Chat blindness

I have chats in my cart for work. I have WhatsApp chats about children’s school issues and personal communication issues. The Viber chat was for English classes. Chat on VK is entertainment.

The cart is on my work laptop. WhatsApp – on the phone. VK both here and there.

As a result, I developed “chat blindness.” Similar to banner blindness.

I recently removed the sound and color alerts in the cart. After that I began to feel better. I missed some pretty important messages. But in general, I myself know which chats are primary for me and I check them myself regularly. Several times the manager and clients called me on the phone. But in general, all important business processes were carried out without failures.

This evening I was thinking about the phenomenon of “chat blindness”. The abundance of incoming messages causes irritation. To be honest, so is the abundance of vague opinions. And I had a desire to overcome chat blindness. And also – to participate in the system of filtering/sifting opinions to the level of intelligibility. Opinion must also mature/go through a journey.

How to do it – overcome chat blindness?

I want to create a telegram channel. I understand that he will fall into the field of chat blindness. He will be one of millions. And I have the illusion that we need to move towards simple text and a simple expression of meaning, without capslocks and emoticons, without giggles. Visually, it seems a bit boring: just text movement. But I pay attention to accounts that “write well”, that are content-oriented, that I like to read short insight posts. Like, I felt and understood. It is no coincidence that my post on VK: “I never get tired of watching the fire burn, the water flow and the robot vacuum cleaner work” seems to have received the most likes.

In general, a lot of videos are planned for this channel. The channel will be about sports and why it is needed when sitting at the computer for a long time. I don’t know how the video works, there’s also a lot of bright flashes in it and it stops standing out.

The functionality is a good corrector of “chat blindness”. When VK inclusion begins to talk about how to read better, introduce a black topic. That's another question. There should be more of this. An innovative, bold look at human behavior patterns in chats.

But the endless tinkling of new messages is not convenient, and it causes blindness.

My strategy is to create a channel. And make it interesting and useful. It's funny to me. It’s as if all these millions of telegram channels were created according to a different strategy.

I’ll close my eyes and try to imagine myself inside the chats. How is it more convenient for me to behave there? How to feel in order to read messages that are important to me, in order to find the meaning I am looking for. And limit yourself from unnecessary things?

Just find those who are interested, communicate with them sincerely, regularly, and you will have to sympathize, be interested, and root for them along with those who read you. Search within yourself and boldly broadcast it. Be real. Compete with GPT, be original.

A clear opinion is the way! Let's drink to that)

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