C # Implementations in C # .NET

Hello, Habr! In anticipation of the start of the course “C # ASP.NET Core Developer”, prepared a translation of interesting material on the implementation of the cache in C #. Enjoy reading.

One of the most commonly used patterns in software development is caching. It is a simple and, at the same time, very effective concept. The idea is to reuse the results of operations performed. After performing a time-consuming operation, we save the result in our cache container. The next time we need this result, we will extract it from the cache container, instead of having to perform a laborious operation again.

For example, to get a user avatar, you may have to request it from the database. Instead of executing the request with each call, we will save this avatar in the cache, extracting it from memory every time you need it.

Caching is great for data that changes infrequently. Or, ideally, they never change. Data that is constantly changing, for example, the current time, should not be cached, otherwise you run the risk of getting incorrect results.

Local cache, persistent local cache, and distributed cache.

There are 3 types of caches:

  • In-Memory Cache is used for cases when you just need to implement the cache in one process. When a process dies, the cache dies with it. If you are running the same process on multiple servers, you will have a separate cache for each server.
  • Persistent in-process cache – this is when you back up the cache outside the process memory. It can be located in a file or in a database. It is more complex than the cache in memory, but if your process restarts, the cache is not flushed. Best suited for cases where getting a cached item is expensive and your process tends to restart frequently.
  • Distributed Cache – this is when you need a shared cache for multiple machines. Usually these are several servers. The distributed cache is stored in an external service. This means that if one server has retained a cache element, other servers can also use it. Services like RedisGreat for this.

We will only talk about local cache.

Primitive implementation

Let’s start by creating a very simple cache implementation in C #:

public class NaiveCache
    Dictionary _cache = new Dictionary();
    public TItem GetOrCreate(object key, Func createItem)
        if (!_cache.ContainsKey(key))
            _cache[key] = createItem();
        return _cache[key];


var _avatarCache = new NaiveCache();
// ...
var myAvatar = _avatarCache.GetOrCreate(userId, () => _database.GetAvatar(userId));

This simple code solves an important problem. To get a user avatar, only the first request will be the actual request from the database. Avatar Details (byte []) by the result of the request are stored in the process memory. All subsequent avatar requests will retrieve it from memory, saving time and resources.

But, like most things in programming, things are not so simple. The above implementation is not a good solution for a number of reasons. On the one hand, this implementation is not thread safe. When used from multiple threads, exceptions may occur. In addition, cached items will remain in memory forever, which is actually very bad.

This is why we should remove items from the cache:

  1. A cache can start to take up a lot of memory, which ultimately leads to exceptions due to its shortage and crashes.
  2. High memory consumption can lead to memory pressure (also known as Gc pressure) In this state, the garbage collector works much more than it should, which reduces performance.
  3. The cache may need to be updated when data changes. Our caching infrastructure must support this feature.

To solve these problems, frameworks exist crowding out policies (also known as removal policies – Eviction / Removal policies) These are the rules for removing items from the cache according to the given logic. Among the common removal policies are the following:

  • Absolute Expiration Policy, which removes an item from the cache after a fixed period of time, no matter what.
  • Sliding Expiration Policy, which deletes an item from the cache if it has not been accessed for a certain period of time. That is, if I set the expiration time to 1 minute, the item will remain in the cache while I use it every 30 seconds. If I do not use it for more than a minute, the item will be deleted.
  • Size Limit Policy, which will limit the size of the cache.

Now that we’ve figured out everything we need, let’s move on to better solutions.

Better Solutions

To my great disappointment as a blogger, Microsoft has already created a wonderful cache implementation. This deprived me of the pleasure of creating a similar implementation myself, but at least the writing of this article is also less.

I will show you a Microsoft solution, how to use it effectively, and then how to improve it for some scenarios.

System.Runtime.Caching / MemoryCache vs Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory

Microsoft has 2 solutions, 2 different NuGet caching packages. Both are great. According to recommendations Microsoft is preferable to use Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memorybecause it integrates better with Asp. NET Core. It can be easy to implement into Asp .NET Core dependency injection mechanism.

Here is a simple example with Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory:

public class SimpleMemoryCache
    private MemoryCache _cache = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions());
    public TItem GetOrCreate(object key, Func createItem)
        TItem cacheEntry;
        if (!_cache.TryGetValue(key, out cacheEntry)) // Ищем ключ в кэше.
            // Ключ отсутствует в кэше, поэтому получаем данные.
            cacheEntry = createItem();
            // Сохраняем данные в кэше. 
            _cache.Set(key, cacheEntry);
        return cacheEntry;


var _avatarCache = new SimpleMemoryCache();
// ...
var myAvatar = _avatarCache.GetOrCreate(userId, () => _database.GetAvatar(userId));

It is very reminiscent of my own NaiveCacheso what has changed? Well, firstly, this thread safe implementation. You can safely call it from multiple threads at once.

Secondly, MemoryCache takes into account everything crowding out policiesthat we talked about earlier. Here is an example:

IMemoryCache with Extrusion Policies:

public class MemoryCacheWithPolicy
    private MemoryCache _cache = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions()
        SizeLimit = 1024
    public TItem GetOrCreate(object key, Func createItem)
        TItem cacheEntry;
        if (!_cache.TryGetValue(key, out cacheEntry))// Ищем ключ в кэше.
            // Ключ отсутствует в кэше, поэтому получаем данные. 
            cacheEntry = createItem();
            var cacheEntryOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()
         	.SetSize(1)//Значение размера
         	// Приоритет на удаление при достижении предельного размера (давления на память)
                // Храним в кэше в течении этого времени, сбрасываем время при обращении.
                // Удаляем из кэша по истечении этого времени, независимо от скользящего таймера.
            // Сохраняем данные в кэше.
            _cache.Set(key, cacheEntry, cacheEntryOptions);
        return cacheEntry;

Let’s analyze the new elements:

  1. In MemoryCacheOptions has been added SizeLimit. This adds a size limit policy to our cache container. The cache does not have a mechanism for measuring the size of records. Therefore, we need to set the size of each cache entry. In this case, we set the size to 1 each time with SetSize(1). This means that our cache will have a limit of 1024 elements.
  2. What cache element should be deleted when we reach the cache size limit? You can set priority with .SetPriority (CacheItemPriority.High). Priority levels are as follows: Low, Normal, High and NeverRemove (Cannot be deleted).
  3. SetSlidingExpiration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)) sets sliding element life equal to 2 seconds. This means that if the item has not been accessed for more than 2 seconds, it will be deleted.
  4. SetAbsoluteExpiration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)) sets absolute element lifetime equal to 10 seconds. This means that the item will be deleted within 10 seconds if it has not yet been removed.

In addition to the options in the example, you can also set a delegate RegisterPostEvictionCallbackwhich will be called when the item is deleted.

This is a fairly wide range of functions, but, nevertheless, we need to think about whether there is anything else to add. There are actually a couple of things.

Problems and missing features

There are several important parts missing from this implementation.

  1. While you can set a size limit, caching does not actually control memory pressure. If we monitored, we could tighten policy with high pressure and weaken policy with low.
  2. When requesting the same element by multiple threads at the same time, the requests do not wait for the completion of the first request. The item will be created several times. For example, suppose we cache an avatar, and getting an avatar from the database takes 10 seconds. If we request an avatar 2 seconds after the first request, it will check whether this avatar is cached (not yet) and initiate another request to the database.

Regarding the first problem pressure on gc: pressure on gc can be controlled by several methods and heuristics. This post is not about that, but you can read my article. “Finding, repairing, and preventing memory leaks in C # .NET: 8 best practices”to learn about some useful methods.

The second problem is easier to solve.. Actually, here is the implementation MemoryCache, which completely solves it:

public class WaitToFinishMemoryCache
    private MemoryCache _cache = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions());
    private ConcurrentDictionary _locks = new ConcurrentDictionary();
    public async Task GetOrCreate(object key, Func> createItem)
        TItem cacheEntry;
        if (!_cache.TryGetValue(key, out cacheEntry))// Ищем ключ в кэше.
            SemaphoreSlim mylock = _locks.GetOrAdd(key, k => new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1));
            await mylock.WaitAsync();
                if (!_cache.TryGetValue(key, out cacheEntry))
                    // Ключ отсутствует в кэше, поэтому получаем данные.
                    cacheEntry = await createItem();
                    _cache.Set(key, cacheEntry);
        return cacheEntry;


var _avatarCache = new WaitToFinishMemoryCache();
// ...
var myAvatar =
await _avatarCache.GetOrCreate(userId, async () => await _database.GetAvatar(userId));

In this implementation, when you try to get an element, if the same element is already in the process of being created by another thread, you will wait until the first thread completes. Then you will get an already cached item created by another thread.

Code parsing

This implementation blocks the creation of an element. Locking occurs on a key. For example, if we are waiting for Alexey’s avatar, we can still get the cached values ​​of Zhenya or Barbara in another thread.

In dictionary _locks all locks are stored. Normal locks do not work with async/awaitso we need to use SemaphoreSlim.

There are 2 checks to check if a value is already cached if (!_Cache.TryGetValue(key, out cacheEntry)). The one in the lock is the one that provides the only creation of the element. One that is outside of the lock, for optimization.

When to use WaitToFinishMemoryCache

This implementation obviously has some overhead. Let’s look at when it is relevant.

Use WaitToFinishMemoryCachewhen:

  • When the creation time of an item has any value, and you want to minimize the number of creations as much as possible.
  • When the time to create an item is very long.
  • When an item must be created once for each key.

Do not use WaitToFinishMemoryCachewhen:

  • There is no danger that multiple threads will gain access to the same cache element.
  • You are not categorically against creating elements more than once. For example, if one additional query to the database does not greatly affect anything.


Caching is a very powerful pattern. And also it is also dangerous and has its pitfalls. Cache too much and you can cause pressure on the GC. Cache too little and you can cause performance issues. There is also distributed caching, which represents a whole new world to explore. This is software development, there is always something new that can be mastered.

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you’re interested in memory management, my next article will focus on the dangers of pressure on the GC and how to prevent it, so subscribe. Enjoy your coding.

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