. They will help you take your first steps and make a decision about full-time training if you like the topic;

  • Career prospects. At the age of 9–14 it is too early to talk about them, but if you approach the upper limit and remember that this is the moment when a child enters the stage of professional self-determination and choice, then we can note that learning Python, even from scratch, is a good choice.

If you want to start on your own, these training videos will help:

4. Programming in C# and development on the Unity engine at 10–14 years old

C# is a complex language. But getting to know it can be simplified as much as possible if you use Unity, a game engine on which even children can learn to create:

The engine is promising: it is even used in industry (Industry package). Combined with C#, this environment becomes an excellent tool for teaching children how to code and develop.

At Pixel School, we believe that the Unity engine has a low barrier to entry, which makes it ideal for getting to know the C Sharp language. The fact is that it is more of a constructor than a complex professional tool like Unreal Engine.

So, during independent studies or in lessons with a teacher you will:

  • Assemble games from objects formed by simple components. The latter determine the actions of a specific virtual character, object or phenomenon;

  • Script simple and complex game worlds using C#. It is necessary for programming logic and other important points.

Video tutorials dedicated to:

5. Web development for children 12 years and older

“I think JavaScript is good for a beginner teenager. To do this, a couple of simple steps are enough: you need to open the browser and go to development mode. At the same time, my choice is not accidental: JS is in demand among online game developers, when creating and maintaining websites. You can find various libraries designed to solve different problems. In terms of ease of comprehension for children aged 12 years and older, this language is superior to some analogues, which makes it a good option.”

S. Ilyin, teacher

Web development is another in-demand and popular area. If you decide to master it, then first of all you should study HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The first tool is a hypertext markup language, the second is a tool for describing the appearance of web documents. This is not about programming, which cannot be said about JavaScript – a full-fledged tool designed for coding.

Let's not delve into theory and note the practical benefits: if the direction captivates the child, he will be able to go further and learn how to implement complex projects. This:

  • Creation and support of the client part of a website (frontend). The code here becomes a means of implementing a design idea and intended functionality. This is where the languages ​​listed above will be needed, as well as mastering advanced libraries;

  • Creation of the server part of web resources (backend). In this sense, a web developer is a specialist who works with important functions. This is, say, authorization on a website, payment processing, automation of assortment management in an online store and more.

Help you take your first steps a selection of videos for self-study in the direction of web development.

And we want to sum it up and, in concluding the conditional rating of programming areas for teenagers, ask the question: do you teach your children to write code and if so, what tools, environments and languages ​​do you use?

Material prepared by the programming school Pixel. We teach modern children who are passionate about IT to competently use programming languages ​​and develop games and websites.

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