Cheat sheet with commands for Windows, Linux and macOS (Terminal, VirtualEnv and Git)

You often have to switch between different operating systems while working. In order not to remember a lot of commands, I use a cheat sheet with basic commands, which I decided to share with you.

In it you will find basic commands for working in the terminal of Windows, Linux and macOS. Basic commands for working with Systemctl, VirtualEnv and Git are also described.

Basic Commands

Deleting a folder


rmdir /s /q папка_для_удаления

Linux and macOS:

rm -rf папка_для_удаления

Creating a folder


mkdir новая_папка

Linux and macOS:

mkdir новая_папка

Creating a virtual python environment via venv


python -m venv venv

Linux and macOS:

python3 -m venv venv

Python virtual environment via venv

venv on Windows comes out of the box. To install on Linux and macOS, you may need to enter the following commands:

sudo apt install -y python3-venv
sudo apt install -y build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev

Activation on Windows:


Activation on Linux and macOS:

source venv/bin/activate

Deactivation (Linux, macOS and Windows):


Git Commands

Initiating a Git repository

git init

Linking a remote repository

git remote add origin ссылка_на_репозиторий

Unlinking the repository

git remote rm origin ссылка_на_репозиторий

Linking another repository

git remote set-url origin

Setting the default branch

git config --global init.defaultBranch main

Cloning a repository

git clone ссылка_на_репозиторий

View repository status

git status

Adding files to the index

git add имя_файла_или_папки

Commit changes

git commit -m "сообщение коммита"

Updating the local repository (pull)

git pull origin main

Sending changes to a remote repository (push)

git push origin main

Create a new branch and switch to it

git checkout -b новая_ветка

View a list of branches

git branch

Switch to an existing branch

git checkout имя_ветки

Merging branches

git merge имя_ветки

Creating a GitHub repository via the command line

To do this you need to use the GitHub CLI. First install it and then run the following commands:

Installing GitHub CLI

Windows (via winget):

winget install --id GitHub.cli

macOS (via Homebrew):

brew install gh

Linux (via package manager):

Example for Ubuntu:

sudo apt install gh

Authorization in GitHub CLI

gh auth login

Creating a repository

Public repository:

gh repo create имя_репозитория --public

Private repository:

gh repo create имя_репозитория --private

Other Useful Shell Commands

View the contents of the current directory



Linux and macOS:


Switching directory

cd путь_к_папке

Copying files


copy исходный_файл целевой_файл

Linux and macOS:

cp исходный_файл целевой_файл

Moving files


move исходный_файл целевой_файл

Linux and macOS:

mv исходный_файл целевой_файл

Outputting file contents


type имя_файла

Linux and macOS:

cat имя_файла

Creating and editing files


echo текст > имя_файла
notepad имя_файла

Linux and macOS:

echo "текст" > имя_файла
nano имя_файла

Terminal command block for Ubuntu (I use it most often)

Software update and installation

  1. Updating the package list

    sudo apt update

    This command updates the list of available packages and their versions, but does not install or update any packages.

  2. Updating installed packages

    sudo apt upgrade

    This command updates all installed packages to the newest versions that are available in the repositories.

  3. Installing packages

    sudo apt install <имя_пакета>

    This command installs the specified package. For example, to install the Firefox browser, run:

    sudo apt install firefox
  4. Removing packages

    sudo apt remove <имя_пакета>

    This command removes the specified package but retains its configuration files.

  5. Complete removal of packages

    sudo apt purge <имя_пакета>

    This command removes the specified package along with its configuration files.

  6. Cleaning up unnecessary packages

    sudo apt autoremove

    This command removes unnecessary packages that were installed as dependencies and are no longer required.

System Services Management

  1. Starting the service

    sudo systemctl start <имя_службы>

    This command starts the specified service. For example:

    sudo systemctl start apache2
  2. Stopping a service

    sudo systemctl stop <имя_службы>
  3. Restarting the service

    sudo systemctl restart <имя_службы>
  4. Checking service status

    sudo systemctl status <имя_службы>
  5. Enable the service at boot

    sudo systemctl enable <имя_службы>
  6. Disabling a service at boot

    sudo systemctl disable <имя_службы>

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